Author Topic: Sony or Nintendo all time?  (Read 5413 times)

Sony or Nintendo all time?
« on: August 15, 2016, 07:13:48 pm »
Every PlayStation console ever or every Nintendo console ever? :D

I think I gotta go with PlayStation :)

Wait no... I am not sure lol. 

PS2 beats gamecube easily for me,  PS3 dominates Wii, PS4 embarrasses Wii U  but Nintendo has SNES and NES along with dominating the handheld game for over 2 decades.

Which company do you prefer :D
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 07:16:03 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2016, 07:19:51 pm »
Before this gets bad...

PLEASE be mindful of starting any sort of console wars discussions. People get very heated very easily.

I'm ok with this thread but I just want folks to be considerate of each other. I don't want it to be a rule that we can't talk about it, but if it falls apart and turns into name-calling, we might have to consider making it a rule to avoid the topic altogether.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2016, 07:39:39 pm »
I prefer Nintendo's lineage over Sony's by a large margin. 

NES and SNES are great. 

N64 and PS1 is a tough fight for me personally, though I know the PS1 had a lot more better games overall, but I owned an N64 and only played the PS1 once in awhile.  There's a charm to the N64 for me. 

Gamecube I barely got into outside of like playing Animal Crossing, Wind Waker, and Resident Evil 4 at friends houses, so the PS2 dominates that generation and it even got the superior version of Resident Evil 4.

PS3 and Wii is a mixed bag.  I didn't really get a PS3 till practically the last year or so of its cycle and didn't find a lot of games that interested me.  Was mostly just a Blu-Ray player.  The Wii on the other had has some interesting games, but I hate motion controls.  Both lose out with that. 

And finally, while the PS4 is clearly better as a system, I think I've so far enjoyed my Wii U more than my PS4.  I barely got a handful of games that interest me on the PS4, but the Wii U I have like twice that I really like, though the PS4 is slowly catching up.


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2016, 09:27:10 pm »
From a collector standpoint, I would go Nintendo. I like the length of history. You miss out on 8-bit and 16-bit gaming with Sony. And these are my favorite generations to collect for.

Either way, you can't lose.

I actually started out collecting nothing but Sony about 6 years ago. But I ran into hardware issues on several systems. It doesn't seem to be the norm that people experience. But it kind of soured the experience.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2016, 11:02:18 pm »

PS1 I played a lot, PS2 is great, but after that most of the games I'd be interested in I could get/have got elsewhere, but with Nintendo systems, there are too many exclusives on everything that I couldn't go without.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 11:07:23 pm by olly88 »


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2016, 12:15:55 am »
sony for me. i don't hate nintendo's legacy by any stretch, but i am not even lying when i say that, modern gaming is much more suited to my... tastes. i LOVE exploration, deep, deep exploration and big open worlds i can interact with and the sense of wonder that comes with exploring huge worlds in great detail, and while we're not quite at that, sony has the hardware more suited to offer me that.
(that's not to deny xenoblade chronicles x or anything, but IN GENERAL... xcx is an exception not the rule by far)
nintendo's older systems boasted harder gameplay, fwiw, but that's not my personal interest.

if i had to really choose, and let's pretend the vita is not the end of sony handhelds, i'd have to stick to sony. MORE jrpgs, MORE open world, MORE gameplay and sense of wonder suited to me.

playstation vs n64 is not a battle i was ever into, i thought both consoles looked terrible ngl. so i don't care either way.
playstation 2 stomps gamecube into the curb. the better tales game, way more jrpgs, way more open worlds, okami beats windwaker at its own game, plenty of platformers (r&c, j&d, psychonauts come to mind)... some of which (psychonauts, esp) i thought were better than sunshine. the gamecube had very little for me... except animal crossing. and that's where things get sad for me... no more animal crossing! DX
playstation 3 stomps wii for sure. wii had madworld and smg, but ahhh, not much else that interested me... playstation 3 has my biggest library, and will likely be my first system to reach 100 titles (tho the library is becoming 'scarce' for me, i think i can find another 35... i'm missing record of agarest war series, for instance)
and the playstation 4 destroys wii u.
psp vs ds was a lot harder for me, both were fantastic.
vita... ahhh, i think vita technically has less time for me, just because new leaf has sucked literally 300+ hours of my time from my life @.@ (compare to disgaea 3, which took ~100) but i prefer the vita overall, and have, iirc, more games for it. and that'll likely remain true to the very end. 3ds also has monster hunter these days. sighhh.

but yes, sony... ah, sony.
unfortunately, nintendo loses by a small margin in the handheld department often, but still.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2016, 12:57:58 am »
For handhelds, I think Nintendo is the clear winner.
For consoles: PS1>N64, PS2>Gamecube (although I do like the Gamecube's exclusives a bit more than PS2),
 not sure about ps3/wii because both have a bunch of exclusive and interesting titles,
 not exactly sure on the PS4 vs Wii U since I don't have the former, but Wii U does have some quality titles from what I've played.

Based on personal experience and Nintendo having a huge 8-bit/16 bit library to choose from as well, I'd give a slight edge to Nintendo.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 01:00:28 am by maximo310 »

Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2016, 06:51:28 am »
I go with Nintendo too, the obvious NES and Snes stuff has already been brought up, So I wont go into detail about that. I might be the odd one out but I like the Gamecube over the ps2. The Ps3 is great and has held up better overall than the Wii, however I feel like I'm the only one that is legitimately disappointed in the PS4. Hear me out, since I've gotten into PC gaming, there seems like nothing exclusive to the PS4, I recently beat Tearaway on the PS4 and was extremely disappointed, the Vita version was great, the ps4 version, on the other hand, was terrible. For me, there is a reason to have a wii u, I cant play Bayonetta 2, Splattoon, or Pikmin 3 on a PC.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 06:54:07 am by kingrat101 »

Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2016, 08:18:32 am »
While my answer is Nintendo, I have to agree with the sentiment of being a more modern gamer.  I just find it harder to appreciate NES games, and while I appreciate SNES games, some of them suck.  N64 games generally don't hold up very well graphically... even the controls too.  Plus, the Fallout games are among my favorite games and they have never been published on a Nintendo platform.  But plain and simple, Nintendo has more games I would want to play than Sony.

So between Nintendo and Sony, I gotta say Nintendo, in terms of collecting and playing.

But in terms of just playing... I'd rather have Microsoft systems.  Xbox has a lot of good games and multiplat titles, 360 and X1 have been good to me this past decade, and I can play Fallout.


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2016, 08:41:54 am »
Sony by a landslide.

I have fond memories of the NES and the SNES, but after Breath of Fire III headed to the PlayStation that was all the motivation I needed to head towards Sony.

The PlayStation was a treasure trove for RPGs, plus a slew of other unique titles like PaRappa, Mega Man X4, Strider 2, etc. The N64's limited library and heavy reliance on 3D completely turned me off from Nintendo during that era.

There was no contest with the PlayStation 2 and the Game Cube. I adore Tales of Symphonia; I have played it more than any other Tales game. However, the PS2 became another system with a surplus of fantastic RPGs and other genres. It's my favorite console of all time.

This trend continues with the PS3. The Wii's gimmicks aren't my thing and The Last Story was finished within 35 hours. So, yeah, the PS3.

Nowadays, my PS4 is getting hundreds of hours of love mainly thanks to Tales of Zestiria and (currently) Star Ocean V. I still don't have a Wii U, but I do intend to get one because there are some games I want to play on it.

Even in the portable world, Sony wins. I take my PSP over the DS and my Vita over the 3DS. All of them have great games, but with my taste Sony gets the win. Of course, I adore the Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance.


Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2016, 12:00:34 pm »
As for which has the most enduring games for me, I have to go with Sony.  I absolutely love the 8-bit & 16-bit era of Nintendo and will always love them.  But Nintendo lost to Sony in the 32/64-bit war and Sony ran away ever since. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2016, 12:06:09 pm »




I can completely skip the PS1/N64 Era


games hold up better in my opinion
PS3 topped the Wii.  This is a tough call.  I like the Wii.  There are some gems, but that PS3 had all those games that I dug last gen on my Xbox360.  Those damn waggle controls piss me off though.

3DS - The Vita doesn't even compare

WiiU - I'm really digging the PS4.  It's hooked up in the living room. I just really like the exclusives.  I like what Nintendo does.  I like the WiiU Gamepad.  It's cool to have a screen in my hand.  The PS4 is exactly like a PC.  The world is headed that way. 

Nintendo may not be cutting edge in technology, but quality and fun are top notch.


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Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2016, 12:49:12 pm »

Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2016, 12:58:57 pm »
Is... Is both an acceptable answer?


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Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2016, 01:01:20 pm »
Is... Is both an acceptable answer?

Why not? I own plenty of both systems and enjoy both.