
Did you know that the reason a bunch of users around the internet use the term "GCN" for the Nintendo Gamecube instead of just "GC" is fault of a lot of magazines that used it at the time? It's something I have never been able to forget it, and sincerely... I don't like just calling it "GC".
Anyway, Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently and I didn't wrote a thread because I was way too busy and sick...
Again, anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone of a console I personally have way too much nostalgia and good memories.
Most of the time I don't like to mention details about the development for the consoles I use to mention, but this time I will make an exception and sincerely I have always loved some stories at the time...
Stuff like Microsoft trying to buy Nintendo just to get laughed at, people thinking the console was a toy because the lack of multimedia and the design, and even little stuff like the console itself having a chip with a printed dolphin on it... it's stuff I just loved and for some reason I have never been able to feel at all with modern or current gaming.
My favorites games?
Most Nintendo stuff like always, Luigi Mansion, Smash Melee, Pikmin, Star Fox Assault... and some oddities like Eternal Darkness or Geist.
And for thirds parties.
You know the drill.
Just love for Konami and Sonic games.
Playing countless times Sonic Adventure 1 + 2, Riders or Heroes.
And some Konami games that I just thought were great like Frogger Beyond, TMNT 2 Battle Nexus, Crocket! 3D and more.
I also loved some platforming games, Pitfall The Lost Expedition, Pac-Man World 3, Spyro, Crash and more.
And there more stuff I just think deserve a cheer up... Judge Dreed, Tony Hawk, SSX, Ikaruga, Need for Speed, Viewtiful Joe, Dragon Lair 3D and just more stuff.
Nintendo Gamecube may lost the battle against the Xbox and PS2, but still I consider it a memorable console that had a pretty good library of games that even nowadays people still enjoying.
- See you next mission.