Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 307677 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2460 on: July 23, 2024, 09:09:22 pm »
Rocketman - It gets big props for the fun and flamboyant musical sequences and Taron Edgerton's performance is killer, but aside from those two things it is still just another musical biopic.  A kind of flatly directed one at that.

Critters - It's not like poorly made or anything, but the script isn't all that good and it doesn't lean into the right aspects of its concept.  It's got its charms and does a lot with what few resources they had.

Before Sunrise - This a wonderful watch, but I can't help but feel that it's a tad overwritten - almost like a stage play.  Hawke doesn't seem 100% at home in his skin, here.  He's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but there are moments where his youth and inexperience shine through.  Delpy is flawless, though.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 09:35:54 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2461 on: Today at 12:20:47 am »
Land of Bad - Felt in the mood for something kinda basic, so settled on this action thriller mostly because I saw a clip of it on TikTok once lol It's okay, kinda standard action thriller, small squad with an air force member to run communications to a drone crew go to extract an asset, things go bad, fight for survival.  The drone crew element is a little more standout, Russell Crowe is an aging Captain still doing the job.  Overall it's fine, nothing too standout, a couple cool shots they did with slow motion and drones added a little extra flare to some of the action, but definitely one of those movies you'd normally only watch back in the day because it was something you found on TV one afternoon lol

The Covenant - Picked another military movie, this one not completely different in concept to what Land of Bad was, a group of soldiers put into a bad situation and forced to fight for survival, though this is tackling a more realistic premise and being set in Afghanistan.  It's pretty good, the drama was well done, the two leads were solid, I'd recommend this one if you like these types of movies.
« Last Edit: Today at 03:13:54 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2462 on: Today at 08:56:22 pm »
Predators - A concept this good shouldn't be this boring, and the twist just doesn't really work.  It's not awful, but the script is poor, and the action is pretty anemic.