Heard a story that there sre a 1000 people on a watchlist in the USA, so that they can't board a plane. But they can buy guns without being checked 
The new was reporting "over 900." My question is, why the hell don't they do something with these people instead of watch them? You know...before they blow up innocent people?
I'm not "up" on the current gun laws. I know that you have to have a background check to buy a handgun, but I think semi automatic rifles don't require any check. You can walk into Walmart and buy a rifle as long as you have the cash.
You need to pass a background check to buy any firearm at a dealer, whether it's a handgun, rifle, or shotgun. In-state private sales are unregulated (provided that you are not transferring it to a known prohibited person) at the federal level, but some states have passed various restrictions.
Thank you for stopping the spread of misinformation.
You have to have a background check if you buy a gun (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun. I'm not sure about a muzzle loader) from a dealer. You fill out some paperwork and they run it through the computer. It takes 15 minutes. I've done it several times.
Private sales, on the other hand, require no background check. Gun shows don't have near as many private sales as you'd think. It's not like a flea market for Right-Wing Nutjobs. It's mostly dealers selling their wares.
Hope that clears some stuff up. We don't need bad information spread as facts.
California requires private transfers to go through a FFL(gun store). Wait 10 days, then you can pick it up.
C&R's(guns over 50 years old) are now like that too. Use to be, you can cash and carry if the seller had a C&R FFL.
Anything older then 1898 is consider antique firearm, and needs no gun store or FFL. You can buy and trade those at will. Which are mosty your black powders and muzzle loaders lol.
But buying a new gun in any state, you have to go through an FFL and submit to a federal background check. If you are a felon, have a DV charge, 51-50, etc. you arent getting a gun. ive seen lots of people on my gun forum get "holds" and you have to clear it up with the DOJ or ATF before getting your gun. (Unless you are the ATF and running the Operation Fast and Furious program, and not be bothered to track the guns you gave to straw purchasers )