Started up Outer Worlds last week. Thanks Xbox Game Pass!
Great Fallout New Vegas X Firefly/Serenity type game. Has a lot of Bioshock/Mass Effect qualities too. Overall a great game, I have many complaints that might keep it off the top of my list, but it's a great game and I want to play more. Might even play it twice.
Yeah alot about the game works well, though as I'm nearing the end of the game, the lack of variety with the gear/weapons and the kinda bland exploration ends up keeping me from loving it. The dialogue and interactions though are so great and are definitely the highlights.
Yeah, the inventory system is sort of garbage, all items that you pick up are sort of needless. I'm reaching the point where I don't even want to look in containers or loot corpses because I don't need anything and everything is sort of useless.
The weapon customization is pretty weak too, only a handful of weapons can have a silencer, none of the assault/sniper rifles can have silencers, only shotguns and machine guns can have silencers, like wtf.
I also noticed with the dialogue, you'll reach a dialogue tree or something where you have 4 possible answers, none sound like they'd be definitive and end the conversation, but they all do, so you only get to ask 1 question out of 4 when you want to know the answer to all 4 questions.