Author Topic: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)  (Read 6801 times)

Hello everyone :)

Sometimes the world works in magical ways, and we are placed in positions where we can meet the people we idolized our whole lives or people with a lot of star power who have been a intricate part of our childhoods.  For better or worst depending on how nice they are.  It can be a monumental memory you never forget :).

  I really thought it'd be fun to hear all the awesome stories of the events (Conventions, Shows and Meet Ups) you guys have gone to and the type of faces you've seen.  I know so many celebrities pour into some of the comic cons and video game expos. I know many people have met James Rolfe.  I wish I could meet him soon.  I always miss the events he's at.  I like him a lot.  Does anyone have any stories of James or other celebrities both big and small?

I have never met a celebrity before but I will be really soon,  In November I will be going to a meet and greet with some of the cast of Stranger Things.  Millie Bobby Brown specifically is A-List so i'm nervous.  But also Pretty excited :D.  It will be a chance to conquer some of my fears of popular people.  If I make an ass of myself it'll still be an experience. 

As for celebrities i've seen but not met.  I've seen Donald Trump once.  I've seen Anthony Moran who played Michael Myers in Halloween.  He was at Salem, MA during their big halloween festival they do every year.  I've chatted with YouTuber Lael Hansen on facetime who is actually pretty friendly.  She's extremely nice.  One of the nicest people i've talked to.   Even with as big as she's grown popularity wise.  She's still always open to talk.   And I have been sort of friends with her since 2015.   

Have you ever met a celebrity or popular person?   How was the experience?    Were you extremely nervous going in or were you not worried at all?   

Thanks for sharing all your stories.   :)

Most want to meet celebrities

Mr. Miyamoto
James Rolfe
Joe Rogan
Lil Wayne
Bill Gates
Jay Leno

Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2019, 04:26:49 pm »
I’ve met tons from all over the gamut, so here’s a short list - I’ll post some stories later when I’m not on my phone

Stan Lee
Billy West (Futurama)
Rob Paulsen (Animaniacs)
Doug Jones (Hellboy, Star Trek: Discovery)
Sketch McQuainor (Squidbillies)
Peter David (Novelist & Comic Writer)
Brandt Cooley (Dragonball Super outro)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 04:28:51 pm by Cartagia »

Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2019, 04:47:39 pm »
Seen a few celebrities/notable individuals, met a couple at the few cons I've gone to, but not many.  I got to meet Jonathan Franks for an autograph years ago (Riker from Star Trek) and I got to talk a little with D.C. Douglas who notably did the voice of Wesker from Resident Evil who was real nice.  I got him to sign my copy of Resident Evil 5 that I still have.  Think that was back in 2012 or around there.  Met Egoraptor/Arin Hansen from Game Grumps before I think that even took off, while also meeting the Nostalgia Critic, though that's now something I don't look back fondly on with how bad things went with him lol

There's plenty of folks I'd love to meet, but I'd love to specifically meet Jim Cummings at some point.  Man was the voice of my childhood with all the Disney Afternoon stuff like Tailspin, Darkwing Duck, so many others and he even did modern stuff I loved like the Splatterhouse reboot (I know it gets a bad rap, but having Jim Cummings swearing his way through the game as the mask was a treat).  Plenty of others that would be amazing to meet for sure, but he's way up there.  I could think of a few others like John Dimaggio and Rob Paulsen for sure, voice actors in a particular are a big one for me with how big of a part they've played in my life with cartoons and video games.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 04:57:51 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2019, 05:28:25 pm »
I had the privilege of performing in a concert with Jeremy Irons a couple years ago.
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Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2019, 06:39:33 pm »
I've lived in the Denver area most of my life and have ran into John Elway numerous times throughout my life. The guy is honestly a douche, but still there's one. Speaking of other famous athletes, I've met several others over the years that have played for various pro sports teams in Colorado.

The only movie/TV celeb I've ever met was Adam West. I was in Vegas for a wedding in 2004 and we ran into him at the Venetian. Really nice guy.

Here's a bonus one even though I doubt anyone, including me, really knows who he is. I used to work at Target during college on the Sales Floor and one evening a guy and girl approached me asking where something was (can't remember what). I told them where it was and then the girl asked if we had the new Frey CD; this was back in 2005 so whatever their new album was at that time, I'm not a fan. I told her that I didn't know, but pointed them towards electronics. The girl then said, "do you know who he is?" pointing to the guy she was with. I looked at him and said no, feeling bad that I didn't since she seemed to assume that I should know. She then informed me that he was the drummer for the Frey, which I then nodded and tried to act star struck despite not giving a crap. So yeah, met him too.


Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2019, 06:43:31 pm »
I've met a few, not many though.
• I met Luke Wilson at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant when he was filming something here in Colorado, very nice down-to-earth guy.
• I met John Heard (you probably know him as the guy who played Kevin's dad in Home Alone) on a plane in 2006 when I was little. He passed away in 2017 but he was a very nice man. He had long hair and a beard at the time but my Dad recognized him.
• I met Mike Judge, (the guy who created King of the Hill / Beavis & Butthead / Office Space & Idiocracy) he was a very nice individual.
• I met John Elway once (I live in Colorado), I didn't really know what to say to him so I shook his hand and that was about it.
I was never really nervous because I met these people organically, not at some con or something like that. I would like to meet a ton of celebrities, but I don't go out my way to do it.

"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2019, 07:19:11 pm »
I've lived in the Denver area most of my life and have ran into John Elway numerous times throughout my life. The guy is honestly a douche, but still there's one. Speaking of other famous athletes, I've met several others over the years that have played for various pro sports teams in Colorado.

The only movie/TV celeb I've ever met was Adam West. I was in Vegas for a wedding in 2004 and we ran into him at the Venetian. Really nice guy.

Here's a bonus one even though I doubt anyone, including me, really knows who he is. I used to work at Target during college on the Sales Floor and one evening a guy and girl approached me asking where something was (can't remember what). I told them where it was and then the girl asked if we had the new Frey CD; this was back in 2005 so whatever their new album was at that time, I'm not a fan. I told her that I didn't know, but pointed them towards electronics. The girl then said, "do you know who he is?" pointing to the guy she was with. I looked at him and said no, feeling bad that I didn't since she seemed to assume that I should know. She then informed me that he was the drummer for the Frey, which I then nodded and tried to act star struck despite not giving a crap. So yeah, met him too.

Lmao  ;D.    I love how she asked for her boyfriends CD just as a segway to display that he's famous to the cashiers at a target lol.  Reminds me of an SNL skit.  She's a keeper :).   

I never heard of them either but with a quick google it appears they have gone double platinum and they made that song "How to save a life"  that plays in every CVS from here to Nebraska lol.   Huge song.  Pretty neat.    Sad the band's name isn't quite as famous as the song. 

Adam West must have been amazing to meet.  Sad he is gone so soon :(    Did he talk with you too?  I hear he is funny and really nice.

You mentioned you lived in Denver and met a few other pro sports figures.  Did you ever meet Shannon Sharpe by any chance?  He's pretty famous. 

Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2019, 10:03:51 pm »
All the celebrities I've come in contact with have been hand shakes, autograph signings or photo ops. I've never actually hung out or had a conversation with any.

I really enjoy stand-up comedy, so most of the celebrities I've seen (shook hands, got an autograph etc.) fall into that category.

I went to many A's signings in the mid 2000's.

The only person I've seen outside the comedian or sports realm is Todd McFarlane at a convention promoting the new Spiderman comics after his Amazing Spiderman run.

Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2019, 11:50:01 pm »
I've lived in the Denver area most of my life and have ran into John Elway numerous times throughout my life. The guy is honestly a douche, but still there's one. Speaking of other famous athletes, I've met several others over the years that have played for various pro sports teams in Colorado.

The only movie/TV celeb I've ever met was Adam West. I was in Vegas for a wedding in 2004 and we ran into him at the Venetian. Really nice guy.

Here's a bonus one even though I doubt anyone, including me, really knows who he is. I used to work at Target during college on the Sales Floor and one evening a guy and girl approached me asking where something was (can't remember what). I told them where it was and then the girl asked if we had the new Frey CD; this was back in 2005 so whatever their new album was at that time, I'm not a fan. I told her that I didn't know, but pointed them towards electronics. The girl then said, "do you know who he is?" pointing to the guy she was with. I looked at him and said no, feeling bad that I didn't since she seemed to assume that I should know. She then informed me that he was the drummer for the Frey, which I then nodded and tried to act star struck despite not giving a crap. So yeah, met him too.

Lmao  ;D .    I love how she asked for her boyfriends CD just as a segway to display that he's famous to the cashiers at a target lol.  Reminds me of an SNL skit.  She's a keeper :) .   

I never heard of them either but with a quick google it appears they have gone double platinum and they made that song "How to save a life"  that plays in every CVS from here to Nebraska lol.   Huge song.  Pretty neat.    Sad the band's name isn't quite as famous as the song. 

Adam West must have been amazing to meet.  Sad he is gone so soon :(    Did he talk with you too?  I hear he is funny and really nice.

You mentioned you lived in Denver and met a few other pro sports figures.  Did you ever meet Shannon Sharpe by any chance?  He's pretty famous.

The Frey was a huge band in the mid-2000s and they are all from Colorado. They've never been my type of music, but yeah they were everywhere for like a year in 2005 when I ran into the drummer and his girlfriend.

It was very brief, but yeah I did. He was getting off the gondola they have in the hotel and my mom actually spotted him and said hello to him. He said hello to us, asked us what our names were, and we told him we were there for a wedding. He told us to tell the bride and groom (bride was my older sister) congrats and that was pretty much it. He was very friendly and easy to talk to. I knew him through Family Guy more than his previous work in Batman or anything else, but that alone made it a really cool experience for me.

I've never met Shannon Sharp, but have spoke to Ed McAfree. I've also met Joe Sakic who was the captain of the Avalanche for years, and is one of the greatest hockey players of all time. I've also met less famous former Avalanche players like Adam Foote and Mike Ricci as well. I've met Larry Walker who used to be a really good player on the Rockies in the 90s too. I was in elementary school when I met him when I was with my dad; I remember him being super chill and just ultra cool. My dad and him were chatting like they were old friends or something.


Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2019, 01:38:54 am »
I was standing in line at Walgreens when I noticed two individuals in front of me, this was around 2001, It was Michael Stipe, and Mike Mills of the band R.E.M. The follow day I remember picking-up a newspaper confirming they were in my city.


Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2019, 09:52:22 am »
I have previous experience in the music industry and have met lots of people. They are just regular folks and really I could not be bothered with making a big deal out of it.

Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2019, 10:37:34 am »
I've met plenty of celebrities at cons and the like, but the only one I've met "in the wild" is Chuck Norris. I competed in a lot of high-level martial arts competitions when I was younger, and the head of the school I trained at was friends with him, so I've had dinner with him a couple times.


Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2019, 12:23:22 pm »
Never met anyone but I've seen some in person. Saw the Impractical Jokers live, once. I've seen some political candidates and former politicians in person. Not really celebrities, but I've seen some of the YouTube gaming personalities at Too Many Games, like James Rolfe, Mike Matei and the Game Chasers among others.


Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2019, 01:39:44 pm »
I won't lie but

People on this forum would not believe the celebrity I ran into more than once. I'll give you guys a hint. He is a religious man probably the most loved celebrity by most Christians. This a public forum so I can't say his name here.

there are a lot of people that impostor this individual and fool with their minds. But this was the real guy. That is all I'm saying :-X
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Re: Have you ever met/seen a celebrity? (Concerts, Shows, Meet and Greets)
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2019, 01:55:53 pm »
I won't lie but

People on this forum would not believe the celebrity I ran into more than once. I'll give you guys a hint. He is a religious man probably the most loved celebrity by most Christians. This a public forum so I can't say his name here.

there are a lot of people that impostor this individual and fool with their minds. But this was the real guy. That is all I'm saying :-X

... Jesus?