Author Topic: Developer edits not going through?  (Read 1011 times)


Developer edits not going through?
« on: July 12, 2022, 04:59:23 pm »
I've submitted a few developer edits the past few days but none of them got accepted or rejected when every other edit seemingly went through. Not sure what's going on. (Desktop browser)


Re: Developer edits not going through?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2022, 05:59:10 pm »
I've brought this to attention among staff since the recent update has been published. Initially, I had thought the problem was only affecting some entries, but the problem seems to be affecting all entries, no matter when they were submitted and if information in the Developer field is present or otherwise.


Re: Developer edits not going through?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2022, 11:30:58 am »
Bump. Still not working as intended in October. Any updates? Hope it's not broken forever  :-\


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Re: Developer edits not going through?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2022, 10:06:29 am »
developer gives a list with a number, and instead of the name, the number shows with a new item.