I would say yes, as long as you don't mind being in charge of only items and/or healing. Most Tales games starting with Symphonia will let you set all of the characters to auto, but you'll still need to make sure they stay healthy, defend when they should, etc. Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss have "healer class" characters, so you could always take a swing at controlling those. You don't get Raine (ToS) until about two to three hours into the game. Tear (TotA) joins you immediately.
Or, you could take control of the magic wielding characters like Genis (ToS) or Jade (TotA). I keep going back to those two games because they had characters that were in set roles. Tales of Legendia was the same way, but that's one of my least favorite titles in the series. I think around Tales of Graces is when characters became more multi-faceted. Like, Cheria in ToG has healing magic, but she also has a ton of useful attack skills that need to be used as much as her healing.
Hmm...I'm rambling. Let me ask you: any game in particular you're looking at? For what it's worth, I think you could manage since you were able to finish (with 100% completion) Ar tonelico Qoga.