Author Topic: Does it feel weird to own more media than you'll ever have time to consume?  (Read 3025 times)

What is it like to own hundreds/thousands of games or blu rays?


I'll repeat what I said in the last post when we talked about this. I know I'm never going to play and beat/unlock things and master every game before I die, but I have them in case I don't die for a while, but most of my time lately is spent on music in which I have even more of than my games.

I collect for games and music,

Why don't you buy and play more games @Seether? Do you like music @Seether? after all your VGC name is the same exact name as a decent modern metal band? Or are you a movie person who prefers movies instead of video games or music? :-\

 I haven't bought any games recently because music gives me more enjoyment and is a lot cheaper in most cases :-\

I am not talking back I really want to know why you always seem depressed on most of the forum collectors a lot of the time

I am not rich either in fact the only reason why I got so much was because I got it for a discount prices or gifts.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 04:55:01 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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It's really great. Because I am a collector and am proud of the collections I have and grow. I try and make progress and watch all my movies and play my games a little bit at a time. Every saturday I have a pizza & movie night and pick a movie from my basement library.

It's more than about being able to play everything I own; it's also about owning pieces of history that represent a bygone era of gaming. Going along with that, it feels good to preserve a copy of really any game in my collection and also it makes me happy to have the games I own. And of course, I intend on playing every game in my collection someday, even if I'm not actually able to do so in my lifetime.

It's great- I love seeing people's reactions when they say "oh, remember this game? I'd love to play it again someday", and then I just got pop it in like it ain't a big thing. I love when I'm broke & can't buy new titles, but it's fine becuase I can go through my own collection like I'm browsing a game store where everything is free. And someday when I'm gone, either a family member is going to inherit one heck of a collection, or some guy will be posting on whatever the future version of this site is saying "GREATEST ESTATE SALE EVER!"

I mean, the space thing is a bit of a bummer, but that's not a big deal in the long run.


I don't see any contradictions either...
I also own hundreds of books that I know that I will never finish reading, but it is necessary for my profession (as a university teacher) to have them all right at hand when needed.
The same happens with games. I know they are not as important for my job or my personal growth as my books and that I could buy a game only when I felt the need to play it, but it is good being able to access so many games whenever I can. Especially when you take into consideration how their prices are scaling up quickly...


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It's more than about being able to play everything I own; it's also about owning pieces of history that represent a bygone era of gaming. Going along with that, it feels good to preserve a copy of really any game in my collection and also it makes me happy to have the games I own. And of course, I intend on playing every game in my collection someday, even if I'm not actually able to do so in my lifetime.
this goes for me too but not only just for me but my collection is also enjoyed by my son's also and hopefully their son's and daughter's after that.


Without trying to be inconsiderate, I could care less. I’ve made peace knowing I [most likely] won’t play all the games I own, especially considering I’ve been neglecting them for the longest time now. It so happens I’m a professional procrastinator, plus I like collecting stuff, so there’s that.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Not really.



Re: Does it feel weird to own more media than you'll ever have time to consume?
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2019, 01:59:07 am »
Not in the slightest.


Re: Does it feel weird to own more media than you'll ever have time to consume?
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2019, 11:45:13 am »
I see my collecting being like the modern day library you see in old movies. My plan is to have a gameroom with wall-to-wall shelves of games, and collector's items. I did tell my wife that if I die early, then have my best friend help her sell the games at the best prices. If I die of old age, then my sons will split the collection.

Even though I do buy games pretty regularly I plan on completing every game I own. Maybe not 100% (some games have unobtainable online trophies), but I aim to complete the main story.

Re: Does it feel weird to own more media than you'll ever have time to consume?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2019, 12:24:14 pm »
Bad. Just awful.

Re: Does it feel weird to own more media than you'll ever have time to consume?
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2019, 12:27:49 pm »
I only own games that I enjoy though and there is a lot of things that bother me.


Re: Does it feel weird to own more media than you'll ever have time to consume?
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2019, 03:25:22 pm »
Really depends as far as retro games go

I mean last weekend I finished up a bunch of master system games such as ninja gaiden etc.

Most games can be finished in a couple of hours to be fair.

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