Author Topic: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?  (Read 4377 times)

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2017, 06:46:04 pm »
But surely this is down to lack of industry experience and poor planning, not 'has a publisher Yes / No'.

You'd be surprised. Valve recently had to ban a group of developers because they were pushing out huge amount of garbage games primarily for the purpose of badge farming.


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2017, 06:52:34 pm »
To be honest they mostly lack is backbone & to tell those motherfuckers of SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors/special snowflakes,Anita & Zoe Quinn to shut the fuck up & fuck off it's my game I'm making not yours if you don't like it then don't buy it,don't look at it don't even think of buying you know give them a piece of our mind & stand up against those motherfuckers of SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors/special snowflakestheir,their BS & most of all stand against their censorships & forced censorships.

I can go on and on so I leave it here or at least for now if you know what I mean & yes I'm including how they are attacking us otakus & gamers male & female & attacking what we love :).

^ Also this.  F all that noise. I'm tired of all that bullshit invading my hobby.  I already stopped watching professional sports because this similar reason so I have no problem not buying games from developers or publishers who peddle this crap.  I have over 1200 games to comfort me if I stop buying new games and it won't phase me one bit.

In a way I agree with you I'm so sick & tired of them & their BS too sometimes I feel like I want to get revenge against those motherfuckers of SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors/special snowflakes,Anita & Zoe Quinn if you have any suggestions on how to get my revenge against them feel free to do so & if I choose to such as curse them out give them a piece of my mind.

& don't worry I'll gladly defend all of us otakus & gamers male & female & of course if they needed me to & if they ever needed any back up


Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2017, 08:33:10 pm »
Real suggestions: There needs to be more middle-tier developers that are willing to experiment with ideas ( which might not happen due to high development costs on modern platforms)
- More arcade-style games
-Less emphasis on gimmick, adding FPS mechanics. I think Western devs have been suffering heavily from that this generation, compared to quite a lot of good material from Japanese devs by comparison.

Not real suggestions: Rando SJW bashing just because you feel like everyone wants to hear your venting. The marketplace will decide which ideas flourish and which ones won't succeed.


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2017, 11:17:52 pm »
Publishers care about quality?  Ubisoft Published Beyond Good & Evil & Assassin's Creed Unity, RE Umbrella Corps and VII were published by Capcom, Sonic Mania & Sonic Boom published by Sega.   All HUGE names which are 'marketable' because that's what the publishers care about, they have exhibited multiple time that they're content with shipping gold or garbage because they can get away with it and fix it later 'maybe'.  Skullgirls lost Konami as its publisher and it's still a great fighting game that went Indie. Yooka-Laylee & Mighty No. 9 picked up a Publisher midway through development, and it appears to have done sod-all for their quality. 

I'm sorry for nitpicking but there's so much wrong with this statement.  I understand what you mean though, the ratio of indie games worth playing at all is heavily skewed against the guys giving it there all.  But surely this is down to lack of industry experience and poor planning, not 'has a publisher Yes / No'.

I think you misunderstand. I'm not saying publishers automatically make good games and push quality, and touched on this in my comments about over-saturation and quality over quantity in general. The core issue is that indie games are constantly being touted as some sort of savior for the industry, flush with fresh and original ideas, here to save us from the stagnation of pro studios. When you boil it down though, you've basically got an assortment of "art" games, puzzle games, walking simulators, 2D throwbacks that pay homage to a game that some pro studio made 20-30 years ago, and tumbled together Unity asset cash-n-grabs. Steam, in particular, is absolutely flooded with them.

Since these are indie games, and lack AAA budgets, they're assessed on different criteria as well, so the bar for greatness is lowered. Cave Story or Super Meat Boy, for instance, are pretty rough looking in a lot of ways, but people love them for plenty of other reasons. Something low budget like Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls? Numerous reviews bagging it for poor visuals, and I'm sure it took more than a few review scores down a peg or two.

I'm not saying a game must have AAA visuals to be good, and I'm not ragging on these games in particular, but we've basically got one barometer for indie games, and one for professional games. Those games got a pass for graphics, Wizardry didn't. Is it really that unfair to say we should judge games on equal footing regardless of who made it, especially when there are countless examples of AAA games with mammoth budgets that are otherwise total crap?

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2017, 04:49:05 am »
Indie games are made with less spectacularly graphics because something made with the quality of something of a gigantic budget isn't really what people want. Most people who happen to play indie games probably don't really care about the graphics since they're rarely an important selling point of pretty much any of them. It's kinda comparing apples to oranges; The way indie games and regular games are seen and the expectations towards them are always going to be different to an extent because they cater towards different people and different people play them.

Though if I had a problem with them it's the fact that they're relentless repetitive. Once you've played one "hard as nails platformer throwback with retro graphics!" you've played them all. For something that was originally praised for allowing innovation and all that it starts to become really anti creativity


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2017, 12:15:51 pm »
Indie games are made with less spectacularly graphics because something made with the quality of something of a gigantic budget isn't really what people want. Most people who happen to play indie games probably don't really care about the graphics since they're rarely an important selling point of pretty much any of them. It's kinda comparing apples to oranges; The way indie games and regular games are seen and the expectations towards them are always going to be different to an extent because they cater towards different people and different people play them.

Though if I had a problem with them it's the fact that they're relentless repetitive. Once you've played one "hard as nails platformer throwback with retro graphics!" you've played them all. For something that was originally praised for allowing innovation and all that it starts to become really anti creativity

I don't agree with that. While mechanics are the core of any game, this is an audio/visual medium. You don't need a gigantic budget and AAA realism, but style and visual identity always contribute to the experience, even if they're not the prevailing concern.

You can't really paint "people who play indie games" as some special group, either. Just about everyone has at least some indie games in their collection.

To be clear, I don't have any special axe to grind against indies in principle, but do I think the hipster air people try to cultivate around them is ridiculous.