Author Topic: Personally Rank all the Nintendo Consoles/Handhelds that you've played/owned  (Read 2719 times)

I got the idea for this in another thread, and thought it would be fun to see how everyone would personally rank every Nintendo console from their favorite to least favorite. Feel free to either just list each console/handheld or list them and provide an explanation for their placement.

Here are mine:

1. N64 : The N64 is an incredibly special console for me not just with how nostalgic it is for me, but also because it really turned me from casual gamer into a full blown gamer. Many of my favorite games of all time are also on this console.
2. Switch : It's hard to believe just how incredibly good the Switch is and continues to be. Like the N64 it has some of the best games I've ever played on it, but countless others that are serious fun.
3. SNES : This was my first Nintendo console that unfortunately lived in the shadow of my Genesis, but I still loved it. I feel like the older I've got the more I've come to appreciate just how incredible this console is and how there are so many excellent games in its library.
4. Wii : This is somewhat of a nostalgia pick, but also because there are many games on the Wii I adore despite it having one of the highest proportions of shovelware on it out of any console. I still find Wii games I've never played that I thoroughly enjoy.
5. Gamecube : I never got into the Gamecube like so many others did, but I still loved a huge chunk of its library, and in fact it holds one of my favorite games ever made too (RE Remake). The GC would rank higher if it weren't the 6th gen console I played the least and still play relatively little compared to its competition.
6. 3DS : While I'm not the biggest handheld guy, I spent a ton of time with the 3DS during its lifespan, mostly with the Pokemon franchise, but also with many other excellent titles as well. Not counting the Switch, the 3DS is definitely my favorite handheld console I've ever played.
7. Wii U : I was a massive Wii U fan when it was Ninten
do's current console and it had so many absolute classics on it that I still love. It would rank higher if not for most of its best games being ported to the Switch.
8. Gameboy : This one is a bit of a nostalgia pick too, but unlike the Wii I pretty much loved the Gameboy (and GBC) for one reason; Pokemon. Still, it was enough for me to spend a ton of time with the Gameboy back in the late 90s and early 2000s.
9. GBA : The GBA is another console I didn't get into as much until well after it was discontinued. I still owned one back in the day, but barely played it. While I like the GBA I feel a little but like I missed the boat on this one.
10. NES : The NES was the it console when I was still in diapers and by the time I was able to get into video games it was on its way out, and Sega got to me first. I like the NES and can appreciate its more iconic and popular games, but it still feels slightly before my time and one I have a hard time getting into. I can still appreciate its role in saving video games and being iconic however.
11. DS : While I don't hate the DS I never got into it. It came out when I wasn't gaming much, and on top of that I really only played one game on it which I liked, but wouldn't say is amazing. I find it hard to get into a lot of its games minus a few gems.
12. Virtual Boy : While I've never owned a virtual boy I had a friend that did and I remember having it. I've played a few VB games years later when I began collecting and I still don't like it and can barely play the games for a few minutes without getting bored. It's the only Nintendo console I can say I don't like.


Great topic idea bikingjahuty, I've been coming back to Nintendo after several years. Fascinating ranking a lot of good reasons especially for Switch, make me want one now lol. I'm not going to rank Virtual Boy or others which I haven't owned or played at least a good portion of games on.
1. SNES : Second home console I owned, from software quality + quantity, expanding its power with FX chip capabilities, games standing the test of time- its my number one pick. Personal favorite for obvious nostalgia reasons like spending the most time playing it as a kid. 
2. NES : First home console I owned, from casually playing 2600 this really was a step up for me- gameplay felt sharper, and the abundance of original IP which debuted that are still fun to play today.
3. DS : Surprised how much I enjoy the DS(lite) back then, and today! Where GBA had many enhanced SNES ports, DS had strong successors. I prefer the overall graphic engine, online capabilities and library than the rest of Nintendo's handhelds.
4. Game Boy : Normally it would be in my top three pick, but some software has aged but that doesn't mean its terrible by any means. Good memories playing my first handheld Game Boy (Pocket) never owning a GBC, I enjoyed playing on the go next to my parents as a kid.
5. GameCube : Everything the N64 should have been IMO. Excellent graphical engine, using optical mini-discs, had quality multiplayer experiences with a good amount of third party support that holds up today.
6. Wii U : My latest Nintendo home console, I've been really enjoying it so far! Backward compatibility, compact design, and overall better graphical engine that is a big step up from last generation.
7. GBA : Was disappointed overall seeing games I've played on SNES only to be brought over at first. But I've come around to it and enjoy some of the library, have good memories playing it at launch. Game Boy Micro is my favorite model.
8. Wii : I completely missed this system and was playing other home consoles at the time. Only the past years I've bought one and came around to playing it's library. Besides the abundance of shovelware, plenty of quality games exist; some that use the motion controls that are good others not so much.
9. N64 : Was disappointed overall when the system first launched. From the graphics, cartridge, and poor third party games. I think it was a missed opportunity by Nintendo and overall step down from their previous two home consoles. Still a handful of quality software exists that are worthwhile.
10. 3DS : Only recently I've came into possession of the system. The 3D effect isn't for me, and hurts my vision. Otherwise the backward compatibility with DS is the reason why it's on my top ten.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2022, 02:05:51 am by stealthrush »


1: Gamecube nostalgia console amazing library, great multiplayer console and you can play gba games on the big screen ;D

2: wii mario galaxy and mario kart series alone already made me rank this console so high. Best mario kart in the series enjoy it's mechanics allot plus still pretty active online scene wether you play the vanilla original or the modded ctgp, mario galaxy series just feels amazing to me in terms of creativity and music my favourite 3d mario series of all time hope we get a mario galaxy 3 someday. And while it's library isn't gem packed still plenty of big amazing titles and plenty of lesser known gems.

3: snes it is the superior gba console. especially in the action and sound department very noticable quality difference, only thing gba has over snes at times are better menu's because it's more modern. I have appreciated this console more and more over the years.

4: switch it's pretty amazing how many series are getting a comeback while being great having eithersubpar or no releases for quite a while. Usually not the peak games in the series but it's getting up there or it does match it in quality allot of stuff has returned to nintendo quality on this console plus new games of old series that haven't been on a console in ages.

5: Ds allot of nostalgia with this console plus it just has allot of great 2d games it is the best nintendo handheld till this very day, also quite a big library to find titles that one has never heard about, shame that the 3ds library was pretty subpar.

6: GBA allot of nostalgia for this console but the limitations of being confined to a handheld are to notable to ignore. worthy console to pick up and play but I have appreciated it less over the years. although titles like DBZ advanced adventure or medabots an rpg adventure never get old for me. plus it does have allot of great lesser known titles when you go deeper into it's library

7: N64 It's a solid console it has some gems but for my taste it's not the greatest nintendo console out there. most series where not at their peak on this console with the exception of goemon and starfox.

8: nes it has allot of cool platformers it ain't 16 bit but there was enough, plus fun tunes to keep stuff interesting

9: 3ds for nintendo handheld standards it is really subpar.  it's library is very lackluster and most nintendo titles that where on there aren't the greatest. not to say that there aren't great titles on the console but imo your not missing a hell lot with this console.

10: wii u this was just a really dissapointing nintendo era for me, the mario kart was subpar lacking battle mode, bad 3d mario no new zelda until the console died. almost no 3rd party support. fire emblem was trash, mario party was trash mario tennis was trash paper mario was trash. old  ip's like starfox where bad it ain't the worst console out there but it just did it's job at the time to satisfy the nintendo itch but withouth that little something that makes most nintendo consoles special. even if we ignore exclusives the only reason for my wii u existing is xenoblade x

11: gameboy classic/gameboy color both have decent libraries but it's quite minimal aside from great music visually it does leave a bit to be desired. GBA is when nintendo handheld gaming actually became good, I get that for allot of people these classic handhelds are nostalgia because of pokemon but the entries on gba and ds where so much superior. not saying there aren't any great games on here, but I'd rather play nes or master system for my 8 bit needs. no bad consoles by any stretch of the imagination but someone had to take the bottom spot.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2022, 06:19:45 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


PRO Supporter

1. Gameboy Advance
2. WiiU
3. Gamecube
3. Super Nintendo
Currently playing:
Rogue Trooper [xbox]
Days Gone [ps4]


N64 Classic from my youth. The pinnacle of my hype and immersion in new game experiences, will never again be paralleled.
SNES Childhood nostalgia. Some of my first game experiences, most have stood the test of time.
NES Childhood nostalgia. Wasn't my favorite then, but have grown a massive appreciation for the cheesy 80s-ness of this machine.
Wii Quirkiness and fun b-game concepts. Kinda gimmicky, but offered something unique and a great party machine.
Switch Indie games galore, and I can collect them physically... and occasionally play some Nintendo games on it.
DS Lots of interesting games, spanning many genres that are not available elsewhere.
Wii U Another interesting machine in concept, with decent support from Nintendo and not much else.
GameCube Was never too impressed. It's kinda like the Wii U, but more in the style of an traditional game console.
3DS Kinda like the DS, but a way weaker library. It's meh.
GBA SP Crappy screen, dated hardware even for it's time. Would rather play the games on GC GBA player
GBC Crappy little piece of hardware for it's time. Super Game Boy SNES only.
GameBoy Extremely crappy little piece of hardware, yes even for it's time. Super Game Boy SNES only.
Virtual Boy Torture. Just no.

SNES - Nostalgia machine.
Switch - The sheer amount of options here drags up near the top.
3DS - The library available for this handheld is incredible.
DS - All those GBA games and the DS one
GBA - Handheld SNES. Awesome.
Wii U - Super underrated machine.
Gamecube -  Loads of quality titles on this system.  Not as many as the PS2, but it got me through college.
Wii - The first party titles are mostly solid, but there's tons of shovel ware. Virtual console and GameCube BC in older models bump it up a few notches.
NES - Lots of good games, but lots of iffy titles as well.
Game Boy / Color - Incredibly solid for what it provides and the technology inside.
N64 - Yes, there are a couple of all timer games here, but that's it. Just a couple, and most were iterated better in later versions.
Virtual Boy - I mean, come on.



1. Wii U- Really enjoyed the games on the console (as few as their were) and how the gamepad feels in the hands.
2. SNES- Solid library of games overall and has one of my favorite controllers.
3. NES- This console's library has been covered to death, so I find it hard to find weird fun unknown games that no one talks about like with the Game Boy. Still though, the NES has a solid (sometimes crusty) library of games. Has some accessories that are fun to mess around with like the Disk System, 3D System, and Power Pad.
4. N64- Outside of the games made by Nintendo and Rare, I have a hard time finding random games on this console that are fun.
5. Switch- While the game library on the Switch is very varied, I really haven't been very impressed with the build quality of the console and joycon controllers.
6. Gamecube- Nice controller and I love the console's design.
7. Wii- It's really just the console's overall library of games that drags this one down to the bottom.


1. DS- My RPG machine; so much Pokemon and Dragon Quest! So many other great games too! Also my favorite console overall.

2. 3DS- My runner up RPG machine. Although I didn't use the 3D all that much, I thought it was still a neat handy feature for 3D Land and Kid Icarus Uprising. Unfortunately, I was somewhat disappointed by Nintendo's games on this console with NSMB2 and Sticker Star being the biggest disappointments.

3. Game Boy Advance- My first Nintendo console. Love the backwards compatibility with GB and GBC games.

4. Game Boy- I love the bite sized nature of many Game Boy games. So many fun puzzle and platformer games on the console. I still discover fun, charming, and interesting games for this console to this day like Astro Rabby and Heiankyo Alien. I probably wouldn't recommend playing Game Boy games on the original brick model, but the Pocket and especially the Light models really improve the screen and make seeing these games much easier (although the Super Game Boy 1 and 2 are better options). Given how dated the hardware was even back in 1989, I'm super impressed with how long the Game Boy kept going; the last game compatible with the original Game Boy was a One Piece game released in 2002.

5. Virtual Boy- I was really expecting this one to be just the worst thing ever created from all that I've heard about it, but when I actually got a VB, I found it to be okay. Probably has the best good to crap ratio for game libraries I've ever seen on a console. Outside of Virtual Lab and SD Gundam Dimension War, the 20 other official games on the VB range from fine to fun. Just play the games on an emulator.

6. Game Boy Color- I don't hate the GBC, I just don't see the point of playing gams on an actual GBC when they can be played on the GBA. At least with the original Game Boy it has the appeal of "look at how ugly the games look in green and black" going for it. I'm impressed with what developers were able to do with the improved hardware the GBC offered though. Games like Dragon Warrior III, Alone in the Dark, the canceled port of Resident Evil 1, and Dragon's Lair all look super great given the limitations.

The only Nintendo console I haven't played is the Game & Watch line, but it'd probably be at the bottom of the handhelds list. Also, should the DSi be on here? I don't really count it as it's own thing since their weren't very many DSi exclusive games made (like 5?) unlike the GBC which had many exclusive games that weren't Game Boy compatible like Pokemon Crystal.

Hard for me to rank them and honestly, I'm only gonna count consoles.  I've played most every Nintendo system, but I've never liked handheld stuff too much, it's uncomfortable to me and I think the only time I had something I sorta liked, it was the GBA SP because I bought a rubber controller shaped grip, so the system was actually comfortable to hold onto lol  I don't even have gigantic hands, just generally large and I could never play handhelds for too long without cramping, though I'd probably say the Gameboy Color and GBA SP were my favorites.  The 3DS XL had a nice screen, but was not overly comfortable and had very tiny buttons.  Really, I tried to play handhelds when I could, but the only ones I kept for any length of time was the GBC and GBA SP, everything else was short lived before I sold it, probably not even lasting a year.

N64 - I know I sometimes I play up the "N64 is the best console" thing abit here and there for jokes, but it is genuinely a system I love.  It was the first console that was outright MINE, the first one I got new and got games as they released, and some of my favorite games of all time are on it.  Yes it has a crap controller and small library, but the design, it being the last of the cartridge consoles I think, it appeals a lot to me.  The only console collection I truly want, is to some day have all of the clear color N64 systems and the majority of the N64 library.  I'd be happy with that.

Switch - I have a number of problems with the Switch, the online service sucks, that Nintendo has really done little to offer the same features previous systems had, some of its annoying releases and how it became a port machine for Wii U games I had already played, but I do think the system is a neat piece of tech with good games on it.  I rarely use it handheld, refer to my handheld bit at the top, but I do appreciate that every so often I can pop it off if I need it and take it somewhere, even if I use it 90% of the time as a console.  it's definitely like the most interesting console they've ever made for sure.

NES - My first console, given by a family friend when I was 4, I have a lot of love for it.  Sure, the controller isn't comfortable, the games can have issues running well and most of the games are hard as crap, but I love the NES.  It's old and clunky, but it's great.

Wii U - It's weird that I sort of have a big thing for the "lesser" systems, but I actually really dug the system, it had some cool games, I thought the gamepad was interesting, and after how much I disliked the Wii, I was surprised how much I liked the Wii U and was kinda bummed Nintendo couldn't really handle it right.

SNES - I know it's weird to put this here below the Wii U, but I didn't own one growing up, I played it at friends mostly, I remember renting it from my video store to play certain games, I played it a bunch, and I do really like it, but because I never really owned one till the later years of my life, I don't have as much attachment to it, though that's not to undercut the amazing games it has in any way, it has better games than the Wii U, much more iconic stuff, I just view it differently than I do the other consoles because I don't have one of my own till later on.

Gamecube - It's kinda the same reason that I have the Gamecube down here, I didn't own till like a decade ago and it wasn't even mine, I got my Dad one so he could play more Zelda games since he was going through most of them after retiring (The only game he ever loved and played before then was the original Zelda on NES).  It has some pretty great games for sure, I played a ton of Resident Evil 4, the original Animal Crossing, and a handful of other games at friends places.  Like it's impressive how many times I beat Resident Evil 4 without actually owning a Gamecube lol

Wii - This was the first Nintendo console that I was genuinely upset with owning.  I bought it launch day with a buddy, sitting in a warm car as it was snowy and cold out, I picked up Twilight Princess as the first proper game and very quickly realized how awful the Wiimote and nunchuck were.  If it wasn't functionally a better controller, I'd hate it more than the N64 controller lol.  I think I owned the console for a year before selling it to a buddy, because I played Resident Evil 4 on it and was just like "I hate this".  The only times I was kinda okay with motion controls, was at its most gimmicky (Kinda the same for VR these days), so Wii Sports was fun with friends with like bowling and like golf, but that was kinda it.  I otherwise didn't do much with the Wii till Skyward Sword, borrowing my sisters to play it and really hated that game as it became my least liked 3D Zelda game (Nowadays, it's not! Shockingly!).

Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance SP
DS Lite


Hard for me to rank them and honestly, I'm only gonna count consoles.  I've played most every Nintendo system, but I've never liked handheld stuff too much, it's uncomfortable to me and I think the only time I had something I sorta liked, it was the GBA SP because I bought a rubber controller shaped grip, so the system was actually comfortable to hold onto lol  I don't even have gigantic hands, just generally large and I could never play handhelds for too long without cramping, though I'd probably say the Gameboy Color and GBA SP were my favorites.  The 3DS XL had a nice screen, but was not overly comfortable and had very tiny buttons.  Really, I tried to play handhelds when I could, but the only ones I kept for any length of time was the GBC and GBA SP, everything else was short lived before I sold it, probably not even lasting a year.

what about the libraries of said handheld consoles especially considering GB GBC and GBA could be played on the big screen with a different controller on the cube. or snes if you where to stick with the older handhelds.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

what about the libraries of said handheld consoles especially considering GB GBC and GBA could be played on the big screen with a different controller on the cube. or snes if you where to stick with the older handhelds.

Well I never owned the Super Gameboy and Gameboy Player till much later on and never really went back to play a bunch of the games I missed.  My thing with handhelds was certainly never with the games, just the hardware not being comfortable to use often.


PRO Supporter

2. Game Boy Advance
3. NES
4. DS
5. Switch
6. GameCube
7. Game Boy
8. N64
9. Game Boy Color
10. Wii

The SNES is the best Nintendo console I’ve ever owned. IMO the GBA is the best portable system ever, very versatile with a ton of incredible software.
Clearly I don’t have the love for the N64 that others have. It has a few good games but I never liked the muddy graphics, inferior sound, and weird controller. While I understand their reasoning, I think Nintendo should have gone with CD-ROMs instead of stubbornly sticking with cartridges.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 08:57:33 pm by undertakerprime »


From worst to best:
7: Super Nintendo Classic Mini A nice selection of classics, but Nintendo basically enabled scalpers with the amount of units they put out. Also, Chrono Trigger's a strange exclusion.

6: Nintendo GameCube: I played DDR Mario mix with the pad at a party once, and my feet hurt. But the standard controller is oh-so good, and Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is one of the best in the series!

5: Game Boy Advance SP A fun system, although the button layout is a little small. I've only played four games on here: Tetris, Super Mario Land, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, and Mother 3.

4: Nintendo 64 The Controller is not good (shocker of the year) but so many games have charm, excitement, and a level of magic that is incomparable to modern systems.

3: Nintendo 2DS It's the cheapest, but one of the best bangs for your buck ever! I paid 90 dollars for this at a retro game store last year and it had held up tremendously. The library of games you can play on it is probably the broadest behind the GBAs (Virtual console doesn't count) and a significant portion of the 3DS' first party games are great!

2: Nintendo Wii The forced motion controls in literally EVERY GAME (except Rhythm Heaven Fever) are kinda janky, but this system can play GameCube games, and is home to Super Mario Galaxy 2, the greatest piece of manmade artwork to grace the planet. I hold Shigeru Miyamoto on as high a pedestal as Vincent Van Gogh, Ludwig Van Beethoven, and Bill Waterson.

1: Nintendo Switch Despite hardware limitations and Nintendo having treated their fans not well recently (Recent direct excluded)
I enjoy this system so much. The online (base) while admittedly not perfect is only 20 dollars a year, basically every first party game is gorgeous, there's ports, remakes, remasters, collection, compilations, and just EVERYTHING. If Kingdom Hearts wasn't Cloud based (I don't quite see why it needs to be) this would probably be the best game system, period, but that honor goes to the Xbox 360 for me.

I play most other retro Nintendo games on my Retron 5.


I've always considered myself to be somewhat of a hater of Nintendo, therefore my opinion shouldn't be taken too seriously.
That said, my personal list would be as follows:

Home consoles
1 - Super Famicom / Super Nintendo Entertainment System
2 - Family Computer / Nintendo Entertainment System
3 - Nintendo GameCube
4 - Color TV-Game
5 - Nintendo Switch
6 - Nintendo 64
7 - Wii U
8 - Wii

Handheld consoles
1 - Game Boy Advance
2 - Nintendo DS
3 - Nintendo 3DS
4 - Game Boy Color
5 - Game Boy
6 - Game & Watch series
Never played - Virtual Boy
« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 07:43:21 pm by ferraroso »

I´m not going to list any I played but didn´t actually own like the switch as I feel like that´s cheating since I didn´t play them enough to have an informed opinion on the matter, and I saw someone else listing mini consoles which I wasn´t initially going to list as I felt they didn´t count but since someone else did I guess I might aswell, especially since I never owned an NES or an SNES.

Anyway, for me, in regards to home consoles it´s:

1: Gamecube
2: Nintendo 64
3: Wii U
4: NES mini
5: Wii
6: SNES mini

As for handhelds:

1: Game Boy Color
2: Nintendo DS
3: Game Boy Advance
4: Nintendo 3DS


I've had an off and on interest in Nintendo platforms having skipped at least half during their "lifespan".

1. Gamecube - This was my Zelda box. Then also RE Remake. Phenomenal controller.
2. NES - Started off with this one. Great library.
3. SNES - Given to me during the PS1 days. Ninja Turtles 4, Act Raiser and DKC made it great.
4. Switch - Still proving itself but it's hitting plenty of the marks.
5. GBA/SP - The best handheld Nintendo has made (not counting my Switch as it's not used as a handheld).
6. Virtual Boy - Great for about 10 min at a time... then not so much.
7. Wii - Destroyed Nintendo for me for over a decade. Did teach me that I loathe motion controls.

I had an N64 and GBC at one point but they were used for a single game and well after they were retired systems; barely used. They would still rank better than Wii if I had added them.