Author Topic: good news (for me at least)  (Read 4055 times)


good news (for me at least)
« on: June 21, 2012, 09:01:56 am »
i might be one out of the 20% of people that has outgrow their peanut allergies see my grandma gave us a jar of homemade cookies (they were dam good) that has whole peanuts in them and my grandma and my family did not know they had peanuts in them and i ate most of them and now i'm waiting to get a allergie test and now a question do you have any allergies and you know of someone that  outgrow their allergies??
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 09:04:50 am by htimreimer »


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Re: good news (for me at least)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 09:46:17 am »
That would be awesome if you "lost" your allergy!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: good news (for me at least)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 12:13:32 pm »
That would be awesome if you "lost" your allergy!

I wouldn't necessarily say someone "loses" their allergies - rather, a person's body just builds an immunity against it.

My allergy:
When I was little I found my way into a Wasp Nest. At that time I didn't know I was allergic to almost every bee on the planet. I ended up in the hospital and almost died just by such a stupid incident. At this time, i'm still rather allergic to most types of bees. Particularly Wasps, Yellow-Jackets, and Bumble Bees. There are however a few bees that i'v been stung by in recent years and just mildly broke out. I asked the doctor and he basically told me what I just said above - that my body has built an immunity against some types of stings. I was rather curious so I did a little online searching. Back home, bees have infact gotten even MORE potent. So i'd consider this a feat of strength. =)


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Re: good news (for me at least)
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2012, 12:27:49 pm »
That would be awesome if you "lost" your allergy!

I wouldn't necessarily say someone "loses" their allergies - rather, a person's body just builds an immunity against it.

My allergy:
When I was little I found my way into a Wasp Nest. At that time I didn't know I was allergic to almost every bee on the planet. I ended up in the hospital and almost died just by such a stupid incident. At this time, i'm still rather allergic to most types of bees. Particularly Wasps, Yellow-Jackets, and Bumble Bees. There are however a few bees that i'v been stung by in recent years and just mildly broke out. I asked the doctor and he basically told me what I just said above - that my body has built an immunity against some types of stings. I was rather curious so I did a little online searching. Back home, bees have infact gotten even MORE potent. So i'd consider this a feat of strength. =)

That makes sense (the building of an immunity/tolerance, I mean).
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: good news (for me at least)
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2012, 09:22:37 pm »
I've acually heard of that recently especially with that weird syliac disease. A friend of mine and I were discussing it because her mom has it and can now eat some things that she wasnt able to before. Weird cause I never thought it was possible to "outgrow" or even develope an immunity to certain allergies

Re: good news (for me at least)
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2012, 06:36:28 pm »
Actually, I have the opposite... I never had any allergies to speak of as a kid, but now that I've gotten older, I suddenly DO.  Like dogs.  I wasn't allergic to dogs when I was younger, but somewhere in my teens it just... well, popped up, and now I can't be around dogs for too long with allergies flaring up.  I'm more of a cat person, but still, it's weird.
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Re: good news (for me at least)
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2012, 07:31:12 pm »
gaiages, that's much more common than losing allergies is. My sister and I both had no allergies as kids, but now I'm allergic to tree pollen and hers is pretty much all pollen. We both developed our allergies while we were in college (so her's about 5 years after mine). Our parents are still both allergy free, except Dad reacts to poison ivy, oak, and bee stings.

It's nice when we travel together and one of us forgets to bring our Zyrtec...we're covered!
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