Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1726232 times)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3225 on: August 22, 2014, 10:58:54 pm »
@BurningDoom, I wish I had you with me today.  I was trying to talk to this chick today and eventually maybe get her number or what have you, so conversation grows and find out shes a comic book fanatic.  She was talking about how she has so many and she frames them and stuff.  She has some special limited edition Spiderman from the 70s and she was talking about her favorite to read recently is about some guy who replaced Captain America or someone from the Avengers and it just confused the crap out of me lol.  I wish I had an ear piece so Doom could give me some pointers so I could pretend I knew what I was talking about.  Anways, she seems so into the conversation and me but I've been out the game for over 3 years now that I was scared to close the deal and ask for the number  :(  I'm a wimp.  Got to build my confidence back...


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3226 on: August 22, 2014, 11:01:51 pm »
@BurningDoom, I wish I had you with me today.  I was trying to talk to this chick today and eventually maybe get her number or what have you, so conversation grows and find out shes a comic book fanatic.  She was talking about how she has so many and she frames them and stuff.  She has some special limited edition Spiderman from the 70s and she was talking about her favorite to read recently is about some guy who replaced Captain America or someone from the Avengers and it just confused the crap out of me lol.  I wish I had an ear piece so Doom could give me some pointers so I could pretend I knew what I was talking about.  Anways, she seems so into the conversation and me but I've been out the game for over 3 years now that I was scared to close the deal and ask for the number  :(  I'm a wimp.  Got to build my confidence back...

Pssh. I'm married. 3 years ain't nothing. Got a decade here out of the game. It would have been the blind leading the blind.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3227 on: August 22, 2014, 11:03:02 pm »
My new shelf in my man-cave. My boss was loading up stuff to sell in a yard sale, and I asked her how much she wanted for the bookshelf, and she told me I could just have it. Awesome!

Now my man-cave looks a little less cramped with some of the stuff more spread out. These are my Nintendo games, with some extra boxes on the bottom shelf. Game Boy and GBA games in the binders. And if you look closely, you can see black Atari 2600 cartridges on the bottom shelf. (Next to "The One Ring to Rule Them All" prop.)

Mixing Sega and Nintendo?! If this was 15 years ago you'd never hear the end of that  :P


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3228 on: August 22, 2014, 11:05:32 pm »
^ It's just because those are all the original boxes I have for any of my cartridge games, so their all together. The actual Master System and Genesis cartridges are hanging on my wall in a cassette holder.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3229 on: August 22, 2014, 11:07:05 pm »
Maybe I'm different but I think I would be cool to have a robin named character. But its all because he named his daughter Zelda. I guess no one read my post about that


You will have to educate me on this lol.  I have no idea who these characters are?


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3230 on: August 22, 2014, 11:07:37 pm »
Ha, I was just joking around. I have my Genesis/N64/SNES all together on the same shelf.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3231 on: August 22, 2014, 11:12:44 pm »
Ha, I was just joking around. I have my Genesis/N64/SNES all together on the same shelf.

Bwigdahl, I seen you finally found the Wu Tang ps1 controller!   :D  Congrats dude!  Glad you got it!  Now you can finally kick some butt on ps1 while listening to C.R.E.A.M.!  Dolla Dolla Bill Yall!   ;)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3232 on: August 22, 2014, 11:20:36 pm »
Yeah, it's just too bad I won't be able to play the actual game it came with lol... I'm pretty excited about it though. It'll be a while before I actually get it.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3233 on: August 23, 2014, 12:05:03 am »
Yeah, it's just too bad I won't be able to play the actual game it came with lol... I'm pretty excited about it though. It'll be a while before I actually get it.

Wait why?


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3234 on: August 23, 2014, 12:05:41 am »
So I can update my wish list accordingly, would you guys say that the PS1 or the Sega CD version of the Lunar games is the elite version?


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3235 on: August 23, 2014, 12:17:10 am »
Yeah, it's just too bad I won't be able to play the actual game it came with lol... I'm pretty excited about it though. It'll be a while before I actually get it.

Wait why?

I ordered it from the UK so it will probably be a few weeks before it gets here. And it's PAL region which I have no way to play on ps1


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3236 on: August 23, 2014, 12:19:19 am »
Yeah, it's just too bad I won't be able to play the actual game it came with lol... I'm pretty excited about it though. It'll be a while before I actually get it.

Wait why?

I ordered it from the UK so it will probably be a few weeks before it gets here. And it's PAL region which I have no way to play on ps1

ummmm okay I see.  Sorry.  At least it looks cool tho!   :)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3237 on: August 23, 2014, 12:21:28 am »
Well I just meant the game is region locked (the listing I bought it from had both the controller and the game included) as far as I know controllers don't have region locks, so the controller should still work.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3238 on: August 23, 2014, 01:18:00 am »
I was playing Kingdoms of Amular for a good couple of hours. I completed a few of quests, then headed back to town. And no one is around. I go into the pub, and still no one. I then see a loot bag on the floor. It's then that I realize that instead of loading my actual game save, I had loaded the last autosave from the night before; when I decided to slaughter the town before going to bed.

So then I just wasted a few hours.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #3239 on: August 23, 2014, 02:44:08 am »
So I can update my wish list accordingly, would you guys say that the PS1 or the Sega CD version of the Lunar games is the elite version?

I've never played the Sega CD versions, but from what I understand the PS1 versions are definitely the ones to get.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis