Author Topic: 1-2 switch sucks  (Read 3204 times)


1-2 switch sucks
« on: March 19, 2017, 08:48:13 am »
ok if you like 1-2 switch that's fine. but If you consider the price (65.00$ CND) the game is really bad. there really boring game tech demos that should have come whit the system like Wii sports. am making this post to see what guys think I got into a little argument whit a dumb ass the owns a gamezila here in town he's argument was the price is high because Nintendo spent a ton of money on the little live action scenes. wich kinda got me mad because if cost a lot less to make sone bad live action video then paying a team to animated a cutscene from a game like final fantasy. and even if that was true that does make it a good game at the sonic boom ($20 million budget). I don't know how
1-2 switch is getting such good reviews

Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2017, 08:53:42 am »
I don't know how
1-2 switch is getting such good reviews
It currently has a 57 on Metacritic.


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2017, 09:00:37 am »
ign give's it 6.8/10 I know ign suck and not ever site is giving it good reviews, but even 57 on Metacritic is too high


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2017, 09:34:56 am »
It doesn't come with the system? I really thought it was another Wii Sports or Nintendoland. Well, it's score is not what I would consider good, so I don't think your opinion is too controversial. It just seems like the kind of thing a savvy purchaser of video games wouldn't buy to begin with. Seems like the kind of thing grandma would buy her grand-kids because she doesn't know anything about 'The Nintendos'.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2017, 09:50:28 am »
 it's 50$ US for it. it's almost a full price game. am no Nintendo hater I own ever Nintendo console and bought the wiiu and wii day one. and I love the 3ds. I just don't know y they launched the switch whit such a week starting line up. "breath of the wild" is the only killer app. but i can just but it on the wiiu. i just feel like if they waited for some more games before selling the system there would be a lot more hype

Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2017, 10:28:30 am »
I am going to have to agree. I feel like it barely qualifies as a video game, and as you have said, $50+ for this is a total joke. It should have definitely been a pack in game and even if it was I doubt I'd even play it lol


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2017, 10:36:49 am »
More casual people instead of gamers would buy this. it is not even intended for the hardcore gamers. To be fair if you can drag in the casual people, this is where greater amounts of money can be earned. Especially mom and dads,who buy it at wichever price it lies for in the stores. You don't have the problems with collectors who always argue about the prices being to high, most people just buy it no questions asked instead of looking for the cheapest way of aquiring a game.

I don't get why people don't understand this. I also don't get why so many gamers like wii sports, total crap in my opinion but many casual people loved it I understand this. Soccer moms etc would dig this, there are plenty of people who would like these kind of games especially those who are not to much into games. It's an interesting gimmick for allot of casual people. If nintendo marketed this game well it might just be a hit.

If you have random casual players who would review this game I would not be suprised if this game would get high ratings. For these kind of games it is only fair that the game would be reviewed by the intended audience instead of veteran gamers.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 10:46:41 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2017, 11:05:07 am »
I don't think even casual people would like this "game" there's not much to do in it and wii sports was a free tech demo. and I don't care who you are if you spend  50$ on a new game you deserve a good Experience. there so many great party indie games like jack box that are cheaper and a lot better. not everyone is made of money and if I was young and asked for this game I and my parents got it for me I would have pretended to like it. because I would have felt so bad making them spend money on something I didn't like. and I don't  even come from a super poor family. new video game are just expensive 1-2 switch is 65$ CND


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2017, 11:38:39 am »
I don't think even casual people would like this "game" there's not much to do in it and wii sports was a free tech demo. and I don't care who you are if you spend  50$ on a new game you deserve a good Experience. there so many great party indie games like jack box that are cheaper and a lot better. not everyone is made of money and if I was young and asked for this game I and my parents got it for me I would have pretended to like it. because I would have felt so bad making them spend money on something I didn't like. and I don't  even come from a super poor family. new video game are just expensive 1-2 switch is 65$ CND

Many casual people genuinly liked wii sports, it was their favourite game

Not all people like games such as mario zelda FF the last of us call of duty etc etc.

Also wii sports lose sold pretty well, it even aquired a nintendo selects release in the west, furthermore in Japan wii sports was not included with the wii console and it was one of the best selling games.

I'm pretty sure that it is mainly thanks to the casual people that wii sports was such a succes since I highly doubt that veterans would like that game. Also many kids especially girls actually like these kind of games. I'm not kidding I have seen it with family members, family members of friends etc. It's no suprise that wii sports was one of the best selling wii title since those games have an impact on casual people, all my family members are not into gaming, they don't really like games such as mario or zelda, yet titles as wii sports and just dance peeks their interest while other games are pretty bad in their opinion. Not for all casual people but it does attract quite a few people.

If nintendo advertised this crappy game well, I'm pretty sure it will attract many casual people, especially girls. might be a bit sexist but that's just my personal experience with such games.

Everyone has other intersts. If one finds something interesting for others  it might be total garbage. You cannot judge what certain people like or not.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 12:11:35 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2017, 12:05:29 pm »

If nintendo advertised this crappy game well, I'm pretty sure it will attract many casual people, especially girls. might be a bit racist but that's just my personal experience with such games.
I think you mean sexist.


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2017, 12:17:42 pm »
I think Wii sports was a way better game then 1-2 switch. 1 of the games is don't move the controller.  it's just not a 50$ game

Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2017, 07:23:22 pm »
i respectfully diagree.

i think  1-2 switch is just short of being a really genius title. its the type of game that can be played by people who haven't touched a controller in ages (if ever), and to boot you can play it without a TV as we all know, so your party doesn't need to be a house party for 1-2-switch to be useful.

if taken out of context, sure, this game isn't great. its not 1-player. its really not even 2-player.. 4 or more is best. and if you're a party of people that doesn't laugh and kinda poke fun during the game then you probably won't enjoy it. but if you enjoy each other's silliness, then its a blast.

and about those reviews... first of all, the people who will really enjoy this game aren't the type of people freaking out over every tenth of a point in an IGN review... secondly, why do reviews bother people to start out with? must they dictate your perception of any given title? and lastly... this is such a weird game that i'm not sure one can really trust the reviews anyways. the game isn't the game.. the people and the interactions are the game.

for the price.. maybe a little high, idk.. I'm ok with it because I knew i was getting it for a specific event. it was a good investment, every time we play it from now on is just bonus. but not everybody went into it with that mindset so i can understand how the price complaints and negative reviews came up. of course then we should probably be looking at games online before we buy so we at least know what we are getting ourselves into.. lol

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Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2017, 10:00:39 pm »
Gonna go with Sloan on this one, this is a party game.

I bought it with GCU for $40 I think.  I'll say I regret the purchase a little bit, and I'll agree that $40 is too much even, let alone $50.  But I played the game with 3 people and it was pretty entertaining.  Some of the games are definitely better than others, like Sneaky Dice and the rotating one.  Even with only 3 people it gets pretty boring quickly, but if you have 4+ people, all people who like to laugh and have fun, it can be a pretty damned great party game, especially since you don't need a TV to play.

Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2017, 01:12:47 am »
Nintendo Land is a masterpiece compared to this.

Nintendo Land 2 is definitely what they should have made for Switch. Luigi's Ghost Mansion was pretty fun and Mario Chase as well.


Re: 1-2 switch sucks
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2017, 07:10:20 am »
Idk how much of a party game it is only 2 people can play at a time so you have ever one just watching 2 player count marbles in a box. Instead of playing a game like jack box where ever one can play