Author Topic: Which would you rather buy? Round 4!! (Prototype Consoles) Xbox Portable?  (Read 1658 times)

If you went into the local game store and seen these two prototype consoles announced for release which would you put your pre order slip on first if you had to pick one? :D.


First we have the long awaited step of microsoft throwing their hat into the portable ring to square up with Vita and 3DS with the beautiful sleek black and powerful Xbox One P :D.    The Xbox One P comes with 250 GB of internal storage and similar specs to an xbox 360 in the palm of your hand.  It will be released with Halo trilogy which comes with HD remakes of Halo 1, 2 and 3 in portable form as well as a few indie horror titles.     The controller pad is based off of a screen similar to an iphone screen with the typical comfy xbox one controller grip we all know and love with a nice textured rubber grip on the back with a 1080p cam.   Comes complete with YouTube and other apps. :)

Retail - 399.99 USD  plus 45 USD per game....  60 for halo trilogy...

Sega Dreamcast 2

The legend returns!! :D.   The cult classic Sega left with is the console they are using to swing back and become their own brand again.  They are ready to shred the scene and reclaim their spot from the 16 bit era :).    Console comes with 2 TB of storage,  10 teraflops, and a GTX 1080 graphics card aimed at premium PC gamers.  It comes with Far Cry 5, Sonic Adventure 3 and Crazy Taxi deluxe.  Console costs 1,200 USD and each game costs 50 USD....   :)

Which console are you more likely to buy if both pre order slips were offered to you and you had to pick one?  :)


Even though Im not a huge Dreamcast fan, I would still pick that over the portapotty.


Sega Dreamcast 2!
Any day, any time, in any situation!

Dreamcast 2; if this actually happened I would flip out beyond belief, although at this point I don't think it would have the same luster as the original Dreamcast since Sega is pretty firmly a third party publisher, and they are pretty firm in that position now. But the whole thing will never happen so, yeah, DREAMCAST 2 WOOOOOO!!!

Dreamcast 2 all the way !


No contest. Dreamcast 2.


No contest, indeed. Dreamcast 2.

I have very little interest in portability and even less interest in the Xbox brand as a whole.

I don't even care that much for the Dreamcast either, but I'd take a Dreamcast 2 lol


Dreamcast 2, take my money.


Neither, unless more details were revealed for these systems, or were reworked into being more marketable with reasonable price points based on the given specs.