I haven't even been able to use my account since the site's redesign. The password reset isn't working, and their customer service hasn't replied to me yet, and the stock is going down fast on those new LEs. I might have to make a new account just so I don't miss out. 
Okay, for some reason I can't even seem to create a new account. Those emails just aren't working for some reason. Is anyone else here having as much trouble as I am with NISA's new website? At this rate, I might end up missing out on the htoL #NiQ: The Firefly Diary limited edition. :'(
Thanks, I'd appreciate that. 
I guess I got lucky this time, the password reset worked for me & it took my cc with no problem.
I read on another board where someone was having trouble with changing their password, and they said they found an old email from NISA and followed a link off of it that took them to the old site. They changed their password there & it worked - dunno if it will work for you or not, but worth a try I suppose.
I couldn't get the credit card payment to work for me at all so I had to do PayPal. If it's totally not working for you, feel free to PM me and maybe I can help put and order through for you.