Author Topic: What are the worst games you ever tried?  (Read 2193 times)


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What are the worst games you ever tried?
« on: January 01, 2025, 03:19:57 am »
Hello everyone have you ever played a game that was so bad that you can't believe anyone could ever like it?
I mean the worst of the worst the most unbelievable piece of crap game? Here are a few I feel are up there for worst games ever. How many would make your list?

Ps2: Portal Runner (My most hated game ever)
Super Nes: Pit fighter
Nes: Super Pitfall and Top Gun (I could never land that dam plane!)
Genesis: Race Driving
Xbox 360: Divinity II Ego Draconis this game was released twice on the same system with slightly different names
                by two different developers Divinity II The Dragon Knight saga was the second attempt by Atlus and was
                not bad but the other one was pretty much unplayable. At least it had separate achievements.

Do you have any games to add to the worst games of all time list?

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2025, 08:33:32 am »
Tomb Raider (2013) - Failed to understand what Lara Croft and the TR games are meant to be and got turned into a generic cinematic Uncharted clone because it was fashionable at the time, without understanding what made Uncharted 1-3 work. It doesn't really fit the topic, I can see people with poor taste liking it, when it lets you play it's competent, but unremarkable. Still it is an awful game I rage quit at around a quarter way through and have no intention of ever revisiting.


Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2025, 08:56:02 am »
Hugo 2 for GameBoy.
The fact that people were charged full price for this back in the day is unbelievable! Only pro to this joke of a GB cartridge is, that - instead of cloning Crazy Castle like in it's franchise predecessor - this 'game' is a straight rippoff the hugo TV show telephone games but thats it. To accomplish this piece of junk not really worthy to be called a game (cause game implicizes fun, which is absent here) you simply need to finish the four freakingly annoying levels/games in one Go without failing. Ridiculous, repetitive, and simply an insult in every way possible. The most worthless piece of plastic ever to disgrace Game Boy's library ...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 08:57:46 am by bizzgeburt »

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2025, 10:40:55 am »

Superman 64. But if were excluding obvious games like that. You know what game sucks? 


Pokemon lets go pikachu - Now this is my ultimate winner. Because pokemon yellow version set a bar and nostalgic precedence so high in my heart. And this game just took everything beautiful about the franchise, not just gameboy era but for the entire switch lifespan and crip walked on it's grave for the sake of pandering to 2 yr olds who would have loved a normal pokemon game anyway. And it alienated both user bases. Kids aren't incapable of playing games with common sense and direction. You have a game where you can beat Brock, a rock type gym leader with a level 3 pikachu with no potions. Pikachu is literally WEAK AGAINST ROCK.  So to allow that 5 minutes in. Simply desecrates half the lore of the show and game franchise combined. It's a major slap in the face this game was ever released to me.

The whole point of brock is to challenge the player to grind and learn. To learn rpgs at a young age. To realize weaknesses. Plan ahead. Get a grass type or level up a pidgey. But what we got was a shell of itself. A game a guinea pig could beat blindfolded with no real entertainment value. What you get if you make pokemon too easy? A button mash simulator
move forward. Tap X. Repeat. Missing pokemon.  Cliche add on peripherals that were almost entirely money grabby.  And overall. The game is a big disappointment. And an insult to my chakras. I was no longer aligned with my elephant ancestors after even pretending this was a game.  Its one of few games in my life. I took back and traded in to gamestop for a huge loss just to be rid of it fast.  It wasnt worth ebay hassle. I wanted it out of my home. And I never want to see it again. 

Combine that with frame dips, terrible art direction, the little giga pets nonsense they call bonding and the way pokemon level up by not battle. But walking, bonding, berries and love? Like an episode of the wiggles.  Give me a break. Give me an all the way break.  If you're gonna make a pokemon game for literal infants fresh from the womb.  Just make a mobile leap frog thing. Any gamer over 5 wants an actual video game with premise, skill requirements and fun.

Its bad. Really bad.

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2025, 11:32:18 am »
I've played Action 52 on emulator. It really is one of the worst games of all time.

Custer's Revenge was one I played on emulator. Do not play this game, ever.

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2025, 06:40:30 pm »
LSD Simulator (PS1): I played this game last year out of curiosity, and while I get it's technically not a game and more an interactive piece of art, like most post modern art, it's absolute and utter trash. It has no objectives, no point, and is absolutely repulsive in terms of its visuals. It's also one of the few games I've ever played that made me feel physically ill from playing.

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2025, 09:19:42 pm »
Tomb Raider (2013) - Failed to understand what Lara Croft and the TR games are meant to be and got turned into a generic cinematic Uncharted clone because it was fashionable at the time, without understanding what made Uncharted 1-3 work. It doesn't really fit the topic, I can see people with poor taste liking it, when it lets you play it's competent, but unremarkable. Still it is an awful game I rage quit at around a quarter way through and have no intention of ever revisiting.

If that's the worse you got, something that is genuinely a good game, even if you don't like the direction it took, it's not been all that bad with the games you've played lol

For me, while I could pick something such as Superman 64, I might have to go with Fallout 76, as that one sucked real bad as a Fallout fan.  A series that is notorious for its bugs, gets even buggier online features strapped onto it, the game clearly incomplete, lacking content, and to this day, despite getting a lot of work done on it, I think is still not a good game.  It has content and is a better game than it was, but its still terribly optimized as I tried to play it recently on my new PC, but can't get a smooth frame rate at all and it's still very buggy.  I don't get how people stick with that game lol


Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2025, 02:50:39 am »
Spawn: The Eternal, Fantastic Four (1997), Fighting Street, Armageddon (1996), Athena

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2025, 06:57:32 am »
Tomb Raider (2013) - Failed to understand what Lara Croft and the TR games are meant to be and got turned into a generic cinematic Uncharted clone because it was fashionable at the time, without understanding what made Uncharted 1-3 work. It doesn't really fit the topic, I can see people with poor taste liking it, when it lets you play it's competent, but unremarkable. Still it is an awful game I rage quit at around a quarter way through and have no intention of ever revisiting.

If that's the worse you got, something that is genuinely a good game, even if you don't like the direction it took, it's not been all that bad with the games you've played lol

Agreed.  I actually think that Tomb Raider is actually a better game than any of the Uncharted titles, other than maybe part 4.  It's got way more interesting mechanics and a more varied gameplay loop.  The narrative may not be as good as the Uncharted series, but I had way more fun playing it.


Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2025, 04:39:05 pm »
Worst games I have played. This is tough because I have vendettas against certain games like Destiny and Death Stranding (or any Kojima game) but I am going to assume that you want basically something that is really not playable or redeemable that I have had the displeasure of playing. So going back into my brain vault here we go.

Nobunaga's Ambition for the NES - If a human yawn was turned into a video game. Walls of text, ugly graphics and gameplay that is about as fun as reading the entirety of an end user agreement. I love turned based strategy games but this is not the game for the NES. Part 2 did a better job but this one I don't think I can get anyone to play this game for longer than a couple of minutes.

Alex Kidd: Hi Tech World for the Sega Master System - This game is a huge departure from the original game I loved. Instead of it being a Mario style platform game they turned into some kind of educational point and click adventure game that was so uninteresting I would literally rather flick my left nut as hard as I can over and over instead of playing this game.

Make My Video: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - I don't want talk about this one. It's like when the therapist asks you to point on the doll where your Uncle touched you. If you don't know what I am talking about I am sure youtube has videos of it.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 06:42:27 pm by axiomenterance »
My VGcollection Physical Only / Darkadia Physical and Digital combined

Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2025, 10:57:12 am »
Thought of another one.

PANIC! (SCD): When I finally added a Sega CD to my collection over a decade ago, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a lot of games for it at a game store that seemed to want to just unload them. I got an insane deal on games like Robo Aleste, Sonic CD, and a few others that escape me at the moment. But one of the included games was this one. I struggle to even call this a game. You essentially just use the controller to click on random crap in the background and home something happens, and when it does it's as pointless and unfunny as the rest of the game. I was only able to "play" PANIC! for about 20 minutes before I turned the console off and threw this game up on ebay as fast as I could.


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Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2025, 08:08:00 pm »
Monster's inc: Scream Arena (NGC)- Just No


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Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2025, 08:08:38 pm »
Worst games I have played. This is tough because I have vendettas against certain games like Destiny and Death Stranding (or any Kojima game) but I am going to assume that you want basically something that is really not playable or redeemable that I have had the displeasure of playing. So going back into my brain vault here we go.

Nobunaga's Ambition for the NES - If a human yawn was turned into a video game. Walls of text, ugly graphics and gameplay that is about as fun as reading the entirety of an end user agreement. I love turned based strategy games but this is not the game for the NES. Part 2 did a better job but this one I don't think I can get anyone to play this game for longer than a couple of minutes.

Alex Kidd: Hi Tech World for the Sega Master System - This game is a huge departure from the original game I loved. Instead of it being a Mario style platform game they turned into some kind of educational point and click adventure game that was so uninteresting I would literally rather flick my left nut as hard as I can over and over instead of playing this game.

Make My Video: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - I don't want talk about this one. It's like when the therapist asks you to point on the doll where your Uncle touched you. If you don't know what I am talking about I am sure youtube has videos of it.



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Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2025, 08:16:13 pm »
Tomb Raider (2013) - Failed to understand what Lara Croft and the TR games are meant to be and got turned into a generic cinematic Uncharted clone because it was fashionable at the time, without understanding what made Uncharted 1-3 work. It doesn't really fit the topic, I can see people with poor taste liking it, when it lets you play it's competent, but unremarkable. Still it is an awful game I rage quit at around a quarter way through and have no intention of ever revisiting.

If that's the worse you got, something that is genuinely a good game, even if you don't like the direction it took, it's not been all that bad with the games you've played lol

For me, while I could pick something such as Superman 64, I might have to go with Fallout 76, as that one sucked real bad as a Fallout fan.  A series that is notorious for its bugs, gets even buggier online features strapped onto it, the game clearly incomplete, lacking content, and to this day, despite getting a lot of work done on it, I think is still not a good game.  It has content and is a better game than it was, but its still terribly optimized as I tried to play it recently on my new PC, but can't get a smooth frame rate at all and it's still very buggy.  I don't get how people stick with that game lol

Feel the same about Fallout 76 such a poor experience it was such a let down.


Re: What are the worst games you ever tried?
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2025, 08:23:44 pm »
I've played some STINKERS.

Spectral Force 3: This was before Idea Factory struck gold with Neptunia. Way before. The game is ugly as piss, the balance is off, it's slow even as a strategy game, and the story is stupid as hell. Oh, and the token healer CAN'T HEAL HIMSELF.

Forever Kingdom: From Software wasn't always the pinnacle of quality. This game on the PS2 is a perfect example of it. A shared life bar? And enemies that always hit like trucks? Sounds GREAT! -.-

I'll think of more later.