Author Topic: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels  (Read 5656 times)

Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2025, 06:19:50 am »
Most retro channels now just do clickbait lists or ramble for 40 minutes. But yeah if you want funny, check out Nitro Rad. He mostly covers platformers but his videos have great editing and solid reviews.

Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2025, 10:36:48 am »
Most retro channels now just do clickbait lists or ramble for 40 minutes. But yeah if you want funny, check out Nitro Rad. He mostly covers platformers but his videos have great editing and solid reviews.

That's the thing. So many newer gaming youtube channels have some of the lowest quality content I can image. The worst are news/twitter reaction commentary channels like RGT85 and Endymion who essentially built their channel on stupid hot takes, half of which I don't know if they genuinely believe or they're just following the current outrage zeitgeist. It was nice when gaming content was mostly entertaining and insightful reviews. I don't even mind list videos when they're high quality and it's clear the person making the list knows what they're talking about. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check them out.

Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2025, 11:49:25 am »
I Finished A Video Game- Has very long in depth retrospectives covering the history and quality of game franchises like Castlevania and Parasite Eve.

Big fan of this channel.  I've watched his 6 hour retrospectives on both Metroid and Castlevania.  Love a good (ver) deep dive.