Author Topic: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.  (Read 3151 times)


Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« on: September 27, 2021, 01:53:36 am »

Did you know that the reason a bunch of users around the internet use the term "GCN" for the Nintendo Gamecube instead of just "GC" is fault of a lot of magazines that used it at the time? It's something I have never been able to forget it, and sincerely... I don't like just calling it "GC".

Anyway, Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently and I didn't wrote a thread because I was way too busy and sick...

Again, anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone of a console I personally have way too much nostalgia and good memories.

Most of the time I don't like to mention details about the development for the consoles I use to mention, but this time I will make an exception and sincerely I have always loved some stories at the time...

Stuff like Microsoft trying to buy Nintendo just to get laughed at, people thinking the console was a toy because the lack of multimedia and the design, and even little stuff like the console itself having a chip with a printed dolphin on it... it's stuff I just loved and for some reason I have never been able to feel at all with modern or current gaming.

My favorites games?

Most Nintendo stuff like always, Luigi Mansion, Smash Melee, Pikmin, Star Fox Assault... and some oddities like Eternal Darkness or Geist.

And for thirds parties.
You know the drill.
Just love for Konami and Sonic games.

Playing countless times Sonic Adventure 1 + 2, Riders or Heroes.

And some Konami games that I just thought were great like Frogger Beyond, TMNT 2 Battle Nexus, Crocket! 3D and more.

I also loved some platforming games, Pitfall The Lost Expedition, Pac-Man World 3, Spyro, Crash and more.

And there more stuff I just think deserve a cheer up... Judge Dreed, Tony Hawk, SSX, Ikaruga, Need for Speed, Viewtiful Joe, Dragon Lair 3D and just more stuff.

Nintendo Gamecube may lost the battle against the Xbox and PS2, but still I consider it a memorable console that had a pretty good library of games that even nowadays people still enjoying.

- See you next mission.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2021, 03:02:55 am »
For me personally, of the main Nintendo consoles, this one is near the bottom, above the Wii, for placement.  Not that it doesn't have some good games here and there, but at the time I was just way more into a few particular games on Xbox and a lot of stuff on PS2, and I never owned one.  The amount of games I've played on it are generally quite low, but I would say my favorites were...

Resident Evil 4 - I beat it so many times on GC whenever I could, up until it came out on PS2.
Animal Crossing - I played it quite a lot at my friends place, though unfortunately I lost my memory card and in turn lost my file, so never was able to go back to it.
Metroid Prime - I was not a fan of the Metroid series, never really played it, but I played a good bit of Metroid Prime when it went first person.  Didn't love how it controlled, but was a cool game.

Didn't play a ton else, I could probably think of a few more in particular (I count Twilight Princess as a Wii game, not a GC game, and I wasn't a Wind Waker fan), like I enjoyed Super Mario Sunshine, but never beat it, and I remember playing MGS: Twin Snake abit.

Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2021, 10:36:44 am »
As a 90's baby, my first home console was Gamecube and man was it amazing.
I still remember playing a Luigi's Mansion demo at a MacDonald's play area kiosk and hoping to get this for the holidays.
Fast forward a couple months, and I got for Christmas a Purple Nintendo Gamecube bundled with Super Smash Bros. Melee.

My favorites were definitely F-zero GX, Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, Resident Evil 4, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Tales of Symphonia.
Oh and who could forget the endless hours of City Trial on Kirby Airride.


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2021, 10:50:28 am »
That's always sounded so interesting to have game demos at fast food locations, but I imagine they got super nasty, especially at McDons.

The gamecube is one of two consoles I don´t think is overrated. I got so lucky to have cousins older than me who loved Melee and Kirby Airride, Playing with them was the highlight of every holiday trip. On an unrelated note, does anyone know why it's been 20 years and there's still no 3rd party version of the gamecube LAN adapter? It seems like it would be so easy to recreate it and sell it for $20.
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Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2021, 10:59:50 am »
Metroid Prime, Super Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Assault, and Sonic Gems Collection made it worth owning a GameCube for me. Though I didn't buy it at brand-new retail price. Bought one used for $30 at GameStop after already owning a Dreamcast, Xbox, and a PS2 (went in that order for me).

More importantly than those games, though, was the Game Boy Player. I still fire up my GameCube for that amazing accessory.

It's not the NES or SNES. Those were Nintendo's golden years, as far as I'm concerned. But I did enjoy it much more than the N64 since it had a decent controller. And I enjoyed it more than the Wii after it, since I'm not the biggest fan of motion-controls.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2021, 10:30:37 am by burningdoom »


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2021, 01:24:48 pm »

More importantly than those games, though, was the Game Boy Player. I still fire up my GameCube for that amazing accessory.

Game boy player is what makes the gamecube the perfect desert island system.
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2021, 10:28:24 am »

Nintendo Gamecube may lost the battle against the Xbox and PS2, but still I consider it a memorable console that had a pretty good library of games that even nowadays people still enjoying.

To be fair both xbox and gamecube lost the battle against ps2 because console sales wise Xbox and gamecube had almost identical sales. at 21.74 M vs 24 Million vs playstation at 150+ million

Best multiplayer console of that generation by far, and while it didn't have the largest library it was jam packed with quality.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2021, 10:02:39 pm »
The Gamecube came hot off the heels of my favorite Nintendo console of all time, the N64, so it had some pretty big shoes to fill for me. I remember when the Gamecube was first announced and there was that amazing Space World Zelda demo, my hype levels were through the roof for it. I was even planning on scamming my parents into letting me take the day off school so I could pick it up and play it all day. Unfortunately as it got closer to launch day for the Gamecube my excitement quickly turned into disappointment.

First off, instead of getting a sequel to Super Mario 64 like I'd dreamt about we got Luigi with a vaccume cleaner, and later Mario with a Super Soaker. Instead of the Space World Zelda demo being transformed into a full game, we got the cell shaded chibi graphics of Windwaker. At the time Nintendo really dropped the ball on so many levels for me which really killed my excitement for the Gamecube fairly early on. I instead gravitated towards my Dreamcast and PS2 instead, meanwhile I cared very little for the Gamecube. That is until of course Resident Evil Remake was released.

Resident Evil Remake was the game that finally inspired me to get a Gamecube and it's still to this day one of my favorite games. Then there was RE0 which I absolutely loved. And then all the classic RE games were ported. And then finally there was RE4 which was originally a GC exclusive and while it wasn't the game I was necessarily hoping RE4 would be, I still loved it. However, my enjoyment of the Gamecube was not limited just to its amazing library of Resident Evil titles.

Like most Gamecube owners I played the hell out of Melee, both at friend's houses and on my own Gamecube. I finally, sort of got my wish with the Space World Zelda demo in the form of Twilight Princess, except I would first play it on the Wii. There were a handful of other games I owned and rented on it as well while it was Nintendo's current console, however it was always second fiddle compared to most other sixth gen consoles, at least for the time. While my little brother did own an original XBOX back in the day, it wasn't a console I played a ton, and wouldn't fully appreciate its greatness until years after it was discontinued In fact, I grew to like the original XBOX so much I actually prefer it to the Gamecube, which unfortunately means the Gamecube is my least favorite 6th gen console. And if I'm being completely honest, the Gamecube is one of my least favorite Nintendo consoles, second only to the NES; the NES is a great system, however I had a Genesis back in the day and a huge chunk of its games are hard for me to get into when I try playing them now.

Don't get my wrong though, I love the GC and totally get why for many it's the defining system of their adolescence and youth. It birthed some incredible games that still hold up strong to this day. It just never hit that same note with me as it did for many others, but that doesn't mean it wasn't amazing. Honestly, I wish I was able to have the same passion and love for the Gamecube that others have, which reminds me of how I feel about the Dreamcast and Nintendo 64. But yeah, great console, just not one I love nearly as much as many others.


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2021, 08:55:14 am »
I really like the GameCube. It was the first console I bought with my own money in college when I was getting more serious about gaming as a hobby. It has a hell of a lot of personality to it's design without being gimmicky, and while that turned a lot of people off at the time I think people have come around to appreciated it a lot more. I wish more consoles would come in different colors these days! I feel like every console nowadays is either black or white.

The GameCube was the king of local multiplayer in the 6th generation, nothing else comes close. Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Mario Party, all the Mario Sports games, Super Monkey Ball, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Zelda Four Swords... If you want to play fun competitive/co-op games with friends, the GameCube was the place to be.

There were also a lot of really fun first party titles on the system. Not as many great third party titles, and not as much variety as the PS2, but still a lot of great stuff. My favorite games would probably be Paper Mario, Metroid Prime, Zelda Wind Waker, and Luigi's Mansion. There are still a lot of games I haven't tried yet.

The Game Boy player is such an amazing accessory. It might be the best accessory ever made for a console. Adding the libraries of the GBA, GBC and Game Boy gives the GameCube a lot more lasting appeal.

I'm personally a little mixed about the controller. It's very comfortable, but some of the buttons I don't like. I don't like how deep you have to press the L/R triggers to activate the digital input. I also think the D-pad is not the best.

Kind of random, but I absolutely cannot stand the GameCube cases and how they hold the discs. I feel like I'm going to snap the disc in half every time I take the disc out. I feel like that's why you will see a lot of used GameCube games with cracks in the discs.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 09:02:32 am by telly »
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2021, 09:41:52 am »

Kind of random, but I absolutely cannot stand the GameCube cases and how they hold the discs. I feel like I'm going to snap the disc in half every time I take the disc out. I feel like that's why you will see a lot of used GameCube games with cracks in the discs.

As someone who is a fan of USA imports I absolutely agree with you on that part

USA gamecube disc holders are the worst horrible boxes indeed, not super easy to remove the discs. Not the case with pal cases though fortunately you can just pop those out like ps2. I have actually considered just storing USA gamecube discs in regular cd cases because they can be a pain :P It also depends on the box if the tray has been used allot they don't seem to be as bad, but when it's rarely used those discs are pretty tight. I've replaced quite some USA gamecube cases with different ones because the tray holder being tight can heavily vary from box to box. When you get a good box it's pretty decent but it ain't great.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 09:51:45 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2021, 10:02:57 am »
you guys actually keep the discs in the cases? thats such a waste of of space, I keep all my gc disks of the games im currently playing in a stack then sort through it like a deck of cards whenever Im swapping out a game, all my cases got thrown away a long time ago.
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Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2021, 10:05:56 am »
you guys actually keep the discs in the cases? thats such a waste of of space, I keep all my gc disks of the games im currently playing in a stack then sort through it like a deck of cards whenever Im swapping out a game, all my cases got thrown away a long time ago.

That hurts to see. Those poor discs.


PRO Supporter

Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2021, 10:08:04 am »
The Gamecube came hot off the heels of my favorite Nintendo console of all time, the N64, so it had some pretty big shoes to fill for me. I remember when the Gamecube was first announced and there was that amazing Space World Zelda demo, my hype levels were through the roof for it. I was even planning on scamming my parents into letting me take the day off school so I could pick it up and play it all day. Unfortunately as it got closer to launch day for the Gamecube my excitement quickly turned into disappointment.

First off, instead of getting a sequel to Super Mario 64 like I'd dreamt about we got Luigi with a vaccume cleaner, and later Mario with a Super Soaker. Instead of the Space World Zelda demo being transformed into a full game, we got the cell shaded chibi graphics of Windwaker. At the time Nintendo really dropped the ball on so many levels for me which really killed my excitement for the Gamecube fairly early on. I instead gravitated towards my Dreamcast and PS2 instead, meanwhile I cared very little for the Gamecube. That is until of course Resident Evil Remake was released.

Resident Evil Remake was the game that finally inspired me to get a Gamecube and it's still to this day one of my favorite games. Then there was RE0 which I absolutely loved. And then all the classic RE games were ported. And then finally there was RE4 which was originally a GC exclusive and while it wasn't the game I was necessarily hoping RE4 would be, I still loved it. However, my enjoyment of the Gamecube was not limited just to its amazing library of Resident Evil titles.

Like most Gamecube owners I played the hell out of Melee, both at friend's houses and on my own Gamecube. I finally, sort of got my wish with the Space World Zelda demo in the form of Twilight Princess, except I would first play it on the Wii. There were a handful of other games I owned and rented on it as well while it was Nintendo's current console, however it was always second fiddle compared to most other sixth gen consoles, at least for the time. While my little brother did own an original XBOX back in the day, it wasn't a console I played a ton, and wouldn't fully appreciate its greatness until years after it was discontinued In fact, I grew to like the original XBOX so much I actually prefer it to the Gamecube, which unfortunately means the Gamecube is my least favorite 6th gen console. And if I'm being completely honest, the Gamecube is one of my least favorite Nintendo consoles, second only to the NES; the NES is a great system, however I had a Genesis back in the day and a huge chunk of its games are hard for me to get into when I try playing them now.

Don't get my wrong though, I love the GC and totally get why for many it's the defining system of their adolescence and youth. It birthed some incredible games that still hold up strong to this day. It just never hit that same note with me as it did for many others, but that doesn't mean it wasn't amazing. Honestly, I wish I was able to have the same passion and love for the Gamecube that others have, which reminds me of how I feel about the Dreamcast and Nintendo 64. But yeah, great console, just not one I love nearly as much as many others.

Oh man, how could I forget RE Remake. Such a great game. The lighting effects in particular blew me away when that came out. I've since upgraded to the Xbox One version so I wasn't thinking about it as GameCube.


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2021, 01:14:11 pm »
I consider Gamecube the last good Nintendo system until Switch. Great controller. Great games. It was my Zelda box as I had every Zelda on it from the first to Twilight Princess. My top 10 games on the system include...
 - Zelda Twilight Princess (favorite in series - specifically the GC version)
 - Zelda Collector's Disc (1st, 2nd, OoT, MM included)
 - Zelda Wind Waker
 - Smash Bros
 - Resident Evil Remake
 - Resident Evil Zero
 - Resident Evil 4
 - P.N. 03
 - Mario Sunshine
 - Mario Kart DD

Many of the third party games on Gamecube were also on PS2 so that's where I played many of them. I also had the GBA Player and used the GBA cable as well in games like Zelda Four Swords. Then I had the network adaptor for it as well which allowed LAN parties. Fantastic with Mario Kart.


Re: Nintendo Gamecube turned 20 years old recently.
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2021, 12:45:17 pm »
wait is the zelda collectors edition thing the same as that ocarina of time master quest disc on gamecube?
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020