Venom: The Last Dance - This was way more boring than I expected it was going to be lol Also, surprisingly short? I'm actually supportive of movies not always being 2 hours or longer these days, but I didn't realize we were at the finale, I thought we were just at the end of the midway point and we had the actual finale coming up lol This movie just feels obligation to finish up things with Venom. Throw in some stuff with Knull, have a bland alien threat chasing them, have some dumb minor side plot stuff happening, it's all so underwhelming. I was actually fine with the first two movies, they weren't the best, totally fine 6 or 7's out of 10's, but this doesn't feel anything like a trilogy ending should be or even a build up to another film if they were to ever do it, which I can't imagine they are as the movies have been increasingly making less since the first one and the Sony Marvel movies are failing.
I'm not even that into the Venom/Brock dynamic here, that was the thing that I could have fun with in the first two, I like them, but here...I don't know if it's because Brock is played permanently hungover and Venom even more wacky, it just doesn't work here to me and I was skipping through the family stuff because man that was boring. There's other story stuff that bugs me, mostly to do with the Symbiotes, but eh...whatever...
And because it's available and I apparently am a glutton for punishment tonight, gonna watch Kraven lol
Kraven the Hunter - Yeah it's bad. It's such a boring take on Kraven. Much like Morbius, I'm not gonna say I care about the character, but compared to other things I've seen of him before, this is just lame. It's just a boring action movie. The movie is sloppy, poorly written, lots of bad dubbing and questionable effects at time. I would never recommend anyone watch Morbius, but it at least had a style to it, and was kind of a funny bad. This is not that at all. It's probably not worse than Madam Web from the sound of it, but that's such a low bar lol Also this has just the dumbest Rhino. I never really loved what often gets used for Rhino with like a robot suit, but it just seems half baked here.