Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 635766 times)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4605 on: December 21, 2022, 03:23:52 pm »

I got into that one when I got Game Pass on sale. It is oddly least until I got to the subway station level, that's just too overwhelming of a job.

It is nice that it saves progress, so you don't have to do everything all at once meaning you can do it in sections if something is abit too large as my hand starts to get sore after a big level lol

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4606 on: December 28, 2022, 10:45:24 pm »
Was watching a streamer play Naraka: Bladepoint and end up giving it a go since it's on Game Pass.  Overall it's both very exciting and very frustrating.  I know it's just me not having a full grasp of the mechanics, but even when it feels like I got a good handle on things or even if I watch from the outside, it feels like things just gets so chaotic and it does feel kinda janky at times, where grapples don't seem to connect like they should or strikes missing or not doing what they should.  Not sure if that's just me, but some fights I get very confused on what just happened lol


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4607 on: December 28, 2022, 11:14:12 pm »
Since the PS4/5 now has Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, I've been playing that non-stop. As usual, I'm playing on Hard and en route towards the A Ending. Interestingly, there aren't any trophies available for getting that or any of the other endings. Either way, it's been a blast. I will never grow tired of this game. I've been using Grey, Jun, and Lyseria.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4608 on: December 28, 2022, 11:44:04 pm »
Tried to get back into High On Life as I took a break to play God of War: Ragnarok, but I think I'm done with that game.  Roiland's humor is mind numbing in a game setup.  I never played that VR game his company did, but the constant, improvisational, never ending, talking that runs every possible joke into the ground just kills things.  I'm fine with Rick & Morty and Solar Opposites, half hour episodes that have to keep a plot moving, there's not a lot of downtime, but here, there's a lot of downtime between things so it's just wears the player down.  The humor reminds me a lot of like Borderlands, but it's all the worst aspects of Borderlands I feel, where yeah it gets cringy or a little too random, but there was still decent written humor throughout, or fun characters, or even good emotional beats, but none of that is here.  I chuckled maybe a couple times, but that's not enough to deal with these freaking talking guns lol

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4609 on: January 22, 2023, 06:07:19 pm »
Started back into Monster Hunter World after not playing it for like a year or two, because while there is stuff I like in Rise and the new monsters seem cool, I still feel like the overall experience of World is better to me.  I will say, Rise ruined me abit, because I did an arena mission to get back into the swing of things, and I kept spamming the wirebug insta-getup move that doesn't exist in World lol Also I don't remember how to do all the mounting attacks lol That mobility stuff is probably the one thing I miss from Rise when going back to World.

Other than that, I still love this game.  It's not perfect, like I think aspects of the Guiding Lands is really annoying (I have like 400 hours in this game and I still have a monster or two I haven't unlocked I believe), but this game is just never not enjoyable to me.  And there's a lot of the game I haven't experienced.  I haven't finished the last final fights they added (I think they last...2 or 3 crazy dragon fights?), I could spend time learning some of the other weapons as I only have experience with Hammers, Long Swords, and Great Swords, and there's still armor I haven't crafted. 

I really can't wait for World 2, I think it easily has potential to surpass the first game very easily if they handle it right.  Just using a new engine could do wonders for it.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4610 on: January 23, 2023, 11:50:37 am »
Me and a friend tried to play PREY from bethesda...but we just couldn't get into it! I've tried it once before too already. It has a good set up and wondeful art direction but the lack of interesting scenario writing makes the gameplay feel bland.

I got Dante's Inferno & intend to play that with him from now on as there is more going on with the game - And works onf my Xbox One X backwards Compatibility!

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4611 on: January 29, 2023, 11:28:42 pm »
Just finished getting all 1000 achievement points for Goldeneye.  I still love this game.  It definitely loses its replay value when you don't have people to play deathmatch with, especially if you aren't creative enough to come up with your own constraints for beating levels... but that sure as heck could be fun.

Right as I was finishing up my run through, someone suggested I do Gold PP7, Enemy Rockets, at Silo on Agent difficulty.  That was kinda tough, but it was fun.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4612 on: February 08, 2023, 11:44:22 pm »
I've been giving the Mega Man Zero games (playing Zero 1) a try and I'm not sure if the reason people say these games are hard is because of the bosses/levels or because of screen crunch/leaps of faith and enemies shooting at you from off screen. It's reminding me of the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass with these annoyances. The boss fights so far have been fine as long as the boss has stayed on screen where I can see them. The levels in these missions have been disappointing ending so quickly and not being very interesting outside of the occasional enemy shooting at or dropping something on you from off screen.

I'm liking the story, setting, and character designs though. The fact that Zero gets multiple weapons that can be leveled up is pretty neat too.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4613 on: February 09, 2023, 04:12:47 am »
Been taking my time with the new Dead Space and it's been real good, I know it's abit on the shorter side, like Resident Evil can be, so I didn't want to binge it like I usually do and I'm a little over half-way right now I think. I don't know how close the game is exactly to the original, it's been years since I played it, but I'm remembering a lot of areas as I go through, so I feel like they stuck pretty true to the games original setup and it's damn creepy.  The atmosphere is so good and I appreciate that they go completely dark in some areas, it can be immediately disorienting in some spots to hear a necromorph bust out somewhere and you are trying to spin around and find it with just your flashlight on your weapon.  I don't really have any complaints with it.  I could nitpick it and say that the menu's for like workbench and map could be a tad better, but it's a minor, minor, thing.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4614 on: February 09, 2023, 09:21:18 am »
My confession is that I've never actually completed a Minecraft pack before. Not usually due to my own error, but of the handful of pack I've played over the years, they usually end up in world corruption in one way or another. Of course I've beated Minecraft proper, but years ago. Now in PO3 Normal I think I'm over the hump as far as progression goes, having gotten the Transmutation Table, Draconic Armor set and Wand of Animation. I think there is still a ways to go yet but I've completed 3 of the quest trees now. I have to say I prefer jetpacks over creative flight, or wish that creative flight had a hover ability.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4615 on: February 09, 2023, 12:08:14 pm »
I've been giving the Mega Man Zero games (playing Zero 1) a try and I'm not sure if the reason people say these games are hard is because of the bosses/levels or because of screen crunch/leaps of faith and enemies shooting at you from off screen. It's reminding me of the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass with these annoyances. The boss fights so far have been fine as long as the boss has stayed on screen where I can see them. The levels in these missions have been disappointing ending so quickly and not being very interesting outside of the occasional enemy shooting at or dropping something on you from off screen.

I'm liking the story, setting, and character designs though. The fact that Zero gets multiple weapons that can be leveled up is pretty neat too.

I really wanted to like the first game. But I got so far and got stuck.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4616 on: February 09, 2023, 01:40:49 pm »
I've been giving the Mega Man Zero games (playing Zero 1) a try and I'm not sure if the reason people say these games are hard is because of the bosses/levels or because of screen crunch/leaps of faith and enemies shooting at you from off screen. It's reminding me of the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass with these annoyances. The boss fights so far have been fine as long as the boss has stayed on screen where I can see them. The levels in these missions have been disappointing ending so quickly and not being very interesting outside of the occasional enemy shooting at or dropping something on you from off screen.

I'm liking the story, setting, and character designs though. The fact that Zero gets multiple weapons that can be leveled up is pretty neat too.

I played through all of them a few years ago. The first game was my least favorite by far. Had the least amount of content and was definitely the most frustrating. No option to continue and replenish lives was really unfortunate if you saved the game with 0 lives and a difficult stage ahead of you. I also had to change the default controls (I was playing on PS4 with the legacy collection, not sure what you were playing).

My ranking is 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 1. I prefer the ZX games personally because I feel like they had more to offer.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4617 on: February 09, 2023, 05:50:56 pm »
I've been giving the Mega Man Zero games (playing Zero 1) a try and I'm not sure if the reason people say these games are hard is because of the bosses/levels or because of screen crunch/leaps of faith and enemies shooting at you from off screen. It's reminding me of the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass with these annoyances. The boss fights so far have been fine as long as the boss has stayed on screen where I can see them. The levels in these missions have been disappointing ending so quickly and not being very interesting outside of the occasional enemy shooting at or dropping something on you from off screen.

I'm liking the story, setting, and character designs though. The fact that Zero gets multiple weapons that can be leveled up is pretty neat too.

I played through all of them a few years ago. The first game was my least favorite by far. Had the least amount of content and was definitely the most frustrating. No option to continue and replenish lives was really unfortunate if you saved the game with 0 lives and a difficult stage ahead of you. I also had to change the default controls (I was playing on PS4 with the legacy collection, not sure what you were playing).

My ranking is 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 1. I prefer the ZX games personally because I feel like they had more to offer.

I'm actually really glad to hear that.  I've only ever played the first game, which I thought was fine, but my general indifference towards it made me not that interested to play the others.  I'll looking into checking them out now.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4618 on: February 10, 2023, 11:41:32 pm »
I've been giving the Mega Man Zero games (playing Zero 1) a try and I'm not sure if the reason people say these games are hard is because of the bosses/levels or because of screen crunch/leaps of faith and enemies shooting at you from off screen. It's reminding me of the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass with these annoyances. The boss fights so far have been fine as long as the boss has stayed on screen where I can see them. The levels in these missions have been disappointing ending so quickly and not being very interesting outside of the occasional enemy shooting at or dropping something on you from off screen.

I'm liking the story, setting, and character designs though. The fact that Zero gets multiple weapons that can be leveled up is pretty neat too.

I played through all of them a few years ago. The first game was my least favorite by far. Had the least amount of content and was definitely the most frustrating. No option to continue and replenish lives was really unfortunate if you saved the game with 0 lives and a difficult stage ahead of you. I also had to change the default controls (I was playing on PS4 with the legacy collection, not sure what you were playing).

My ranking is 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 1. I prefer the ZX games personally because I feel like they had more to offer.
I'm playing the Legacy Collection on PS4 and I immediately changed the controls to feel more like the Mega Man X games (X jump, Square weapon, Circle dash, L1 is sub-weapon). Good to know that the other games are better.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4619 on: February 11, 2023, 11:24:04 am »
Metroid Prime Remastered

It really is more of a faithful remake than a remaster. They put way more into this than just an HD coat of paint. The modern control scheme alone gives it new life (which there was no excuse then why we didn't have it then, it wasn't the 90s). Well worth the $40.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 11:26:07 am by burningdoom »