Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2018  (Read 54936 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2017, 10:07:55 pm »
So I said earlier that I was going to do 12 games this year (one a month) but after thinking about it for a while, I'd like to change my goal. I was looking at my collection and thinking about how many games I have that I've never played, and then I realized that I have systems that I collect for that I've never played a single game on (I'm looking at you GameGear!). So with that said, this year my goal will to beat one game for each system I own. So 23 games. I plan on keeping this post updated through out the year so this will be my place holder... I might even record the gameplay and upload to youtube if that's something that anyone would be interested in.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2017, 12:03:53 am »
Shoot, missed my first page reservation lol Anyways, I'll stake my claim here.  I already got a handful of games I'm planning to play starting in January, to hopefully get done before the end of January where the year starts hard with Monster Hunter World and Dragon Ball FighterZ.  I'm actually gonna try and not buy as much new stuff and I'm gonna try and get into my backlog more.  Try to beat a lot of these free and cheap games I've collected over the years through Humble Bundle, Steam, Origin, Uplay, and Playstation Plus.  And while we aren't technically into January yet, gonna put up my first game that'll slip into the next year.

GREEN - Beaten
BLUE - Playing
BLACK - Endless/Multiplayer
RED - Dropped
PURPLE - Semi-Beat

1 - Yakuza Kiwami (PS4 2017) - BEAT
2 - The Evil Within 2 (PC 2017) - BEAT
3 - Superhot (PC 2016) - BEAT
4 - Steamworld Heist (PC 2015) - DROPPED
5 - Tales of Berseria (PS4 2017) - DROPPED
6 - Monster Hunter World (PS4 2018) - 100+ HOURS BEAT
7 - Dragon Ball FighterZ (PS4 2018) - BEAT
8 - Metro 2033 Redux (PC 2014) - BEAT
9 - Celeste (Switch 2018) - BEAT
10 - Metro: Last Light Redux (PC 2014) - BEAT
11 - Metal Gear Survive (PS4 2018) - BEAT
12 - Ratchet and Clank (PS4 2016) - DROPPED
13 - Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (PC 2018) - ENDLESS
14 - Attack on Titan 2 (PS4 2018) - BEAT
15 - Star Was Battlefront 2 (PC 2017) - ENDLESS
16 - Far Cry 5 (PC 2018) - BEAT
17 - Subnautica (PC 2018) - BEAT
18 - Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle (PC 2018) - DROPPED
19 - God of War (PS4 2018) - BEAT
20 - The Forest (PC 2018) - BEAT
21 - The Flame in the Flood (PC 2016) - BEAT
22 - Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (Switch 2018) - BEAT
23 - State of Decay 2 (PC 2018) - DROPPED
24 - Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (PC 2018) - BEAT
25 - Assassin's Creed: Rogue (PC 2015) - DROPPED
26 - Dreadnought (PC 2018) - ENDLESS
27 - Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (PC 2017) ENDLESS
28 - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion (Switch 2018) - BEAT
29 - Dragon Ball Legends (Mobile 2018) - BEAT
30 - Cuisine Royale (PC 2018) - ENDLESS
31 - Middle Earth: Shadow of War (PC 2017) - BEAT
32 - Battle Chef Brigade (PC 2017) - ABANDONED
33 - Resident Evil HD Remaster (PC 2015) - BEAT
34 - Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster (PC 2016) - DROPPPED
35 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PS4 2015) - BEAT
36 - Tacoma (PC 2017) - BEAT
37 - Enter the Gungeon (Switch 2017) - ENDLESS
38 - Resident Evil 4 (PC 2014) - BEAT
39 - Gone Home (PC 2013) - BEAT
40 - Mega Man X (Switch 2018) - BEAT
41 - Mega Man X2 - Switch 2018) - BEAT
42 - Mega Man X3 - (Switch 2018) - BEAT
43 - Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms (PC 2017) - ENDLESS
43 - Mega Man X4 (Switch 2018) - BEAT
44 - Mega Man X5 (Switch 2018) - BEAT
45 - Mega Man X6 (Switch 2018) - BEAT
46 - Mega Man X7 (Switch 2018) - BEAT
47 - Mega Man X8 (Switch 2018) - BEAT
48 - Hollow Knight (Switch 2017) - BEAT
49 - Dungeons & Dragons - Tower of Doom (PC 2013) - BEAT
50 - Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow over Mystara (PC 2013) - BEAT
51 - Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Switch 2018) - ABANDONED
52 - The Messenger (Switch 2018) - BEAT
53 - Spider-Man (PS4 2018) - BEAT
54 - Fight'N Rage (PC 2017) - DROPPED
55 - Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (PC 2012) - BEAT
56 - Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PC 2015) - ABANDONED
57 - Escape from Tarkov (PC Early Access 2016) - ENDLESS
58 - Resident Evil 7 (PC 2017) - BEAT
59 - SOMA (PC 2015) - BEAT
60 - Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4 2018) - BEAT
61 - Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (PC 2016) - BEAT
62 - Darksiders 2 (PC 2012) - BEAT
63 - Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu (Switch 2018) - BEAT
64 - Sunset Overdrive (PC Port 2018) - SEMI-BEAT
65 - Battlefield V (PC 2018) - BEAT
66 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PC 2018) - ENDLESS
67 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate (Switch 2018) - BEAT
68 - Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (PS4 2017) - BEAT
69 - Iconoclasts (PS4 2018) - PLAYING
70 - Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (PS4 2017) - PLAYING
« Last Edit: December 26, 2018, 03:58:13 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2017, 09:55:07 am »
I'm probably going to pick Final Fantasy VII back up; I started it earlier this year, but for a variety of reasons I never finished it. I am close to finishing disk one though. It's officially my 4th favorite game of all time, but that will probably change once I complete it. I'm just not into JRPGs the way I used to be in the late 90s and early 2000s.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2017, 10:35:55 am »
off to a slow start

1. Tom Clancey's Rainbow Six Siege (Xbone): I got this game and the xbone for Christmas and finally beat all senarios and have played online a bit with my friends who own it. I bet they don't like playing with me too much. this is a fun realistic version of an fps. its actually tactical as you can lay traps and shoot through most surfaces to create lines of sight to exploit. I can see why so many people are still playing this game years after it had released. 1/1/2018

2. Hey! Pikmin (3ds): this was a interesting 2d sidescroller set in the pikmin universe. it behaves like it was originally ment to be a fully 3d title but had the plug pulled last minute because it was not performing well. I played it on a 3ds XL and it was lagging very badly. each level had a pikmin cap of 20 that had to be picked up in the level themselves and performed worse than the gamecube versions. it has a bunch of features that ended up finishing at the exact same time in casual play. pikmin park, gathering 30,000 sparklium to beat the game, and the beating the final level all happened at once. the boss fights were increadibly easy and baring not paying attention all got beat with all pikmin left. it was a very fun game still 7.5/10 for standalone games but 5/10 for other pikmin titles. 2/03/18

3. Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4): Deffinately one of my all time favorite story archs in all of gaming. this will deffinately be in my play again pile. the story was engrossing and although I knew the general idea of the story it was still capable of giving twists in the story. I loved how fluid movement was (although im pretty sure nobody can climb like her) and how simple saving was. literally run by a bonfire and press triangle and keep moving. unfortunately my playstyle made it so that I would do no melee and I could never remember how to hack a machine which made a whole section of gameplay out of my reach. bosses were fun enemies were a challenge exploring was a blast controls were great and the lore was extensive. 9.5/10 2/04/18

4. Spy Chameleon (PS4): this was an interesting stealth game that reminds me heavily of old flash games I have played in the past. if I had not have gotten this free on ps+ I would probably never have paid for it at all. it was a decent game with good controls but like I said I can get the exact same thing free online. it has a relatively unique color changing feature that allows you to blend into backgrounds so you do not get caught. the easy mode is way too easy (beat in under an hour) and is required to beat to get to hard mode. its very short (only 75 levels) and most can be passed in 30 seconds or less. 5.5/10 2/08/18

5. Table Top Racing: World Tour (PS4): a racing game in the style of little rc cars. it was incredibly strange and glitch in a non glitch way. what I mean by that is I would hit a wall exacly the same way (you play the same like 5 courses over and over again) and every time a different effect would happen, sometimes id be fine and just slide off of it and keep going, sometimes I would get stuck and have to reverse, sometimes it would count me as being out of bounds and forcibly place me back into bounds, and very rarely I would go through it like it was not there. they placed many different game modes over the same maps for each cup (6 in total) ranging from elimination races, to drifting challenges, to non-power up races. and you have to place in every challenge to go onto the next one to get to the championship cup. of course there are 2 cups each division (difficulty) but you have to work your way through the difficulties by making enough coin to buy cars in the next difficulty and supping them up to be able to race. unfortunately my favorite event (Drifting) was also the event that was least used. im generally unimpressed with racing games anymore so I give this a 3.5/10 2/11/18

6. Transistor (PS4): this was an interesting spin on the rpg/turn based formula you make a deck of cards that you receive throughout your levels and add in difficulties as you go that act as increased experience gain per fight. the fights are pretty ok and each time you use a turn based move setyou have to sit through unusable down time (4 seconds?) before you can attack at all. you can also battle realtime but its more difficult and near impossible at the final boss. it was a relatively short game (designed to be run through multiple times) with a sortof confusing story with it. your sword also will not shut up ever! the bosses were very interesting in their story and the final one took me about 15 tries to kill. 7.5/10 2/11/18

7. This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4): im not entirely sure if there is an actual ending to this game... (there must be because its a war... but I don't know if its 40, 50, or 100 days or if the required days change depending on your playthrough) but I ended up making it to day 31 before a catastrophic string of events killed my party members. I had Katia, Bruno, Pavle according to my notes and katia my Barterer was the first to die. I made her talk to a wondering person in the middle of the day for a supply run that brought her back gravely wounded and she died that night in a bandit raid. Because of extreme sickness to my other person I did not set up a guard because I thought I could make it one night without a raid. its a very interesting survival simulator that is randomly generated? on startup of my second playthrough which I abandoned quickly I noticed I had different characters so I think its 100% random with certain specified things that happen. I really wish I was capable of bringing more than 1 person on a scavenge hunt and that on day 1 I didn't steal from a neighbor. that came back and bit me in the ass deffinately. gameplay was solid and I didn't notice any bugs but I wish movement was also allowed through the d-pad as I was constantly running up and down stairs accidentally. 7/10 2/12/18

8. Letter Quest Remastered (PS4): First off I have to admit I absolutely suck at word puzzle games, always have, so it will come as no shock that I had to get help in the form of a word unscrambler... I cheated and made the game what it was not supposed to be as such I will not give it a rating at the end. you start off as the grim reaper and want pizza. on your way to the pizza place you encounter monsters that you have to kill. how you kill them is by creating words out of 15 randomly given letters. each word you make directly equates to how much damage you deal to the enemies. without cheating I think I made it to level 7 or 8 but got stuck. I have the inability to create words over 5-6 letters with random letters so I was never the target audience for this. I personally am confused on how it was expected to be beaten. even with help and making 9-12 letter words constantly I barely managed to beat the final boss. had to play him 3-4 times just to do it. 2/13/18

9. Titan souls (PS4): geez this was a very short but very difficult game... I did not end up killing all 19-20? titans but I did end up killing the final boss (the one that makes the credits roll not the one after) I really liked the fact that every boss battle was extreamly quick. most of them can be done in under 20 seconds if your perfect but more often than not you will die multiple times a boss. the end boss was a major pain in the ass though. it essentially took the fun I was having and made it into frustration. the problem is he is protected by souls? so you cannot shoot him, but he teleports away to random spots and that is his only vulnerable state so.... its wait till he teleports and randomly shoot an arrow and hope it was placed correctly... I died to him probably over 100 times before I just got lucky and hit the right spot. every other boss after a few times playing you know what you have to do then just positioning yourself to do it. the bosses were incredibly varied and all were interesting. unfortunately the 8-bit art style for the kind of game this is really did not feel right. I think they should have increased the resolution, kept it 2d, and stylized it more. unfortunately this was only a 1-2 hour game so relatively short. 8/10 2/14/18

10. Tearaway Unfolded (PS4): this was an interesting game. it felt more along the lines of a tech demo that was updated into a game format. the story was a strange one that kept on changing over time and as such made the game feel a lot longer than it should have been. if im not mistaken 4 times you were at the end of the game, 4 times you were told you were about to win, but every time something happened to stop you from actually beating the game. it was frustrating in that reguard. if it would have happened once fine 2 times would be pushing it, any more than that just frustrating. the game itself was very well constructed I only ran into 1 bug through the entire game (a pretty serious bug mind you that locked the game up). a bunch of npc's ran away from an event and one was supposed to stop and talk with you, well he stopped and got pushed by another npc and so he started running away. it zoomed in to see him talk but since he didn't talk the view got locked in place and I had to restart from the last checkpoint. overall it was a nice game 7/10 2/15/18

11. Skyforce Anniversary 3/08/18

12. Valiant hearts: The Great War 3/11/18

13. The walking dead season 2 ep 1 3/11/18

14. Lego City Undercover (Switch): Played through this with my 7 year old nephew. took us quite a long time as we could only play so long on days we were together. overall its your typical run of the mill lego game. fun for all. 8/10 3/24/18

15. Lego City Worlds 3/31/18

16. God of War (PS4): definitely the best game I have played this year or last. it brought back so much that I had enjoyed from the previous games and improved upon them. the combat was nice and tight with combos that felt satisfying to pull off. really good difficulty to it (I played on the second highest difficulty and beat it) but I did hear that "Give Me God Of War" mode was ridiculously difficult. The story was very nice and it left room to expand out with the next releases they have planed (although I personally have less interest in mythology now than I did when the original game released). It was definitely more mature than previous entries, not just rage and brutality. the camera work was nice how it was set up as one continuous shot, the only time this ever wavered from my perspective was when you traveled to the... (cant remember what its called...) world tree quick travel points as it whited out for a decent amount of time. it was deffinately worth getting the Stone Masson edition as well. very easily a 10/10. 5/3/18

17. Uncharted 3 (ps4): this was a very nice addition to the uncharted series and one that I had never played before now. the story (although one I have never heard of) was very interesting and as always the controls were very nice. no issues were had moving around except for my own eneptitude. 9/10 6/13/18

18. The order 1886 (ps4): I deffinately see why people were upset about this game when it released. for a AAA game this is deffinately in my bottom 5 games of all time (for AAA titles). the game was increadibly linear, increadibly short, way too many cutscenes for it length, story was ok, and the parts where there could have been the most action was boiled down to quick time events. some of the checkpoints were very poorly placed as well. sometimes when you spawned in you wouldn't even be able to reach cover before you were killed. some chapters sent way too many enemies at you all at once in very tight Quarters especially chapter 13 I believe when you are in a small room and right around 30 enemies spawn in. just headshoting everyone (instant kill) will put you into danger as there are 10 others shooting at you at once. I came in with an open mind but I have to give this a 4/10. 6/14/18

19. SnipperClips (Switch): Played through this with my fiancé. we were at first trying to 100% the game but the farther we got in and the harder the puzzles got the less she wanted to play it. the challenges were fun and figuring out how to beat each challenge was entertaining. some of them were increadibly simple and some were mind numbingly hard. but it was all fun. the game is increadibly simple. give you an objective and you cut out pieces of your characters till you have a shape that is needed to beat the challenge. its a very unique concept in gaming and I was glad to have played it with my fiancé. 8/10 6/16/18

20. Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed (PS4): this was one of the strangest concepts I have ever seen in a video game. its whole idea was to attack non-human humans till their cloths fell off because they were evil or something like that while a person sucked the life force from the area to extend the lives of his people. it was more so a listen to the story kind of game for me so I played it on the lowest difficulty. it was relatively short (I think I beat it in about 8 hours of play) but I also did not do a lot of the side quests. by my estimation it would have taken about 12-14 hours to beat entirely. the sound was good but the menu music was very repetitive. my biggest gripe was that the items that dropped during battle only had a limited time to pick them up. if you ended the battle you may be pushed into more dialogue that made you lose it completely. overall it was enjoyable 7.5/10 6/18/18

21. Murdered: Soul Suspect (ps4): this was a very nice detective story you don't see too often. your main character is trying to solve his own murder after he had been killed by a serial killer. the gameplay is pretty much what you would expect from a detective story. essentially point and click where you are finding clues and putting those clues together in the correct order to progress the story. it was pretty easy all told minus 1 of the demon encounters which took me almost 30mins just to beat. the story was great and came together nicely to form the complete story with little loose ends. the theme for the whole thing was centered around the salem witch trials which is a theme I have never seen before in a video game. overall the whole game was nice and deffinately worth the play 8/10 6/21/18

22. Tales from the Boarderlands (PS4): This is my first full foray into any of the telltale series and I have to say it does not disappoint story wise as it has all the same charm as the games themselves. unfortunately there really isn't much gameplay to these (I understood that before I started to play) but seriously the only gameplay is giving a conversation direction and rarely walking along a 1 minute linear pathway. so definitely only play this if you are looking for 100% storyline. there appear to be a number of unintentional glitches by the looks of it namely in "scene transitions" in quotes because there are many "Scene transitions" that could very easily have been a continuous shot. im going to have to break this down into different elements because it is so far off of what I would consider a story heavy game. 10/10 story telling 5/10 cutscene polish 3/10 gameplay and overall for what it actually is I give it a 7/10. 6/26/18

23. Sly Cooper: Thevious Racoonus (Vita): Man if I would have actually owned this game as a kid I would have been in heaven the game was such a fun play there was no glitches I could find (other than one map clip I found but I ended up falling to my death so I could not exploit it). the story/dialogue was interesting the moveset was varied (also varied in usage) the pathways were nice and clear, the locations and backgrounds were funny, and slys interactions were refined. the only thing I think I did not like about the game were the forced bently driving parts. that was nowhere near as fleshed out as the rest of the game. it also seemed to come down to pure chance if you could win or not. sometimes not making a mistake I would be in dead last and then performing worse I would win. overall it was enjoyable. 8/10. 7/3/18

24. Sly 2: band of thieves (Vita): this game started out as a good improvement over the first game but after a while of playing it became very readily apparent that this did not have the same care put into it that sly 1 did. for one the camera is considered an entity so it is 100% possible to get it stuck behind object that your characters cant get into. doing so locks the camera and you can run away from the camera. dying while your camera is stuck causes the game to break and you to restart. control schemes for parts of the game are so horrendously bad that a 5 minute segment cost me an hour because the controls were both joysticks forward for forward both back for reverse one forward and one reverse to freaking turn? fuck that noise. I ran across 3 game breaking glitches that forced me to restart. 1 is listed 1 I have no idea what happened it just went black screen with music playing and nothing else and the third I got an enemy stuck in an endless falling loop where they would grab the edge jump up and slide back off the edge and it was a required enemy to pickpocket. the farther into the game you got the more severe the glitches (minus the last level that was polished). overall even with the improvements this was very clearly rushed out in an unpolished mess and since it is the second in the series I expected better improvements and the same polish as the first so this will get a 6/10 7/6/18 now just to finish out the trophies...

25. Nurse Love Addiction (Vita): the story of a girl with childhood amnesia that attempts to go to school and start a relationship with her fellow school attenders while becoming a nurse. the world appears to be completely devoid of the opposite sex so it is a strange one. since it is a graphic novel there is absolutely no gameplay to it.

26. Shadow of the Colossus X2 (ps4): as always one of my favorite games of all time. played through it once on hard mode just barely missing the speed run trophy because I was after every other trophy achievable in the first playthrough. so I played it again and beat it at 2 hours and 58 mins game time. still more messing around as I was trying to max stamina this time so I could have cut out another few minutes.

27. King Oddball (ps4) found it in my list of free games and my wife swears I used to play it. so I played it and it is a strange angry bird type of game with ~220 levels to it. beating it was a pain in the ass and me and my wife had to swap when either of us could not beat a level. it was fun playing with her but this was one of those games I would not have played all the way through. the only glitches present was one where your tounge would be significantly shorter and as such you were unable to fling the rock to the far ends of the screen. 5/10 8/6/18

28. .Hack//G.U. Vol 2: Reminisce (PS4): just like vol 1 was ran on the same engine and everything.

29. .Hack//G.U. Vol 3: Redemption (PS4): just like vol 1 was ran on the same engine and everything.

30. .Hack//G.U. Vol 4: Reconnection (PS4): this one was made very recently for the re-release on ps4. overall it was ok. increadibly short (under 4 hours where the others were 20) the cutscenes were a lot differentmade using increadibly cheap cartoon/anime things. looked like the cutscenes were made at 15 FPS. made to add an ending extension only. wished it would allow for quest and trophy cleanup but it does not as all features of the game for trophies had been disabled. (last day of the world r2 before shutdown)

« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 09:32:05 am by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2017, 10:36:22 am »
31. Q.u.b.e.

32. Yoku's Island Express

33. The Walking Dead Season 2

34. spider man (2018) (ps4)

35. Dark souls remastered (ps4):

36. Burly Men at Sea (ps4)

37. Roundabout (ps4)

playing/current progress

Detective ball Sudoku: there is actually no indication of how far into the story you are at any given point but I would have to wager that I am 50-70% through. on start I ignored all the dialogue in the game. the characters scare me as personally they sit in the uncanny valley. it looks like the artist had never done anything like this ever before and tried his absolute best but his best was shit.

Kirby mass attack: I literally only put the game in for a short time before bed. so I am 0% through it.

katamari Domacy: I got tired of youtubes shit so I decided to continue ps palooza with no recordings. I made it to the 4th mission.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance: having a fun time playing. without the day one patch this game suffers a whole host of glitches. very noticeable but easy to really ignore. just a sign of a non polished game.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 09:32:41 am by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2017, 04:16:39 pm »
I'm in again! I guess I use this first post to keep track of everything and can keep posting new posts aside from this one for updates? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but otherwise that's what I'll do!
Last year I was in somewhat casually. I did try to beat games, but I didn't actively aim to make 52. That's my plan again this year. Excited to see what'll happen!

Games to be played
Italics means I already started with the game last year or earlier
Blue means it'll be a second playthrough
Orange means going for 100% completion

Going to play/currently playing
  • Okami HD (Switch)

Want to play
  • Castlevania (NES, 3DS VC)
  • Tomb Raider (2013) (Steam)
  • Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (Steam)
  • The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (Wii)
  • Postal 2: Paradise Lost (Steam)
  • Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Steam)
  • Kirby: Mass Attack (DS)
  • Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (GBA, Wii U VC)
  • Double Dragon (NES, Wii VC)
  • Pilotwings Resort (3DS)
  • The Evil Within (Steam)
  • Babysitting Mama (Wii)

May play
  • Swordquest Earthworld/Waterworld/Fireworld (Atari 2600, DS rerelease)
  • 42 All-Time Classics (DS)
  • Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All (DS, 3DS rerelease)
  • Pokémon Blue (GB, 3DS VC)
  • Pokémon Silver (GBC, 3DS VC)
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA, Wii U VC)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive, Steam rerelease)
  • F-Zero X (N64, Wii VC)
  • Mega Man 2 (NES, Steam rerelease)
  • Remember Me (Steam)
  • MadWorld (Wii)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
  • Sonic Colours (Wii)
  • Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Wii)
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Wii U DL)
  • FAST Racing NEO (Wii U DL)
  • Muscle March (WiiWare)
  • Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger (3DS eShop)

Italics = already started with the game last year or earlier
Green = Beaten
Orange = 100% completed
Blue = Second playthrough

  • The Wonderful 101 (Wii U)
  • Life is Strange: Before the Storm (Steam)
  • We Were Here (Steam)
  • The Ultimate DOOM (Steam)

  • Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (DS)
  • Het Huis Anubis: Het Geheim van Osiris (DS)
  • Bayonetta (Switch)
  • Bayonetta 2 (Switch)

  • Metroid: Other M (Wii)
  • Excite Truck (Wii)
  • Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique (3DS)

  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (Wii)

  • Freedom Planet (Steam)

  • Bayonetta (Switch)

  • The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (Steam)

  • Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Subspace Emissary) (Wii)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 03:46:19 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2017, 04:25:05 pm »
I'm in again! I guess I use this first post to keep track of everything and can keep posting new posts aside from this one for updates? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but otherwise that's what I'll do!
Last year I was in somewhat casually. I did try to beat games, but I didn't actively aim to make 52. That's my plan again this year. Excited to see what'll happen!

Games I want to beat this year

52 is the goal, but what's important is you're actually chipping away at your backlog. Even one game beat is a step in the right direction.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2017, 06:32:37 pm »

1. Altered Beast (1988), Genesis
2. Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (1989), Genesis
3. Resident Evil Zero (2002), GameCube
4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild *Master Mode*(2017), Nintendo Switch

« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 03:18:56 pm by blah1342 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2017, 07:05:55 pm »
Even though I do like to actually do the challenge, this is also how I keep track of what games I've played/beat and what I thought of them at the time
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2017, 09:13:55 pm »
- Escape from Tarkov - Playing
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
- Planet Coaster
- The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild [Feb 2nd] - [DONE] - I'm ashamed with myself for putting off the game for so long. It def. was the best game of 2017.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 04:01:30 pm by davifus »
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2017, 09:23:05 pm »
Reserving a spot!

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2017, 09:33:15 pm »
Even though I do like to actually do the challenge, this is also how I keep track of what games I've played/beat and what I thought of them at the time

This is just as much part of why I do it.  I keep track of stuff and I post little reviews when I'm done with a game.  Helps since my memory is a bit crap at times.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2017, 11:19:32 pm »
Main List

bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.

34. Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past (3DS)
Just started this up this morning.  Haven't had a single battle yet, getting ready to enter the first dungeon, I believe.  Already wasted money by buying equipment for someone not in my party and equipment that I found for free shortly after.  Whatever.  Quite a bit further, recently got the 4th party member, I'm kind of assuming this is one of those games where you have an explicitly defined amount of player characters and cannot swap out your team, which is totally fine.  Lost a party member, so I'm back down to 3, which is frustrating because I fed him some seeds for apparently no reason at all.  Just now got to where I can assign vocations.  Alltrades part of the game took a good long while.  Moved along and still only have 3, I'm wondering when I'm going to get more party members again.  Eventually got a 4th party member and then shortly after lost another party member back down to 3, and then gained a new party member so I'm back up to 4.  I'm kind of assuming I'm going to lose this new party member and gain back the one I previously lost, definitely feels like a temporary character, but I could be mistaken.  Mistaken, new party member was fairly permanent. 
Rating: Highly Recommended.

35. Yakuza 6 (PS4)
Decided to temporarily drop Yakuza Dead Souls so I can start and finish 6 so I don't have to worry about spoilers anymore.  This is a brand new engine for me and with it brings a lot of changes.  First change I noticed was that when ordering food at places, they don't identify which foods you have already ordered, quite annoying.  Leveling up your skills isn't driven by money or plain experience points, but rather by a variety of experience points split across 5 categories.  I'm having trouble earning Technique xp, I think.  I have Technique maxed out and I still can't manage to keep it high enough to get upgrades whereas every other skill type I've got thousands of xp.  Finally finished up this game.  I have mixed feelings about the ending.  I understand it helped set the story, but I was disappointed by the lack of Majima, Saejima, and Dojima in this game.
Rating: Recommended, provides closure to Kiryu's story.

36. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (X1)
Not sure how to track this one since it kinda just goes from one thing to the next and at any given point I probably don't know where I am.  Having a difficult time getting into this game and I don't know why.  I really enjoyed the first one and the second one wasn't terrible and I liked it as well, but I'm just not feeling this one.  As I've progressed, I've gotten into the game and am enjoying it.  Normally I would say a game that takes more than an hour to hook you is not a great game, but I think with this game I was just in a funk and just not feeling it personally.  I think a lot could've been done to push me into it faster, but I definitely think it was harder for me because of the mood I was in, so I won't hold that against the game.  Eventually I did get into the game and am enjoying it, but for some reason I'm having trouble with combat other than stealth, so I'm mostly sticking with stealth.  There is a moment in this game, it will definitely 100% be my memorable moment for the year.  I feel like it's kind of spoilery to go into the details, but Lara essentially snaps and goes on a murderous rampage... it's dope.  Opinion on order of greatness in the trilogy.  Tomb Raider > Shadow > Rise.  Tomb Raider and Shadow are pretty damned close though.
Rating: Recommended

37. Until Dawn (PS4)
I accidentally erased my wife's save data for this game when I was migrating to a new PS4 a while back and told her I'd play the game for her to sort of make it up to her.  Spoiler, she watched me play the entire game and said she remembered everything... apparently she did beat the game and just didn't remember it.  ::)  I'm not a fan of spooky games nor jump scares, but I actually kind of enjoyed the fuck out of this game and mildly considered going for the platinum as it would only take an additional half playthrough to get what I'm missing.
Rating: Recommended if you like horror games.

38. Borderlands 2 (X1)
Current Progress: Sanctuary
We were talking about buying some FPS games on Switch and whether or not my wife would play them given that her preference is PC.  So we decided to play a co-op FPS game and see how she handles the twin sticks since she has been playing We Happy Few on PS4.  She seems to be doing well enough so far, still doesn't understand that there is a difference between Xbox and Playstation and keeps hitting A when it says X.  I liked this franchise when I was in college, but it just feels too MMO/WoW and I just don't feel that anymore.
Rating: Recommended... I guess.

39. Dark Souls Remastered (NS)
Don't really know why I bought this, and don't really know why I didn't get the X1 version honestly.  This is sort of my first time playing through a SoulsBorne game without my wife's cousin taking part in the process... I have however beaten this game before... so eh.  Enjoying my time with it so far.  Started my playthrough with the plan of doing something out of the normal for me, picked a bandit instead of a thief or knight.  Put all of my stats into strength and such.  Got a little further and realized that I was still playing similar to how I normally play.  I'm trying to play really heavy tank instead of just a balanced character... but it's been very balanced so far.  Might start a new playthrough and go straight faith/intelligence and go mage build.  Having played this on Xbox and now Switch, it's interesting that I'm having so much trouble with the controls.  A Switch Pro controller is very similar to an Xbox controller, but I instinctively use A on Switch to be "Okay" and B to be "Back", but the game behaves as if you are using a Xbox controller and it is the inverse, A is "Back" and B is "Okay".  I really shouldn't have the trouble, but I do.  Gonna go ahead and try and play this game with the gamecube controller because maybe it'll be easier to play.  I also swear I read somewhere that you could remap controls, but maybe you can, but the menus still do the annoying backwards back and okay buttons.
Rating Obviously recommended, but maybe go with the X1/PS4 version.

40. Opus: The Day We Found Earth (NS)
Bought this a while back because it looked interesting to search the universe for planets and such.  Kind of a let down.  I played through the game and as far as I can tell, the only planets you can discover are the ones as part of the story, the rest are just "Sorry these planets aren't enough like Earth".  Story is mildly interesting and the game is pretty cheap... but it's just not very good.
Rating: Solid pass.

41. Piczle Lines DX (NS)
I've been playing this one on and off like Picross S, but I hadn't bothered to track it until now.  Game is essentially Link-a-Pix puzzles, with a sorta Puyo Puyo story telling.  Don't really recall the story because I've been playing the game that slowly and for that long.  Story nonsensical and doesn't seem to really matter.  Definitely a difficult game to justify unless you really like Link-a-Pix puzzles... and I like link-a-pix puzzles.
Rating: Solid pass.

42. Florence (Android)
My wife played this game at PAX South earlier this year, and she bought it day one when it came out on Android.  It happened to be a family sharing enabled game, so she insisted that I play it at some point... I've been putting it off for a while and decided I really don't want to play DQ8, so I started playing this instead.  I'll detail that in the DQ8 thing.  Game seems to tell the story of a 20 something girl, no text or voice, just conveying stuff through facial expressions and music and pictures.  Interesting story and way of telling the story, but the ending was sort of, anticlimactic.  I don't know.
Rating: Good, but pass.

43. Dragon Quest Builders (PS4)
I really needed a palette cleanser after Until Dawn.  I was originally planning on playing Dark Souls Remastered, but I just really needed a light game to play because Until Dawn fucked me up so badly, so I decided to play this.  Game is like a cross between Minecraft and A World of Keflings.  Crafting and building like Minecraft, but also city management like Keflings.  So far I only have 2 major complaints about this game, and they are pretty important complaints.  Camera work sucks, doesn't adjust well when in caves or buildings.  Can't change control scheme, consistently I press the wrong buttons because it just feels unintuitive.  X is pause when it should be jump.  /\ is attack when it should be pause.  [] is place item when it should be attack.  O is jump when it should be place item.  Game is fun and lasts a decent while.  A tad too walkthrough heavy if you want the platinum, so I didn't bother with that.
Rating: Soft Recommendation if you like Minecraft.

44. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U)
Played quite a bit of this when my nephew came over to help with some stuff around the house the past few weekends, and then I spent half a day playing doing some of the event matches that I never got the reward for.  After earning a few of the rewards I needed, I recalled why I never finished the events, the rewards are just stickers/badges for upgrading characters if you use that content.  I never used that content so I didn't bother.
Rating: Recommended as always, but might as well pass and wait for Ultimate at this point.

45. Steamworld Dig 2 (NS)
I don't know if I was watching Critical Role or 30 Rock, but I was watching something on TV and wanted to play a game while listening instead of just playing Dragon Quest Builders, so I started up Steamworld Dig.  Very similar to the original, some obvious improvements such as wall jumping.  Overall a giant improvement on the previous entry, which was already an amazing game.
Rating: Highly Recommended

46. Poi (NS)
Started playing this shortly after finishing Super Mario Odyssey last year, but I quickly quit because it was a vastly inferior collectathon game.  Decided to finally jump back into it because I wanted to play a collectathon.  Only took about 4 and a half hours to beat the game and it's not a terrible game.  It is an entirely bland collectathon game, so it really doesn't have much to draw you to purchase this game unless you are just interested in playing a new collectathon game.  Which I did.
Rating Soft pass.

47. Wonderboy: Dragon's Trap (NS)
I really don't know why I really decided to play this game other than maybe the fact that HLTB states it takes about 5 hours to beat.  I wanted to play through the first 3 Wonderboy games before jumping into Dragon's Trap.  I know most games have no real continuity, but I just enjoy playing things in the order they were meant to be played... that includes playing them in release order because graphics and gameplay mechanics have improved over the years.  Overall it's a fantastic platforming game.  Short enough that it doesn't over stay it's welcome, but long enough that you don't sit there craving more.  Difficult enough to be challenging, but not so difficult that you rage quit.  Some part were definitely annoyingly difficult, but with perseverance you can do it.
Rating: Recommended.

48. Dark Souls (X1BC)
I considered not counting this, but I did play it for several hours to build a new character so I could be summoned by my nephew to help him in his game of Dark Souls.  I decided to play through this time as a squishy mage/cleric type character.  Things I will comment though after having played Remastered, this game is not very pretty, especially on X1 on a 4K TV.  Other than that, perfectly fine.  Stopped playing because I can't get too high of a level above him or I can't help him.  Though I'm pushing for him to get a Switch (I kind of already bought him one, but I'd like for him to pay for it, I got it pretty damned cheap though) and a copy of Remastered.
Rating: Pass, only because Remastered exists and that is recommended.

49. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (NS)
Been waiting some time for this game, pretty much ignored all information about this game leading up to release other than character announcements.  Learned a lot of things about this game that, for the most part, I don't care for.  They nerfed dodging/blocking in general, if you block or dodge too much the game will slow you down and make you more vulnerable to attack.  A lot of people apparently love this because apparently it's a big issue that people will dodge spam.  I'm sorry, if you're an aggressive player and I'm capable of timing my dodges to dodge all of your attacks, I should be able to do that, all this does is make things easier for more aggressive players.  I'm more of a tactical player than an aggressive player, now I have to plan my dodges/blocks accordingly because they are now limited in use.  Bots are programmed with this knowledge, so rather than dodging or blocking, they spend a lot of time in the air where dodging doesn't appear to have limitations.  I've also dealt with a lot of bots doing the quick left-right dashing thing that I guess pro players do... which is... concerning?  Now on to story mode, oh my god is story mode huge, there are like 4 major maps with quite a few sub maps on each map.  I completed story mode 100% and that took me roughly 45 hours.  The themed challenges are impressive and pretty damned cool to be honest.
Rating: Highly recommended

50. Katamari Damacy: Reroll (NS)
Was trying to think of a game to play while taking a break from Smash bros and my wife suggested I play Katamari now that she finished it.  So I popped it in and started playing... completely forgot how short this game is.  Beat it, not 100%, in a couple of hours.  Literally a remaster of the original Katamari Damacy game, so nothing really new here.
Rating: Soft Pass, since you could just play it on PS2 and I don't see any updates other than maybe graphics.

51. Picross S (NS)
I heard about this the day it released and knew I had to buy it.  I love me some Picross, especially from the folks over at Jupiter.  I already burned through the normal Picross stuff and am now going through the Mega Picross stuff.  Mega Picross is a different type of picross, but it appears so far that you are just remaking the same pictures from normal picross, just using different information.  Kind of a shame, but hopefully that's just for the first few puzzles and then things get unique.  First unfinished title from 2017 to be carried over.  Decided to hop back into this after finishing Katamari Damacy and noticed that I'm only maybe 20 puzzles away from finishing this, so I figured I'd finish this off to get it off my list and start to close out the year.
Rating: Soft Pass, even if you like Picross games.

52. [/b]Wolfenstein II[/b] (X1)
So many of these games are too hard to track where you're at.  At least this game is fairly linear in that it won't be hard to pick back up when I hop back into it.  Hoping to finish this game before Smash Ultimate comes out.  This game has a feature that I've not seen in other games, I'm sure some game has done it, but it's new to me.  You can dual wield any combination of weapons, which is pretty damned dope.  So I'll have a shotgun in one hand and an assault rifle in the other, or a silenced pistol in one hand and a sniper rifle in the other.  The combinations make for some useful and fun scenarios.  Going to space for one of the sections felt very Wolfenstein/Doom, kinda cool.  Enjoyed the game very much, pleasant surprise from a title that almost immediately hit the bargain bin.
Rating: Recommended.

53. Axiom Verge (NS)
I started playing this a while back, but I never tracked it at all and I didn't get very far I think.  I decided to give it a go for some reason or another.  Very Super Metroid in almost every fashion, but then you start getting more and more weapons and other nifty ass features.  Honestly, I gotta say I think this game is better than Super Metroid in almost every manner.  And I enjoyed the fuck out of Super Metroid.  Not my favorite Metroidvania, personally I'm not a fan of stupid secret compartments and stuff, where I think a game like Steamworld Dig 2 had secrets, they were easily found or you could buy stuff to show you on the map where stuff was, so at least you knew that you missed something right there.  This game is a getting a physical Wii U release from LRG next year at some point, so I'm personally looking forward to that and will plan to double dip to get one of the rarest Wii U and possibly last Wii U title, even if it is double dipping.
Rating: Highly Recommended.

54. Road Redemption
At the same time I'm also going through another Rogue-lite game, Road Redemption.  This game is a Road Rash Rogue-lite game.  Campaign is an objective based Road Rash campaign where if you die you start over arcade style, but when you finish the campaign, win or lose, you can spend your earned XP to provide yourself with permanent upgrades to make the campaign easier.  Any unused XP is forfeited so you have to be efficient with your decisions, and the further you get in the upgrade branches the more XP you'll need to upgrade, so end upgrades will require essentially completing the campaign.  I've unlocked a few bikes, but as far as I can tell they are all massively worse than the starting bike.  I had expected this game to last me significantly longer, but I realized that a lot of the other characters are rogue/rogue-like characters and I have no interest in that.  So after I beat it with a couple of characters I decided that I'm good, I might come back to it later for the rest of the rogue-lite characters, but that's about it.
Rating: Good, Recommended for Road Rash fans, but the rogue and forced rogue-like elements really put a damper on this game's viability.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2019, 09:10:56 am by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2017, 11:26:12 am »
Even though I do like to actually do the challenge, this is also how I keep track of what games I've played/beat and what I thought of them at the time

This is just as much part of why I do it.  I keep track of stuff and I post little reviews when I'm done with a game.  Helps since my memory is a bit crap at times.
same.  I don't even intend on hitting any form of a goal, but I want to at least make notes of what's going on and how I feel about a game while playing it.
Yeah, pretty much how I see it. I just use it as a incentive to play games and keep track of my progress and thoughts through the year. I try to beat a good amount of games, but I'm not aiming for a specific number
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2017, 12:50:32 pm »
1.Street Fighter Collection(Jan 1)-4/5(Nice ports but loading times are eh with SF2)
2.Space Jam(Jan 1)-3/5(It doesnt hold up as much as I remember)
3.Mighty Morphin Power Rangers(Jan 1)-3/5(Not much too it really)
4.Final Fight(Jan 1)-3/5(I mean I dont know why I played through this since its no different from arcade except for no Guy plus honestly, its just an ok beat em up)

« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 12:26:35 am by droaa »