I mostly watched it for the new Smash character rumor and the possibility of them showing off the Pokemon Sword/Shield starter evolutions. Here are my thoughts and what I enjoyed.
Terry is Smash is really cool! He has never been one of my goto characters in any SNK fighting game he's been in, but having SNK characters join Smash opens up a ton of amazing prospects for new characters that may end up joining. His reveal trailer was hilarious too and I laughed very hard at it.
The Pokemon portion actually ended up being my least favorite part of the direct. First off one of the two new pokemon they revealed looks stupid as hell. I really wish Nintendo would drop the whole inanimate objects as Pokemon gimmick; they're almost invariably dumb. And the other Pokemon was okay. I'm sure there will be at least one more official Pokemon news dump where I'll get to see the starter evolutions, but that the direct did little to get me more hyped for the next game.
I've never been a big Animal Crossing fan so the 5-minutes they devoted to that made my eyes glaze over. I'm however happy for everyone else that does care about this franchise that they got a lot of news on this.
Regarding the other announcements, the ones that stood out the most are Doom 64 on the Switch which is just amazing! Other than that I wasn't that too excited about much else they announced in the way of ports and new games on the Switch...except one.
I was one of those crazy people that went insane when they brought Xenoblade Chronicles (as well as Pandora's Tower and The Last Story) to the US. I began playing it right after it came out, but sadly never finished it due to a lot going on in my life around the time I reached the last 10% of the game. But the other 90% of the game was the best new JRPG I'd played in probably a decade. It's an incredible game, and it's been my goal to complete it eventually. When they announced the Definitive Edition on the Switch I lost my mind all over again! I am so, SO excited about this game coming out next year and it will absolutely be a day one purchase!
Overall this was an above average Direct; I feel like I'm left feeling wanting and am disappointed at the end of most of them. There were some disappointing parts about this Direct, but overall it was one of the better ones I've watched. Making me happy to be a Switch owner