Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 636233 times)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4170 on: October 28, 2019, 03:56:30 pm »
Started up Outer Worlds last week.  Thanks Xbox Game Pass!

Great Fallout New Vegas X Firefly/Serenity type game.  Has a lot of Bioshock/Mass Effect qualities too.  Overall a great game, I have many complaints that might keep it off the top of my list, but it's a great game and I want to play more.  Might even play it twice.

Yeah alot about the game works well, though as I'm nearing the end of the game, the lack of variety with the gear/weapons and the kinda bland exploration ends up keeping me from loving it.  The dialogue and interactions though are so great and are definitely the highlights.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4171 on: October 29, 2019, 03:25:01 am »
Currently playing the hell out of the Munsters Premium pinball table from Stern.

Took me a couple weeks to sort out some bugs and get the hardware dialed in.

But now that the tweaking is out of the way it’s a pretty smooth ride.

I haven’t really had the time to play games with long stories. Shame, because I love a good story.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4172 on: October 29, 2019, 05:11:23 am »
I'm playing through Shenmue II in Prep for Shenmue III in just 3 weeks time! I'm also Streaming it on various evenings on my channel:

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4173 on: October 29, 2019, 09:00:36 am »
Started up Outer Worlds last week.  Thanks Xbox Game Pass!

Great Fallout New Vegas X Firefly/Serenity type game.  Has a lot of Bioshock/Mass Effect qualities too.  Overall a great game, I have many complaints that might keep it off the top of my list, but it's a great game and I want to play more.  Might even play it twice.

Yeah alot about the game works well, though as I'm nearing the end of the game, the lack of variety with the gear/weapons and the kinda bland exploration ends up keeping me from loving it.  The dialogue and interactions though are so great and are definitely the highlights.
Yeah, the inventory system is sort of garbage, all items that you pick up are sort of needless.  I'm reaching the point where I don't even want to look in containers or loot corpses because I don't need anything and everything is sort of useless.

The weapon customization is pretty weak too, only a handful of weapons can have a silencer, none of the assault/sniper rifles can have silencers, only shotguns and machine guns can have silencers, like wtf.

I also noticed with the dialogue, you'll reach a dialogue tree or something where you have 4 possible answers, none sound like they'd be definitive and end the conversation, but they all do, so you only get to ask 1 question out of 4 when you want to know the answer to all 4 questions.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4174 on: October 29, 2019, 03:13:32 pm »
Started up Outer Worlds last week.  Thanks Xbox Game Pass!

Great Fallout New Vegas X Firefly/Serenity type game.  Has a lot of Bioshock/Mass Effect qualities too.  Overall a great game, I have many complaints that might keep it off the top of my list, but it's a great game and I want to play more.  Might even play it twice.

Yeah alot about the game works well, though as I'm nearing the end of the game, the lack of variety with the gear/weapons and the kinda bland exploration ends up keeping me from loving it.  The dialogue and interactions though are so great and are definitely the highlights.
Yeah, the inventory system is sort of garbage, all items that you pick up are sort of needless.  I'm reaching the point where I don't even want to look in containers or loot corpses because I don't need anything and everything is sort of useless.

The weapon customization is pretty weak too, only a handful of weapons can have a silencer, none of the assault/sniper rifles can have silencers, only shotguns and machine guns can have silencers, like wtf.

I also noticed with the dialogue, you'll reach a dialogue tree or something where you have 4 possible answers, none sound like they'd be definitive and end the conversation, but they all do, so you only get to ask 1 question out of 4 when you want to know the answer to all 4 questions.

I just beat it after setting aside the rest of the side missions after about halfway through the game just to beat the story because exploration was getting boring because there's not a lot of interesting variety.

Also the Hunting Rifle can get a silencer.  That ended up being a life saver in the final level because I was able to only pull a couple tough soldiers at a time, rather than the entire room where I would be swiftly killed lol

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4175 on: October 29, 2019, 03:14:52 pm »
Started up Outer Worlds last week.  Thanks Xbox Game Pass!

Great Fallout New Vegas X Firefly/Serenity type game.  Has a lot of Bioshock/Mass Effect qualities too.  Overall a great game, I have many complaints that might keep it off the top of my list, but it's a great game and I want to play more.  Might even play it twice.

Yeah alot about the game works well, though as I'm nearing the end of the game, the lack of variety with the gear/weapons and the kinda bland exploration ends up keeping me from loving it.  The dialogue and interactions though are so great and are definitely the highlights.
Yeah, the inventory system is sort of garbage, all items that you pick up are sort of needless.  I'm reaching the point where I don't even want to look in containers or loot corpses because I don't need anything and everything is sort of useless.

The weapon customization is pretty weak too, only a handful of weapons can have a silencer, none of the assault/sniper rifles can have silencers, only shotguns and machine guns can have silencers, like wtf.

I also noticed with the dialogue, you'll reach a dialogue tree or something where you have 4 possible answers, none sound like they'd be definitive and end the conversation, but they all do, so you only get to ask 1 question out of 4 when you want to know the answer to all 4 questions.

I just beat it after setting aside the rest of the side missions after about halfway through the game just to beat the story because exploration was getting boring because there's not a lot of interesting variety.

Also the Hunting Rifle can get a silencer.  That ended up being a life saver in the final level because I was able to only pull a couple tough soldiers at a time, rather than the entire room where I would be swiftly killed lol
Do you get different possible upgrades as you move to MK2 and Ultra?  Base only had magazine and scope mods.  I haven't looked at the MK2 hunting rifle yet and I think I have one ultra weapon so far.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4176 on: October 29, 2019, 03:29:26 pm »
Maybe it was MK2/Ultra versions get more slots.  I don't remember at the moment, but it was the higher level weapon for sure and I did spec it to have a silencer, so you might want to find one to buy.  Could probably grab one at Byzantium if you made it there.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4177 on: October 29, 2019, 03:35:27 pm »
Maybe it was MK2/Ultra versions get more slots.  I don't remember at the moment, but it was the higher level weapon for sure and I did spec it to have a silencer, so you might want to find one to buy.  Could probably grab one at Byzantium if you made it there.
Nah, I'm only on Monarch so far.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4178 on: October 29, 2019, 03:50:15 pm »
Hitman 1

I'm in the school trying to find all peepholes.

I'm struggling.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4179 on: October 30, 2019, 07:32:09 am »


The levels of cryptic lore is on par with Dark Souls. Symphony of the Night meets Dark Souls and Loving every minute of it...

And some of those character and NPC designs... Stunning yet terrifying at the same time. Altasgracias, I wasn’t prepared for that... it blew me away... :-X

I’m just waiting for a physical edition. If it does happen, the Collectors Edition will be mine ;D
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 07:44:27 am by mark1982 »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4180 on: October 30, 2019, 08:29:01 am »
Blasphemous looks dope, but I heard it doesn't play well. How are the controls?


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4181 on: October 30, 2019, 10:00:53 am »
Blasphemous looks dope, but I heard it doesn't play well. How are the controls?

I'm playing on the Switch, there was an update recently on the 18th which fixed a bunch of issues including several control mechanics.

Patch notes here -

Like any game there are several learning mechanics, but overall I found it very responsive with chaining attacks and using special abilities. The game is punishing, similar to Dark Souls with Prayer Alters (Bonfires) and Tears of Atonement (Souls Currency) used for upgrades and purchases. If you die it punishes you even further by reducing your Fevour (Magic Meter) and currency gain until you retrieve your Guilt (Soul) from last died location. All this sounds familiar, heh. ;)

Same as Souls, the more you die the more punishing it gets. May be a turn off to some, but overall I think it plays great. As mentioned earlier, controls takes a little learning but overall it plays fine. ;D
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4182 on: October 30, 2019, 10:14:56 am »
Blasphemous looks dope, but I heard it doesn't play well. How are the controls?

I'm playing on the Switch, there was an update recently on the 18th which fixed a bunch of issues including several control mechanics.

Patch notes here -

Like any game there are several learning mechanics, but overall I found it very responsive with chaining attacks and using special abilities. The game is punishing, similar to Dark Souls with Prayer Alters (Bonfires) and Tears of Atonement (Souls Currency) used for upgrades and purchases. If you die it punishes you even further by reducing your Fevour (Magic Meter) and currency gain until you retrieve your Guilt (Soul) from last died location. All this sounds familiar, heh. ;)

Same as Souls, the more you die the more punishing it gets. May be a turn off to some, but overall I think it plays great. As mentioned earlier, controls takes a little learning but overall it plays fine. ;D

Right on! I've platinum'd Demon's, Dark, and Bloodborne so I'm cool with a challenge. The controls just need to be responsive, haha.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4183 on: October 30, 2019, 05:36:43 pm »
Another Borderlands came out. I’m playing another Borderlands

If you like Borderlands, you’ll like Borderlands 3. It’s more Borderlands. It’s a blast. I’m into it.
I’m playing as the Beastmaster. I can dig a game where I get a dog (skag) to kill folks for me.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4184 on: October 30, 2019, 06:09:02 pm »
Another Borderlands came out. I’m playing another Borderlands

If you like Borderlands, you’ll like Borderlands 3. It’s more Borderlands. It’s a blast. I’m into it.
I’m playing as the Beastmaster. I can dig a game where I get a dog (skag) to kill folks for me.

I felt like the game was a little TOO Borderlands, especially with it being 7 years since the last main release, but I had some fun with it.

Battlefield V is getting its Pacific expansion tomorrow, so I'll be playing a lot of that and I got back into playing Escape from Tarkov again after not playing for awhile.  It's such an unforgiving shooter , but the new update has me wanting to play more with the addition of the hideout to work towards, which gives me a reason to gather more than just weapons.  That said, dying and losing all your gear multiple times in a row is the ultimate pride destroyer and I don't generally play the game for too long, because my soul can't take it lol