Author Topic: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels  (Read 5641 times)

Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« on: November 08, 2023, 11:25:33 pm »
It's been a long time since I got into a good retro gaming youtube channel. I still subscribe to a few (AVGN, Gmanlives, ShoryuGame, NEScomplex), but I've had a hard time finding anymore that I'm able to get into. Unfortunately there are a decent amount that I once subbed to that reached their expiration date a long time ago, or they just don't create content anymore. I'm looking for some good retro gaming channels, preferably ones that have either good, insightful reviews or countdowns, or are actually funny. I'm not interested in pickup or game hunting channels, commentator/podcast channels, or lets players. Also, no Metal Jesus Rocks; been there, done that. I guess a good example of what I'm looking for are channels like Gametrailers back in the day. I'm aware there is Easy Allies, but as enjoyable as some of their content can be, it's just not the same anymore since they don't have the resources or team they once did.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2023, 11:27:07 pm by bikingjahuty »


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2023, 01:20:04 am »

Look, we're all a world apart and we like what we like, so to each their own; but I think there are much better people on the platform that easily beat MJR and most of his cronies without trying. For example, if you want a video game YouTuber that feels genuine and actually knows his shit, then check out Adam Koralik. In fact, I used to stumble across people with just a few hundred subs that had more personality and an apt grasp of what they were talking about than MJR. And to be clear, I bear no ill will toward the guy, as I actually at one point watched and liked his videos many years ago, but I quickly caught up to his shenanigans and stopped watching; I don't like confident tricksters.

Link to his channel.

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Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2023, 02:29:22 am »
LGR is a great one, he doesn't do lots of games specifically, but does tons of like retro PC hardware/software, some console related stuff, my favorite videos tend to be his "Oddware" videos where he talks about very unusual and little known PC tech stuff.  Always very chill.

Stop Skeletons From Fighting would be another great one, I love a lot of the stuff he gets into, he use to be the Happy Video Game Nerd back in the day, but his channel is way better after the change over to what it is now.  He tends to do a lot of like...Lesser known consoles, peripherals, full game series such as all the different Doom ports, big variety of retro releases with some new stuff thrown in here and there.

Matt McMuscles is formerly Super Best Friends, with his big video series being the "What Happened?" videos, either talking about games that got released after going through development hell or never got released.  He also does a ton of fighting game content, fighting a lot of the funny bad ones, or just talking about series he enjoys, that sorta deal.

Caddicarus is fun if you want kinda more of the "skit" based gaming vids, he tends to do lots of longer form collection type videos, like he's a big Crash Bandicoot fan so he's done videos on Crash, or Spyro, or just other odd ball ideas.  His humor isn't for everyone so it's abit random and absurd, but lots of great editing.

The Completionist is always solid, Jirard completes (obviously) games from beginning to end, though he also has a lot of different videos, Top 10's, discussions on games, etc...

I feel like there's a couple more I can throw in, but I'm spacing on them at the moment, but those are probably the regulars I keep up with now.

Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2023, 08:19:46 pm »
Game Sack is a great retro gaming channel with humor similar to AVGN but nowhere near as vulgar. Their videos are well edited and cover a wide range of topics across the retro gaming spectrum, with my favorites being their console-specific videos. Couldn't recommend them enough.

Avalanche Reviews isn't bad if you're into Resident Evil or horror games in general. He'll occasionally deviate and talk about non-horror games although his claim to fame is unquestionably his Resident Evil Retrospective videos.

Sean Season has a colossal collection of PSX game reviews done in an interesting format. Recently burned through his Japan Only Games and Obscure Games playlist and discovered a ton of hidden gems for the console.

SegaLordX uploads frequently and consistently delivers on the Sega content, mixed in with non-Sega content to cleanse the palate.

I'm leaving out a lot of other channels due to how niche/genre-specific they are, but I'll make an addendum to this if anyone's interested.


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2023, 10:54:41 pm »
Civvie11- Mostly covers old PC first person games games

I Finished A Video Game- Has very long in depth retrospectives covering the history and quality of game franchises like Castlevania and Parasite Eve.

Jeremy Parish Video Works- Uploads weekly covering (usually in chronological order) the releases for a console. Currently he's covering NES games in NES Works, but has also series for other consoles like Game Boy, Virtual Boy, and SNES.

Kim Justice- A good variety of reviews, documentaries, best and worsts, and top 10...or 100 lists covering European retro gaming history.

Lute- Very chill and laid back videos covering games the creator is passionate about.

tangomushi- Covers retro horror games

ThorHighHeels- A little more unique, this channel mostly covers Japan only games along with their aesthetic and very weird obscure games no one really talks about.

Describing why I like something has never been by strong suit. I just thought these channels were good and a nice change from the norm of reviewing bad NES games, look at how bad Sonic 06 is, and a collector finding a hidden gem or rare game for a nickel.


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2023, 01:21:34 pm »
Sean Season has a colossal collection of PSX game reviews done in an interesting format. Recently burned through his Japan Only Games and Obscure Games playlist and discovered a ton of hidden gems for the console.

It took me a few months to get through his backlog of content, but it was worth it. Sean Seanson's content format, personality, and depth in reviews all have high quality, and he is perhaps my favorite content creator as a result of his consistent output that never lags.

Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2023, 01:29:47 pm »
I love Scott's channel. It's not exclusively retro, but he talks a lot about the whole Nintendo lineup, game collecting, older game series, as well as things like commercials, game ports, gimmicks, controllers... If the style of his main channel doesn't click with you, there's a second channel with less jokes and editing, and much longer videos.

Taki makes reviews of modern emulator consoles, mostly, but also has stuff like The Nintendo DS is Still Amazing in 2023. His channel is actually the reason I got into retro stuff and game collecting!

I haven't watched Golden Bolt a lot, but I love his Ratchet&Clank retrospectives. He also has videos on gimmicks like PS3's Wonderbook, Wiimote's internal save feature, etc.

This dude GingerOfOz does absolutely crazy mods/consoles, stuff like Wii Board with a screen, or portable home consoles like GameCube or PS2.


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2023, 06:36:25 am »
Teddy Rubskin

Pretty underrated I'd say, He did lose his channel in the past but he has re uploaded most things again. he also got his new channel but them subs and views are all gone. The best stuff is in the archives channel I'd say.

It's about old movies and when it's about games it's usually about sega, The puppet style with them jokes makes for a unique viewing experience.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2023, 06:50:35 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2023, 01:52:41 am »
Retro Core - great comparison videos, occasional product reviews.

Turbo Views - complete series of TurboGrafx-16 game reviews including a few imports.

Classic Gaming Quarterly - In depth nostalgia trips, with video game magazines reads.

Happy Console Gamer - Retro and modern game reviews.

BitHead1000 - Honorable mention since it's 90% banter 10% gaming.


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2023, 03:03:14 am »
Shmup Junkie is pretty good as well. He only releases videos every couple of months or so, but the content is very well made. And his collection of PC-Engine games and shooters in general is just insane.


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2023, 09:39:25 am »
The Completionist is always solid, Jirard completes (obviously) games from beginning to end, though he also has a lot of different videos, Top 10's, discussions on games, etc...

Well, Jirard just dun goofed.

Heh, this topic showed me how out of touch I am with the YouTube crowd, 'cause I don't know who the frag most of these blokes are. I do know about Scott The Woz and Caddicarus but I've never given them a fair shake other than watching a vid or two once.

Happy Console Gamer - Retro and modern game reviews.

I've liked this dude since stumbling across his channel many moons ago. Just straight-to-the-point video games, no pretentiousness, no BS.

I guess while I'm here, I might as well recommend Nick Robinson; he does documentary-style videos that cover a hodgepodge of topics, mostly relating to video games, that are quite entertaining. Some examples include: Can we rescue a deleted Pokémon - 15 years after its death?; Mission in Snowdriftland: Nintendo's forgotten Flash game; The Smash Bros Direct that Nintendo censored in America; the classic, The 10-Year Hunt for the Lost McDonald's DS Game; and of course, The Problem with Luigi's Mouth.

I've also watched this guy on occasion.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2023, 02:08:08 pm by pzeke »

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2023, 02:05:45 pm »
The Completionist is always solid, Jirard completes (obviously) games from beginning to end, though he also has a lot of different videos, Top 10's, discussions on games, etc...

Well, Jirard just dun goofed.

Heh, this topic showed me how out of touch I am with the YouTube crowd, 'cause I don't know who the frag most of these blokes are. I do know about Scott The Woz and Caddicarus but I've never given them a fair shake other than watching a vid or two once.

Yeah I'm waiting to see more on how that all shakes out for Jirard as it really sucks to see for someone I've been following for like a decade.


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2023, 02:08:58 pm »
Yeah I'm waiting to see more on how that all shakes out for Jirard as it really sucks to see for someone I've been following for like a decade.

His world got shooken for sure. Pure scoundrel.

Anywho, I just came across Manley Reviews. The dude's quite simpatico, and his videos are highly entertaining and boast high-quality values.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2024, 04:38:10 am »
I don't know the how or the why; heck, I don't even remember when, but I found this gentleman, a rather nice old chap who not only collects comicbooks and movies and has a really good taste in books, but also happens to be a gamer, an avowed Destiny fan. I know it doesn't necessarily fit this topic, but overall, it's quite relatable, and I genuinely had fun watching his videos and thought linking to his channel would maybe put a smile on someone.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: Good Retro Gaming Youtube Channels
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2025, 07:52:45 am »
If you’re into deep-dive retrospectives, I’d recommend Digital Foundry Retro. They don’t do humor all that much, but their technical breakdowns of classic games are seriously impressive. Another good one is Kim Justice. Her long-form videos on old British computers and obscure console history are always interesting.

On a side note, if you ever deal with weird or old game audio formats, you might find this SND converter useful. It helps with converting those files to MP3 or WAV without the hassle. You can check on
« Last Edit: February 26, 2025, 03:47:27 pm by astria »