Author Topic: Intro thread  (Read 324282 times)

Intro thread
« on: March 09, 2011, 06:33:18 am »
I spotted that there is not actually an introduction thread on this site yet :D So I figured I would create one as I am new here.

Hi, I'm Wapedflash and collect a little bit of everything! Have small collections on a range of consoles but have got to the stage where I am looking to expand the software side of things :D

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 08:34:02 am »
You win the internet for posting our first duplicate thread! haha. Anyways I'm Matt, the guy who is building all of this stuff. Over the past few years I've sold off most of my collection and mainly collect NES and SMS now. I see you posted some suggestion in another thread, so I'm heading there to address them now. :)


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 10:58:09 am »
I'm tpugmire, site admin and database cleaner extraordinaire!  If you notice any errors in the database, please let me know.  As for my collection, I collect for the following systems:
Atari 2600
Atari 8-Bit Computer Series
Gameboy (All)
Sega Genesis
Turbografx 16 (and PC Engine, thanks to my region mod)
And anything else I happen to stumble upon...

I don't have all that many games, at least compared to atariboy, but my few gamer friends are impressed at how much old stuff I have and still play.  They call my house the Utah Museum of Ancient Gaming.
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Re: Intro thread
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 12:23:59 pm »
Hey, I'm Scott, Also an admin. I set up the style guide, so if you have any questions involving it, let me know.

I have a ton of gaming stuff and swag, and all my Nintendo consoles are still hooked up to my TV. My main collection is the Game Boy / Game Boy Color, with a focus on complete systems and accessories. I also collect Castlevania games and related items.

This thread is beginning to sound like an A.A. meeting. :)
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Re: Intro thread
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 12:45:34 pm »
Hmm, seems like a good opportunity to do my first post.

I'm Jonathan, 23 years old, living in Québec (Canada), trying to find a stable job as a web developer/webmaster (whichever I find first). I've been gaming since I was about 3 years old (started early!), growing up mostly on Nintendo consoles, but still loving the competition. I started actually collecting games about 3 years ago, mostly building up my NES collection but occasionally buying other games or systems. To see what I collect there's this nifty new "View Collection" link in the forums, check it out!
As for what I want to collect... Well, I'm not much for getting complete collections. I just want a bunch of systems with all the good games that are available for them. I did the error of buying games I didn't want on the NES for the sake of collecting, and it's something I probably won't repeat for any other system, I don't really see the point of getting games I don't want.

I don't think my collection is huge currently, but it is quite sizeable. I enjoy it.


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 01:00:03 pm »
Hi my name is Dean and I too am a "site admin and database cleaner extraordinaire!". I collect for just about any console I can get my hands on. I am currently working on a complete North America release for the Dreamcast. I have been collecting ever since receiving my first ColecoVision, which I still have and it still works. I just enjoy collecting and finding things in the wild.
Now Playing: Lollipop Chainsaw

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2011, 03:19:02 pm »
I'm Gary, "SpaceHarrier" from the Digital Press forums.  My collection isn't that big, but I'm not one to go for fullsets or anything.  I just collect a bit here and there, trying to get a good cross-section of the best games (and some less common titles), across all genres, for the consoles that I own.

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2011, 05:14:15 pm »
Hi! I'm John from the interwebz...  If you ever see pceslayer on any other site/forum or anywhere else it is I.

I own a ton of consoles and games and am working on completing my US Sega Master System set. Only have about 19 left to go.

Not really a ton, just over 1000... I'm actually quite picky when it comes to the 16bit + consoles :/

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2011, 06:47:20 am »
I'm Raven! And also go by Sriq on most websites. Came here via Reddit looking for a game cataloging website, and was pleasantly surprised at finding one :D

My collection is really Xbox 360-centric. I also have a bit from the PS2, PSX, NDS, and SNES, but I'm definitely still new to this.

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2011, 12:13:39 pm »
@sriq thanks for joining up. I think we are on to something really awesome here. Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 01:47:34 pm »
Hello! My name's Brian. I live in Austin, TX and mostly collect NES carts that I enjoy playing. I do have a small SNES collection but am not really working on it. I've owned and sold most consoles and plenty of games for each, but have settled my collection down big time.

My main gaming rig is a 360 which I've got a decent collection for as well, but I trade those out often. My gamertag is "nah dew" for anyone who wants to friend up and play some co-op stuff or whatever.

I'm also an avid vinyl record collector, but my Discogs profile is nowhere near complete. Here's a link anyway:

I post frequently on CAG as well, for any fellow cheapskates. My user name is "bsmiff" there.

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2011, 01:54:04 pm »
@bsmith I've got a small vinyl collection as well. I could easily get swept up in that scene. Regardless welcome to the site!

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2011, 06:45:49 pm »
I'm "Possebon", obviously that's not my real name, but Richard's a pretty shit name and I try and avoid it.

I'm guessing I'm the only person from Europe considering I've had to input pretty much every game I own so far - ah well.

I'm mostly collecting PS1 / PS2 (not exactly retro, but you know), with a view of getting more but not really wanting to start it until I feel I've made more progress with the Playstation games.

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2011, 09:05:40 pm »
@possebon Welcome to the site! I noticed the PAL games being added today and I wondered who it was. Appreciate the hard work and hope you enjoy the site! Let me know if you have any suggestions.


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2011, 12:27:55 am »
I thought I'd drop my name in here as well, just to let you guys know who the crazy person is who's putting in Japanese games...

I'm Amauriel, and about any site you see that name on, it's me.  My husband and I actually collect consoles, and the original quest was to get all the consoles released in the U.S. However, I've always been more about the games than he is, and we are getting to really rare consoles left, so we've expanded out the last couple of years.

Given that we have almost any console anyone's ever heard of, we collect anything and everything that strikes our fancy, but I personally concentrate on SNES and DS, and tend to gravitate toward RPGs and girly games (Harvest Moon, Cooking Mama, Animal Crossing, etc.).

I speak a smattering of Japanese and spent a summer there as an exchange student, so every once in a while, I treat myself to a game that I know my husband will never get to play. It's the little things. (^_^)

Gratz on the site, guys! I've tried out other collection sites before but this is probably the easiest one I've seen.  And the Android App makes me very happy as well!
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."