Hell yes I do! I do it all the time. I have more games than a normal person should ever own. It's probably unhealthy.
I collect games. Some I play. Some are just because I like having them. I don't even have an XBox (I lost both of them in The Great Divorce of 2015), but I've been enjoying the heck out of buying the games lately.
I will say that I've at least turned on ever NES game that I have. A few years ago, previous to the aforementioned Great Divorce of 2015, I made it a point to play and do a small review of every NES game. I got through about the I's in making videos about them, but I played them all. I even have a notebook with all my 2-3 line micro-reviews. It was fun and it made me play games I never would have before. I even found some real gems.
TL;DR Yes I buy games I never intend to play, and play Boulder Dash, Iron Tank, Double Dare, and Heavy Barrel on the NES