Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 414726 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2550 on: March 22, 2025, 03:16:35 pm »
Ferngully: The Last Rainforest - This is way better than it should be for what is essentially a propaganda film.  It's got really good world building, but kinda drops the ball when it comes to plot. Everything with Zak is basically DoA, but Toxic Love is on the same level as the best of the Disney villain songs.  Solid voice cast, good animation (Toxic Love shines here, too). It could be way worse.

Repo Man - The vibes are immaculate, and I really connected with its sense of humor, but ultimately the narrative wasn't really doing it for me.

Den of Thieves -  A Heat for filmbros of the 21st century.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2025, 08:37:29 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2551 on: March 24, 2025, 01:46:45 am »
the electric state

really enjoyed this for the robots and mr. peanut being a main character for some reason (which is why i watched in the first place)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2552 on: March 25, 2025, 08:57:05 pm »

i want to see the director's latest movie the monkey so watched this first, kinda confused on why it was so popular, it's pretty much just fine and not much more than that but at least the ending was satisfying, could've had a bit more going on throughout instead of so much off camera stuff

the monkey is much better but also very much a dark comedy so completely different tone but it was consistently entertaining and met my expectations
« Last Edit: March 26, 2025, 06:03:00 am by weirdfeline »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2553 on: March 26, 2025, 08:57:24 pm »
Greyhound - So relentlessly efficient that it lacks a personality.  Looks drab, and the performances are servicable at best.  Sounds great and can provide the tension needed to make it engaging at least.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2554 on: March 27, 2025, 12:33:09 pm »
Devil Wears Prada (2006)

"Die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" is a quote that rings through. This movie is expertly casted. And even more expertly directed. First get cast out of the way. Anne Hathaway is about as stellar as an actor can be. Anything Meryl Streep touches turns to gold. Thats a denny's grand slam of talent. Then just sprinkle Emily Blunt and it's like a literal chocolate mouse on top of a who's who sundae. In turn what you get is possibly the best work of all 3 and one of the greatest movies of all time.

Duality of WOman.

The movie engrosses in the concept of sacrafice. Andrea begins her tenure at runwayare as a sort of "i'm too low brow for upper society" kinda turtle necking it blue collar princess of a small studio apartment in Queens. Quickly she is jarred into retrospect by a vicious and passionate workaholic fashion icon boss woman.  The movie tackles themes of double standards, balancing work and romance but most of all losing sight of ones self or others in the pursuit of career. A relatable plot somehow struck in such a hyperbolic, unrelatable and selaciously delicious way. The movie bleeds envy, cutthroat villainy and raunchy sexy betrayal all wrapped up in this Cruella Deville cloth. And it isnt until half way through the film that you realize.


Andrea and Miranda are not so disimilar. Their is a scene where Andrea glances into the mirror after  just shattering her friends dreams in boost her own self image, missing her boyfriends birthday to play cheek tennis with a much hotter fashion entrepreneur. It's this sense of the lamb becoming the wolf. With a grin of decadence, the balance isnt always easy. The viewer spends the plot runtime so critical of the way Miranda leads. But then the main protagonist falls directly into the same cloth. As difficult as her decisions seem. She makes them. She feasts on the proverbial flesh of her contemparies. She was such a work driven perfectionist that someone elses judgement is her downfall. Just like Miranda. This leads her to be everything she mocked. Representing everything because the small town, size 6, coffee jockey act is a facade. And in the famous quote of Miranda. "Everyone wants to be like us" she seen first hand that the reason she got on so well is because she met her equal.

The movie is geniusly sown together with so much substance and also subtle humor as only Anne Hathaway and Mery Streep can pull. Think Jordan and Pippen. Think peanut butter and jelly.  Anne is a powerhouse talent and one of my picks of generational talent. Meryl instantly guides that plane of her abilities on screen like a wicked godmother. The energy is felt. And it all just HITS. Every step of the damn way. The movie is borderline perfection and I couldnt turn my head from it not once. It grips. Its run time is perfect. Giving plenty of plot but not outstaying its welcome.  And above all. It makes the viewer think. The duality of sacrificing the world for self validation. The duality of being tough leader that doesnt fail. And also being empathic, kind, fair. It's as challenging a task as any. Do you risk being the most renouned artist on earth if it means being trapped in your own paint strokes? Selling soul for prada. It's predictive of the world today. A sellout, double cross material world. The world that would shortly follow. I think it's an important piece of filmography for the modern day young intern, most females in competitive work settings or aspiring bosses in general to experience. A sorta guide to life. A lesson to be learned. I wildly loved it.

Overall - 99/100

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2555 on: Today at 12:47:16 am »
Venom: The Last Dance - This was way more boring than I expected it was going to be lol Also, surprisingly short? I'm actually supportive of movies not always being 2 hours or longer these days, but I didn't realize we were at the finale, I thought we were just at the end of the midway point and we had the actual finale coming up lol This movie just feels obligation to finish up things with Venom.  Throw in some stuff with Knull, have a bland alien threat chasing them, have some dumb minor side plot stuff happening, it's all so underwhelming.  I was actually fine with the first two movies, they weren't the best, totally fine 6 or 7's out of 10's, but this doesn't feel anything like a trilogy ending should be or even a build up to another film if they were to ever do it, which I can't imagine they are as the movies have been increasingly making less since the first one and the Sony Marvel movies are failing.

I'm not even that into the Venom/Brock dynamic here, that was the thing that I could have fun with in the first two, I like them, but here...I don't know if it's because Brock is played permanently hungover and Venom even more wacky, it just doesn't work here to me and I was skipping through the family stuff because man that was boring. There's other story stuff that bugs me, mostly to do with the Symbiotes, but eh...whatever...

And because it's available and I apparently am a glutton for punishment tonight, gonna watch Kraven lol

Kraven the Hunter - Yeah it's bad.  It's such a boring take on Kraven.  Much like Morbius, I'm not gonna say I care about the character, but compared to other things I've seen of him before, this is just lame.  It's just a boring action movie.  The movie is sloppy, poorly written, lots of bad dubbing and questionable effects at time.    I would never recommend anyone watch Morbius, but it at least had a style to it, and was kind of a funny bad.  This is not that at all.  It's probably not worse than Madam Web from the sound of it, but that's such a low bar lol  Also this has just the dumbest Rhino.  I never really loved what often gets used for Rhino with like a robot suit, but it just seems half baked here.
« Last Edit: Today at 03:52:03 am by kamikazekeeg »