BurningDoom's 2015 Beaten Games List:1.Strikers 1945 (PS1)
2. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)
3. Monster in my Pocket (NES)
Man I've been going slow this year. Guess that happens when you have a baby.
Good NES game. Action-platformer, that has some nice production-values, but a tad on the easy side for an NES game. By Konami. It's based on some toy-line that I honestly don't even remember (and I was a kid then, it must not have been too popular). You get to play as a tiny version of either Dracula or Frankenstein's Monster.
It's a pretty good game, especially considering it's a licensed game. Tight controls with a very cool little double-jump move. Light-platforming elements. Nice graphics for the NES. Since you're a tiny monster, everything else in the game is huge, and it looks cool seeing everything from that perspective, in 8-bit. And some REALLY GOOD NES music on this. That was the best part of this game.
The downside is the difficulty, though. It is a bit easy, as I mentioned. And it's not very long. I think it was 7, maybe 8 stages. I played it one-player and beat the game (albeit with one sliver of health left, but still, I haven't played this game since I was very little). It also has a two-player mode, which probably makes this game a breeze. Took me under an hour to beat it.
Well, that is until you get to the final stage. Then suddenly the henchmen enemies are much stronger, and you through a boss-rush of all the previous bosses in the game like Mega Man. And the final boss after that, while not too difficult, does take a lot of damage to take down.
All in all, though, if you find this one for cheap. Pick it up. Easy it may be, but it's still fun for a short play-through.