Author Topic: Will Smith smacks Chris Rock. Who else is sick of it? America's obsession.  (Read 3274 times)

Hello Everyone

Normally I don't get invested in he said she said drama among the hollywood elite but after dozens of gaming posts I figured id dabble for anyone interested. You can't turn on a TV without hearing about this mess. It's honestly sickening. I wanted to see where you guys stand with what happened :)   Do you think talk smack get smacked holds true? Do you think comedian freedom of speech is fragile and must be protected or do you simply not care either way?  I don't care either way honestly.

Note: Please keep this respectful. Their are no rights and wrongs here. This is discussion and this isn't a time to be mean towards one another. I know we can keep it civil. Even if it is a very divisive topic.

My main gripes with what happened is the hypocrisy of Will Smith. He shys away from his obvious marital issues when pressed by men who would most likely swing back like 50 cent. But Chris Rock was an easy target and it's this type of violence aimed at comedy that I don't think society should tolerate.

Their is freedom of speech. But their isn't freedom of slap.

Was Chris Rock out of line? Yes. It's the oscars not the roast of Jada Pinkett. But he's a comedian. He's paid to make people laugh. And it could have been handled with wit and not violence. I think we need less of this.

For example. You can disgrace me right now but I can't fly to your house and smack you for it. Their is etiquitte and Will is losing points for me as one of my favorite actors of all time. This was tough to see.

However comedians do think they can say what they want and be protected by a veil of satire and comedy. It doesn't work for the other celebrities being canceled for distasteful jokes. And I do think they push that line too far.

I think Will Smith and the hate coming against him is justified.

Do you think Chris Rock should press charges? Do you think it was staged for Oscar publicity?

Thanks for sharing
« Last Edit: March 28, 2022, 03:37:41 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


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Re: Will Smith smacks Chris Rock over joke. Who's side are you on?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2022, 02:32:41 pm »
I'm already sick of hearing about it from everyone and everywhere.

Re: Will Smith smacks Chris Rock over joke. Who's side are you on?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2022, 03:05:19 pm »
I'm already sick of hearing about it from everyone and everywhere.

This.  I can't believe it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.  It's everywhere and I'm already exhausted of all of The Takes.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2022, 03:15:22 pm by Cartagia »


  • Guest
lmao fuck every single one of the hollywood elite


lmao fuck every single one of the hollywood elite
And all of the people that worship them too.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

lmao fuck every single one of the hollywood elite
And all of the people that worship them too.
Both agreed and 100% accurate.


I honestly don't care about celebrities and their shit, but seriously, even if it was canned, the dumb hypocrite was laughing hard at the joke, but since Jada wasn't, Carroll had to put his big boy pants on and make a scene because, "he protec, but he also attac". Not only that, but then had the gall of giving a speech and making the whole thing all about him...and seemingly didn't even thank his "wife" after all that. What could've been forgotten in about 15 minutes will now last a lifetime. I mean, a grown-ass man in a tuxedo slapping another man in a tuxedo over a stupid joke? Terrible lapse in judgement. One thing is for sure, though, I doubt that's the only time Will has told another man to keep their "wife" out their mouth.

In all honesty, Will Smith lost his marbles a LONG time ago; he's a fucking joke, just another bedlamite of the Cult of Hubbard.

Anyway, apparently Chris won't be pressing charges, but I think he handled the whole situation like a champ, and that's what matters. I'm sure something will come out of this in the near future, though...

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

It's a bit exhausting how plastered this is everywhere on social media. I haven't seen the video yet but I can't believe how big a deal one human slapping another human could be. Celebrity fascination is truly a sight to behold.


[...] I haven't seen the video yet but I can't believe how big a deal one human slapping another human could be. [...]

You should, it's quite funny.

Here are some memes for good measure:

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

I wouldn't say I'm EXACTLY, sick of it yet. (As there are some pretty good memes of the incident.) It is starting to get somewhat obnoxious at this point.


Yeah, it's been fun and all, but I'm over it, so this is going to be my last post...

I still stand by what I said, though—this was Will's chance to stand up to Jada, regardless of whatever shitstorm would've followed. It is what it is, time to get back to reality.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Probably staged if you'd ask me

Ocars has had record low viewership in the last few years not to mention that allot of people don't even recognize most actors these days because movies haven't been doing to hot, thanks to this meme event everyone is talking about it.

The hollywood scene is all about attention, it's literally their livelyhood. Profit for the scene overall, and such a small offense as this has rarely butchered an actors career. Plenty of actors that have had a ton off succes after some actual nasty controversies.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 03:44:51 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

[...] I haven't seen the video yet but I can't believe how big a deal one human slapping another human could be. [...]

You should, it's quite funny.

Here are some memes for good measure:

I do think there was a fair amount of quality humor to minded from it.  The problem to me is that pretty much all of the jokes had been made within about 45 minutes of it happening, and it has just been endless variations of the same thing since that night.


I do think there was a fair amount of quality humor to minded from it.  The problem to me is that pretty much all of the jokes had been made within about 45 minutes of it happening, and it has just been endless variations of the same thing since that night.

Yeah, I agree. When I was choosing what meme to post, I ended up discarding a few because they essentially lacked variation. This whole ordeal lost its appeal the moment it happened; it's pretty much riding its own coattail now.

Probably staged if you'd ask me

Ocars has had record low viewership in the last few years not to mention that allot of people don't even recognize most actors these days because movies haven't been doing to hot, thanks to this meme event everyone is talking about it.

The hollywood scene is all about attention, it's literally their livelyhood. Profit for the scene overall, and such a small offense as this has rarely butchered an actors career. Plenty of actors that have had a ton off succes after some actual nasty controversies.

Well, this isn't exactly MTV or BET, or Jerry Springer for that matter. But in all honesty, I don't know what's dumber: thinking it was fake or giving a shit about it.

But of course, Illuminati.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


I do think there was a fair amount of quality humor to minded from it.  The problem to me is that pretty much all of the jokes had been made within about 45 minutes of it happening, and it has just been endless variations of the same thing since that night.

Yeah, I agree. When I was choosing what meme to post, I ended up discarding a few because they essentially lacked variation. This whole ordeal lost its appeal the moment it happened; it's pretty much riding its own coattail now.

Probably staged if you'd ask me

Ocars has had record low viewership in the last few years not to mention that allot of people don't even recognize most actors these days because movies haven't been doing to hot, thanks to this meme event everyone is talking about it.

The hollywood scene is all about attention, it's literally their livelyhood. Profit for the scene overall, and such a small offense as this has rarely butchered an actors career. Plenty of actors that have had a ton off succes after some actual nasty controversies.

Well, this isn't exactly MTV or BET, or Jerry Springer for that matter. But in all honesty, I don't know what's dumber: thinking it was fake or giving a shit about it.

But of course, Illuminati.

Plenty of people over the web think it's staged though with arguments to back it up. not an uncommon opinion aside from the logic behind it that the ocars weren't doing to hot in terms of popularity.

Not saying it is a 100% staged but those are just my 2 cents. Still meme worthy though regardless if it was real or not
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 07:25:46 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!