I don't care that Microsoft fixed most of the issues with the X1. Or more accurately, I don't care that Microsoft has gone back on everything they said. Some of it has been blown out of proportion, but the fact remains this was going to be a nightmare. I'm not going to support a company so blatantly anti-consumer who is basically saying "We'd screw you so hard if we could get away with it, but you noticed what we were doing."
No it actually was not going to be a nightmare. THe WHOLE thing was blown out of proportion. Especially the USed game thing. used games were going to be the same, the main complaint with used games, which was the biggest issues, was that if you gave someone your game, it would vanish from your harddrive.
But uh, when you SELL a game to someone you don't have it anymore, so....It was basically just greedy people.
The always on Kinect was SHOWN turned off at the reveal before E3 but people decided to twist that into always on.
And I hope you aren't supporting Sony because then you would be one of the larger hypocrites.
1). Not being able to sell games used UNLESS the person in question was on your friend list for 30 days and it can only be sold ONCE, ergo that person is stuck with it. Only allowing certain retailers to even accept and subsequently resell used games. Some games not being able to be resold at all. You buy a turd you're stuck with it. Only being allowed to share your games with 10 friends. I have a lot more than that borrow games from me on a regular basis. Now, where in the wild blue hell does this even sound like the way it works today?
2). The consistent internet checks, yeah fail a 24 hour check and you basically have an overpriced DVD/Bluray player. Do I have high speed internet? Yes. Do I have a 360 with Xbox live? Yes. Is it currently connected to the internet? No. Have I been playing the shit out of it? Yes!
3). Microsoft announced that the Kinect would need to be plugged in, for the system to even FUNCTION. It might not have to be on but it still has to be connected. A vast majority of gamers don't even want the thing, period.
4). Your "millions" of people I seen in an older post is a grievous exaggeration. I'm being generous when saying 100,000 at best actually wanted the restrictions back.
5). PC gamers have been putting up with DRM restrictions because the majority of them rolled over and took it. No questions asked. All hail the PC master race....