Author Topic: Retro Collections on Disc  (Read 8054 times)


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Retro Collections on Disc
« on: May 29, 2014, 03:15:39 pm »
As hot as retro gaming is right now, why do you think more companies haven't jumped on the idea of retro collections on disc?  The Sonic's Genesis Collection sold pretty well, I think.  Midway seems to do one for every system.   
Capcom could do a Mega Man Collection every generation and it would sell plenty of copies.  Where's the Castlevania Collection?  Konami has an endless number of games that they could dump onto a disc and have me jump on. 

What do ya'll think?  Any collections you'd like to see released?


Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2014, 03:25:35 pm »
Square Enix released a 25th anniversary compilation of Dragon quest games but it never made it over here. I would have liked to see that here.

I think a really updated Mario collection would go over well. All the NES/SNES/N64 games on one disk.

With the recent release of FFX/X-2 HD out, I think FF I-IX on one disk would be fantastic.

All the original Metal gear games pre-PS3.

Im sure I could go on and on about this. :)


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2014, 04:05:20 pm »
I think a really updated Mario collection would go over well. All the NES/SNES/N64 games on one disk.

All the original Metal gear games pre-PS3.

Im sure I could go on and on about this. :)

I'm with you on the Mario Collection.  The 25th anniversary was a joke.  They dropped the ball on that one.

And Metal Gear does have one:


Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2014, 04:23:22 pm »
I didnt know about that one. But it mentions Metal Gear solid. Does it have the first 2 from the NES on it? The first one is the best one!


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2014, 04:32:02 pm »
Konami doesn't put effort into anything except Metal Gear anymore, so a Castlevania collection, or at least one that's done properly (like with the Lords of Shadow collection which is just Lords of Shadow 1 and a voucher for everything else), probably won't happen. But I would love to have one.

Capcom doesn't seem to like making money anymore, even though they could just re-release the same Mega Man collection every generation like Namco does with their thing and the Mega Man fanatics would buy them all up, so probably won't happen for a while at least.

Nintendo, as much as I love them and think they get a huge amount of unnecessary flack, definitely are weird when it comes to stuff like this. But it's possible Mario could get something since even Kirby got a(n awesome) collection. But then there has been a (sorta) Zelda collection that was on the Gamecube, but if I recall that was a promotional thing and not a lot of effort was put into it or anything. Still nice to have the ~4 games on one disc though.

I believe Square Enix released a collection of Final Fantasy I-IX in Japan. Kinda weird we didn't get it considering how much people in the west just eat up the earlier titles. But then again, those are all also quite easily available by other means.

Really there are tons of possibilities here that it's strange you don't see more of these released. Especially if it's not a remastered sort of thing. The Kirby collection is great, as well as the Metal Gear one and it seems like it wouldn't take a lot of effort or a lot of money to produce these and they're pretty much guaranteed to sell decently.

On a similar subject, I've wondered why hardware companies never re-release any of their legacy consoles. Retro gaming is so huge right now, and you've got plenty of people buying those Retron consoles as a cheap alternative, why couldn't Nintendo do a small run of new NESes? Or Atari manufacture some more 2600s? I can't imagine it would cost very much to manufacture these and they would sell insanely. I know it would be more difficult for Atari and probably even Sega given they are merely a fraction of what they used to be, but they could probably partner with someone. Can you imagine buying a brand new SNES or Genesis? Awesome.

I didnt know about that one. But it mentions Metal Gear solid. Does it have the first 2 from the NES on it? The first one is the best one!

Yes, but they're the superior MSX versions. It's also worth noting that Metal Gear Solid 1 is not included on disc - you have to download it. Not too big of a deal since they really packed in a ton of content and MGS1 is still fairly easily accessible if you don't already have it.


Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2014, 04:42:07 pm »
To me, for these collections to be really worth it they have to put the effort in.  I don't just want straight ports of the games - tho that's clearly a key aspect of a set.  I also want documentaries, behind the scenes info, concept art, promotional art - the works.  These companies should make us believe they care about their franchises at least as much as we do. 

"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 04:55:32 pm »
I freaking love these things! You get so much bang for your buck. I own a ton of them. Like the only one left I still really want is Intellivision Lives. I could go for the Zelda Collector's Edition too, except I already own all of those games other than Majora's Mask.

But unfortunately I think the time for these has passed. Now there's PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, and Wii Virtual Console. Companies can make far more money by charging people per game that way, than they can making collections.

If they did make a comeback, though, here's what I'd want to see the most (Konami sorely needs some):

The Nintendo NES Collection
-Donkey Kong
-Donkey Kong Jr.
-Donkey Kong 3
-Dr. Mario
-Kid Icarus
-The Legend of Zelda 1 & 2
-Super Mario Bros. 1-3
-Wrecking Crew

The Super Nintendo Collection:
-Donkey Kong Country 1-3
-The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
-SimCity (not sure if they could include this or not, with licensing rights, but Nintendo originally released the SNES version)
-Super Mario Kart
-Super Mario RPG
-Super Mario World
-Super Metroid
-Yoshi's Island

The Konami Kollection:
-Bucky 'O Hare
-Castlevania 1-4
-Contra 1 & 3
-Super C
-Metal Gear
-Snake's Revenge
-TMNT 1-3 (Do they still have the TMNT license? Didn't they have a hand in the PS2/GameCube TMNT games? If not, then I guess this wouldn't work)

The Castlevania Crypt:
-Castlevania 1-4
-Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
-Castlevania: Bloodlines
-Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
-Castlevania 64
-Castlevania: Adventure
-Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
-Castlevania: Legend

The Contra Killer Pack:
-Contra (NES version)
-Super C
-Contra III: The Alien Wars
-Contra: Hard Corps
-C: The Contra Adventure
-Contra: Legacy of War
-Operation C

Star Soldier Collection:
-Star Force
-Star Soldier
-Super Star Soldier
-Soldier Blade
-Final Soldier
-Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth
-Star Parodier


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2014, 06:36:17 pm »
Why would they, they could sell each game for 2-10 dollars on the virtual console.
I would love to see a best of commodore 64 or 'the hidden gems of the 3do'
Currently playing:
Rogue Trooper [xbox]
Days Gone [ps4]

Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2014, 07:06:00 pm »
It would be really awesome to get some good sets of retro games on one disc. 

On a similar subject, I've wondered why hardware companies never re-release any of their legacy consoles. Retro gaming is so huge right now, and you've got plenty of people buying those Retron consoles as a cheap alternative, why couldn't Nintendo do a small run of new NESes? Or Atari manufacture some more 2600s? I can't imagine it would cost very much to manufacture these and they would sell insanely. I know it would be more difficult for Atari and probably even Sega given they are merely a fraction of what they used to be, but they could probably partner with someone. Can you imagine buying a brand new SNES or Genesis? Awesome.

I would buy something like this in a heartbeat.  A brand new version, maybe a little modernized for a mixture of new and old and it comes with a couple newer versions of some of their hits on new carts, like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, and probably Donkey Kong with replica display boxes.  The SNES could be very much the same with Super Mario World, A Link to the Past, and maybe like Super Metroid.  An N64 version would be the peak for me with how much I love that lol


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2014, 07:25:37 pm »
Why would they, they could sell each game for 2-10 dollars on the virtual console.
I would love to see a best of commodore 64 or 'the hidden gems of the 3do'

I understand what you're saying, but there seems to still be a market for these collections. Look at how many PS2 collections have been released on PS3. The Sega Collection on Xbox 360 was popular enough to be re-released as a Platinum Hit. 

Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2014, 08:13:36 pm »
I don't think Nintendo would do a collection, (I know they did the 25 anniversary but that was a joke. It was just Super Mario All-stars on a disc.) because there's more money to be made by selling each game individually for 5 dollars a pop. As of late they've been trying to promote download sales as well so putting everything on one disc for a low flat rate would seem counterproductive.

I would like to see that however.


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2014, 09:08:32 pm »
as long as they are as awesome as this one I will buy


Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2014, 09:46:08 pm »
And here's an example of an awful one.

... why isn't this in my collection? I've had this crap for years.

Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2014, 12:13:47 am »
Would love to see a Mega Man Legends collection (Legends 1 and 2, and Tron Bonne).


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Re: Retro Collections on Disc
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2014, 02:10:06 am »
Capcom would probably announce that once Mega Man Legends 3 is unveiled...  Just like Valve would announce a Lambda Box (Half-Life Collection) when Half-Life 3 is released.   ::)

Please check out the games I have for sale.