PlayStation 3 is the last console that I believe had an interesting development story, and I think it's more impressive considering the last years of the console are documented.
It's PS3 a good console? I consider a flawed console at times but overall I still think it was mostly good, the console menu is iconic and playing with it makes me feel nostalgic.
I actually have really good memories of playing FarCry3 and 4 for hours after a hard day at the job, and I still have a really good memory of skipping a rainy class day and stay home for play Silent Hill.
If you're curious about what were some of the reasons PS3 failed to conquest the market at first, I recommend once again one of these lengthy but interesting documentaries from YouTube.
And with that being said, some of my favorite games for the console...
From Konami, I truly loved their games for the console and I can recall great games like Castlevania Lords of Shadows, Hard Corps Uprising and Rocket Knight.
While it's a controversial game I have always liked Silent Hill Homecoming and I think Downpour deserved more merits.
There also some little cool games like Rush'n Attack Ex-Patriot or Frogger Returns.
Another of my favorite games are stuff like Sonic Generations or Sonic Unleashed that's actually a game that I have always loved since 2008.
And of course other classics , like Bayonetta, Anarchy Reigns, Catherine, Red Dead Redemption, GTA lV and much more.
Happy 15th anniversary, Playstation3.
Your legacy while had some missteps, it's something's I can respect and remember with a smile.

Note: I think is worth mentioning PS3 is somehow a really good PSX machine and if you have your PS3 with a soft mode, it's maybe the ultimate PSX machine out there.