It's March, which means it's time for stats! Now that we have a full year of stat tracking under our belt, I can start comparing with a year ago. And from the looks of things, on average February '13 was on par with February '12. We broke some more records, nothing too super exciting, or is it? I know, you can't contain your excitement, so feel free to read on.
UsersThis month, we had a few problems with spammers. So with that in mind, it makes me wonder just how accurate these numbers are. But we did add 433 new users to the site and broke the 7,000 mark! Yay!
- Total Registered Users: 7,251
- New Users: 433
- Daily Average: 15
ItemsIn February, we added 1,080 new items to the database and 2,193 edits were made to existing items. We managed to break 37,000 items and are now only a mere 3,000 away from the big 40!
- Total Items in Database: 37,609
- New Items: 1,080
- Daily Average: 39
- Edits: 2193
- Daily Average Edits: 78
CollectionsLast month was another good month for collection numbers. 37,889 items were added to users collections, with a daily average of 1,353. Wishlists saw a 3,300 item jump and the Sell List saw a little more love. But the biggest news here, we are now tracking 400,000 items across then entire site! That is awesome! That's 80 times more than we started with!
- Total Items in Collections: 401,829
- Total Added to Collections: 37,889
- Daily Average: 1,353
- Total Items in Wishlists: 24,488
- Total Added to Wishlists: 3,303
- Daily Average Added to Wishlists: 118
- Items For Sale/ Trade: 1,649
- Total Added to Sell List: 90
- Daily Average Added to Sell List: 3
Congrats on hitting 400,000 everybody! Welcome to all the new, human folks and here's to a sweet March!