Author Topic: What is the most hype you've ever seen for a game pre release/launch day?  (Read 2779 times)

Hello Everyone :)

We all have seen it with our very eyes.  The moment in time when the gaming world stops for just a brief second and everyone from PewDiePie subscribers, rage quitters, casuals or the hard corest of all hardcore PC master race members stand and marvel at the next prodigy to grace the video game universe. Talk shows talk about it, news reports on it, mothers get mad about it, and gamers revere it. The whole community comes together for just a minute as a huge title drops like a atom bomb on the video game landscape changing what we all think of gaming forever.  With so much news, publicity, hype and angst that it can literally be cut with a knife as you stand in the best buy line. 

The next holy grail thats been awaited for years.  The aroma of pizza sauce, and celophane fill the air as master chief shirt wearing, zelda wallet wielding die hards converse in such a magical scenery of pure video game nirvanna.   The unrivaled world of pre release buzz.  Something we all should experience at least once  ;D

Some games garner so much hype from franchises that have so much acclaim that it seems almost like a magical time to be a gamer.  When gamers flock the streets at midnight amped up on mountain dew and their is so much electric static in the air of everyone talking about one game that even non gamers catch wind, even talk shows and Conan catch wind.  A game so talked about that it angers those that are not in the know, and makes children rebel, and even starts riots.  Games of such a magnitude that we may never witness the likes of their impact again.  :)

What game do you recall had the hugest hype and the hugest buzz around it's release?  From just anticipation, to crowds and discussions and forums exploding with angst right before it comes out :D

For me, the one game I can think of was Grand Theft Auto 5.    I remember waking up with the sun filled day and walking all the way to my local walmart to get GTA 5.  I had stood up all night.  I didn't go to the midnight release party to avoid lines and so i'd get a fresh start on it because I was told their was more than enough copies to go around.   Turns out their was but the lines were literally still out the door at 12am in the morning.   I went to the electronics isle and like 6 employees were handing them out like girl scout cookies.   The employees told me they were their handing them out at the same rate since 7am.   It was madness.

Then of course the post release launch day buzz came.   GTA 5 is one of the highest selling single games in history.  Everyone on my feed, both my brothers, my uncle, almost every friend, my friends of friends.  My whole feed was nothing but GTA 5 cases and people reacting to it.  I believe it even trended on twitter.  It was just a magical time.  And as a huge GTA fan.  Nothing will ever rival it in my life. 

When I was a kid I always got my consoles and huge games for christmas or birthday so I never really seen the pre release or release day hype for SNES or N64.  I can only imagine how exciting and breathetaking it was. :D.

I can't wait to hear all the amazing stories from people who did experience the SNES launch or N64 launch.  I can imagine the buzz their would have been :).

What game release was most hyped and talked about in your memory?

Skyrim, after Oblivion blowing my mind I had ordered it in the mail and it arrived. That slow cart ride was beautiful.

That's really difficult to decide, but here are a few games I was very hyped for prior to launch:

Pokemon X/Y
Gran Turismo 5
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Perfect Dark
Dragon Ball Z Budakai
Gran Turismo 4
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Zelda: Twilight Princess

The biggest hype I've ever seen based on Internet comments- No Man's Sky. So much hype, followed by so much HATE. Never got it, personally- I mean, I watched the early gameplay trailers & passed on it becuase no one ever did anything in them. Then it came out and everyone was like, 'you can't do anything!', and I'm all 'you didn't know that?!' But that's a whole 'nother topic there.

The biggest hype I've ever seen in person: Mighty No. 9. I was at the PAX where the kickstarter was announced. So much joy, especially from within my own lil' group (big megaman fan with us that year.) This of course, was followed by a long, slow decent into awful-ness.

Not surprisingly, I do not often hype myself over games- I find it all too often leads to disappointment. I prefer cautious optimism turning to joyful glee when the end product meets expectations.


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I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.

It was announced during Wrath of The Lich King, the greatest MMO expansion of all time IMHO. I must have spent a whole year in that game without touching anything else. MMO fever was at it's height I would say.

So you add incredibly popular MMO format + Bioware + probably the world's favourite movie franchise = HYPE!!

It's the only game I actually booked time off work for! My guild in WoW actually disbanded  :(

It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.


PRO Supporter

I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.


  • Guest
I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.

Ah, Peter Molyneux at his over-promising, under-delivering best. It was a really good game though.


I remember being in 7th grade and absolutely everybody was talking about Halo 3. While I never had interest in it, it was crazy how pretty much every kid had something to say about it, even one of my teachers was really excited for it. Given the scope of the game and what it delivered, it was pretty impressive for 2007 and I think it lived up to the hype.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

No doubt.

I absolutely LOVE Super Smash Bros., it is my favourite game series of all time no-doubt. And Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U just did everything right at exactly the right time. This was the first time I've truly ridden the type train from announcement to arrival, and it was insane. The character reveals, the speculation, the dedicated presentations, it was just fan-tas-tic. The character trailers throughout the hype period were all amazing and got me screaming and kicking every time one showed up. Even the Pics of the Day had me excited every single day as I awaited what Sakurai would reveal this time. Super Smash Bros. Brawl had been my favourite game from the moment I first played it (and no fanboys, I hadn't played Melee before that so Brawl was on top), and I nearly blew up from excitement as this game was getting closer and closer to launch. I remember that the day before launch I was bouncing around all day non-stop because I was just so excited. And now with Super Smash Bros. coming to the Switch I can only hope my previous hype levels will be matched.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.

Isn't The Old Republic free to play now? Does it still have a pretty big userbase? i'm considering jumping into it.


  • Guest
I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.

Isn't The Old Republic free to play now? Does it still have a pretty big userbase? i'm considering jumping into it.

Last time I played it was a free to play model, with certain QoL items being part of the subscription. There is some excellent single player content in the game.

I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.

Isn't The Old Republic free to play now? Does it still have a pretty big userbase? i'm considering jumping into it.

Last time I played it was a free to play model, with certain QoL items being part of the subscription. There is some excellent single player content in the game.

You had me at Single Player Content; I'm checking it out this weekend :D


  • Guest
I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.

Isn't The Old Republic free to play now? Does it still have a pretty big userbase? i'm considering jumping into it.

Last time I played it was a free to play model, with certain QoL items being part of the subscription. There is some excellent single player content in the game.

You had me at Single Player Content; I'm checking it out this weekend :D

Lol...hope you enjoy it!


PRO Supporter

I remember the massive hype for Star Wars : The Old Republic.
It could never live up to the hype of course. It was a good game that has since got a lot better...I drop in and have a look from time to time.

Yeah.  This is probably mine too.  I checked for news everyday.  I counted down the days until the game came out.  It didn't have a hard release date.  So, I checked constantly for the game to "go gold".  Then it had to be printed and shipped. 

I think the hype for the first Fable was huge too.  It was marketed like every decision you made affected the world around you.  Like if you saw a little tree and left it alone, later in the game it would be full sized.  It was a fun game, but it wasn't that advanced.

Isn't The Old Republic free to play now? Does it still have a pretty big userbase? i'm considering jumping into it.

I read that wrong.  I was talking about Knights of the Old Republic.  I never played the MMO. 

Sorry about that.


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It's got to be the Halo sequels. I mean no other game has a day named after it. And isn't that the game that created midnight launches?