Author Topic: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?  (Read 6395 times)

Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2019, 03:50:23 pm »
Has anyone ever played Robocop 1 for the NES, that game I can't even finish the first level boss, That game is not fun at least the NES version I have.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2019, 08:47:08 pm »
Yes, I have it and used to play it fairly often.
IIRC, the key to beating the first level boss is to just punch punch punch as fast as possible when he gets close, that freezes him in place and he can’t retaliate. I used a turbo controller and he was no problem.


Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2019, 09:38:31 am »
A flip side, currently I would say H1Z1. The difficulty is due to the average skill of the playerbase. The fact that it was the first BR, and all that are left playing on that game are the die-hards. Most of the other people interested in BR are on a never-ending BR journey and had left when PUBG was released, then to Fortnite, IoN, Blackout and now Apex Legends.

Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2020, 09:08:26 pm »
Duke Nukem Zero Hour on the Nintendo 64

This game is a 3rd person shooter, the only thing that makes this game somewhat winnable is the fact that you have unlimited lives to complete the single player campaign.

What makes this game so hard for me is the platforming sections, and the enemies. This game has vary long time consuming levels. and they don't have any checkpoints or save areas. in the levels themselves. If you die, you do the whole level over again with only a pistil and limited ammo.

Top that there are boss fights at the end of some levels. right after you play the entire level, if the boss kills you you need to do Both the whole level and boss fight all over again in order to move on.

I only completed this game with cheats, but even with invincibility activated, there are jumps you need to make on some levels or you still die and need to do the entire thing over again.

For those of you interested in playing Duke Nukem Zero Hour on the Nintendo 64. always have a memory card handy so you can at least start off on the levels you get stuck on. Because you probably won't beat this game even with cheating at one play setting.

Part of what making this game so hard is the fact that you have objectives to complete and the levels are deep in depth, even the most hard core gamer will find a challenge at beating Duke Nukem Zero Hour on the Nintendo 64
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 09:11:05 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2020, 01:43:53 pm »

Shadow Tower on PS1.

I really, really want to like this game. It has similar gameplay to the King's Field games, which I adore. But this game is just brutally difficult. It's hard to figure out where to go. The enemies are powerful as hell. Weapons break. There's no normal leveling up, so you can't just grind to get better; you just have to get better armor and weapons (which break).

I've tried to give this one multiple shots because I love the King's Field games so much but are too familiar with them. I end up giving up in frustration every damn time.

Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2020, 02:59:36 pm »
Black Knight Sword
Really nice looking Suda51 game

The game on its own is hard, i finished it and it was hard but fun
The challenge mode is brutal, but i've done it with lots of screaming and hair tearing
Arcade Mode is nigh on impossible, i literally quit gaming for a while because of it

She Wants Me Dead
2D black and white side scrolling platformer, 1 hit kill, and all the traps are played to the beat of the games main theme song.

Again, plenty of fun the first time round when you can take your time and have quite a few goes at it, but then you start looking at the trophies and oh man does it get depressing. Finishing the whole game on a time limit, and finishing the whole thing from start to finish without losing a single life.


Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2020, 06:35:30 am »
SDOJ Inbachi ALL- Game has been out since 2012, but beating the game on one credit ( with this final boss) hasn't been done yet for two big reasons;

1) High entry requirements ( collecting all bee items, can't die at all, can't use any bombs, and a rank of 30+ for shot/laser types or rank of 40+ for expert types)


Besides that, Tatsujin Oh on 1 credit (  original JP version of Truxton II) for all the wrong reasons- small enemies that take way too many hits, a lot of repetitious enemy patterns coupled with long stages, big hitbox, tons of bullets ( especially from stage 3 onwards), nasty bosses, a rank system that makes some bosses impossible on your initial encounter with them, and very nasty checkpoint recovery.   

« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:40:42 am by maximo310 »

Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2020, 07:32:31 am »
SDOJ Inbachi ALL- Game has been out since 2012, but beating the game on one credit ( with this final boss) hasn't been done yet for two big reasons;

1) High entry requirements ( collecting all bee items, can't die at all, can't use any bombs, and a rank of 30+ for shot/laser types or rank of 40+ for expert types)


Besides that, Tatsujin Oh on 1 credit (  original JP version of Truxton II) for all the wrong reasons- small enemies that take way too many hits, a lot of repetitious enemy patterns coupled with long stages, big hitbox, tons of bullets ( especially from stage 3 onwards), nasty bosses, a rank system that makes some bosses impossible on your initial encounter with them, and very nasty checkpoint recovery.

Tatsujin Oh/Truxton 2 sounds difficult in everything, But have you ever tried "Star Solider" for the NES/Famicom? That game has no difficulty setting, it's just extremely hard and that is putting the original Star Solider lightly. I've got the NA version of this game, and it's fun and everything but I never made it past stage 3 on my best run at it.

It's one of those vertical shoot em ups that if you are touched once by any projectile or building you die. But some buildings you can go through no problem.

Sometimes if you are lucky you start from a checkpoint, but with only 3 lives and one hit deaths this game only teases you into playing it more. Also each and every one of the 16 stages has 2 bosses per stage, and if you don't beat the 2nd boss in each and every stage (on a time limit) you need to redo a chunk of the stage over again,

And also each and every time you lose all 3 lives and need to start over the entire game. Then all the enemies have different patterns each and every time you play through this game.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:49:26 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Do you know any games with really hard difficulty?
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2020, 11:38:23 am »
SDOJ Inbachi ALL- Game has been out since 2012, but beating the game on one credit ( with this final boss) hasn't been done yet for two big reasons;

1) High entry requirements ( collecting all bee items, can't die at all, can't use any bombs, and a rank of 30+ for shot/laser types or rank of 40+ for expert types)


Besides that, Tatsujin Oh on 1 credit (  original JP version of Truxton II) for all the wrong reasons- small enemies that take way too many hits, a lot of repetitious enemy patterns coupled with long stages, big hitbox, tons of bullets ( especially from stage 3 onwards), nasty bosses, a rank system that makes some bosses impossible on your initial encounter with them, and very nasty checkpoint recovery.

Tatsujin Oh/Truxton 2 sounds difficult in everything, But have you ever tried "Star Solider" for the NES/Famicom? That game has no difficulty setting, it's just extremely hard and that is putting the original Star Solider lightly. I've got the NA version of this game, and it's fun and everything but I never made it past stage 3 on my best run at it.

It's one of those vertical shoot em ups that if you are touched once by any projectile or building you die. But some buildings you can go through no problem.

Sometimes if you are lucky you start from a checkpoint, but with only 3 lives and one hit deaths this game only teases you into playing it more. Also each and every one of the 16 stages has 2 bosses per stage, and if you don't beat the 2nd boss in each and every stage (on a time limit) you need to redo a chunk of the stage over again,

And also each and every time you lose all 3 lives and need to start over the entire game. Then all the enemies have different patterns each and every time you play through this game.

Love this game. My first shoot-em up. The music, while only a few different tracks, is great. And I love the under/over landscapes trick it uses.

Patterns don't change when you get a game over, though. I have this one memorized. What it does do is change the level some if you die too far into it. But there's only the original version of the stage, and 1 variant. So the variant is easy to memorize, too.

Although 3 lives and no continues for 16 stages is brutal. I've gotten close, but I've never actually beaten it.