Author Topic: Your unpopular gaming opinions.  (Read 9099 times)


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2018, 04:19:04 pm »
So many unpopular (that's the key word right there) opinions, and mine is the one on what I call an RPG is causing such a stir.

It's not just style or just gameplay mechanics. It's a combination of the two. Which aren't meaningless because more than one person has had no problem describing it in this thread.

And yeah, WRPG fits King's Field to a "T", despite it having Japanese origins. It's like an updated version of Wizardry or an old D&D game. Like I said earlier in this discussion, it's more a mechanics and style thing than it is a country of origin thing.

They are well-defined and classified sub-genres (that multiple people in this thread have now shown can easily be separated).

More than one person has explained why they're silly to have in the first place. Mechanics and style can only do so much to make a point when, instead, it's more effective to put them in one genre. They aren't as well-defined as people would like to think. In other word, people see a J in front of RPG and they think Japanese origins, publishers, developers, etc. People see a W in front of "RPG" and they think Western origins, publishers, developers, etc. It's misleading.

To say they are the same would be like saying there's no difference between slasher movies and zombies movies, it's all horror. No, there's a difference. They may both be horror, but they both have discernible differences that can classify them into sub-genres; same as JRPG or WRPG.

Wouldn't it be more effective to say that Movie 1 is a horror flick with zombies that do such n' such, and Movie 2 is a movie with a maniac that does such n' such?

Those aren't even the only two sub-genres of RPGs. We also have action-RPGs, strategy-RPGs, dungeon-crawlers, and Rogue-like RPGs.

That's describing their blueprint and not the same thing as using a J or a W before the acronym. I use strategy-RPG or tactical-RPG to describe something like Valkyria Chronicles, X-Com, Ogre Battle, etc. All are very different games, but they're strategy based. I use action-RPG to describe something like Alundra 2, Alpha Protocol, or Demon's Souls. All are very different games, but they're action based. I use rouge-like to describe anything from the original Rouge to a modern day rouge-like or rouge-lite such as Shiren or Sorcery Saga. All are very different games, but they utilize the random level generation and brutal difficulty.

I have zero need to attach either J or W.

It's not like it's some negative label or something, either. It's just an easier way to narrow-down and identify what types of games you are playing when you're talking about them.

I mean, if you think that way then you're an anomaly. The seemingly constant arguments of J vs. W, the stigma that comes attached with both letters, the way certain franchises have tried to mimic others, and the divide caused among RPG fans using the above popular categorizations is damaging.


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Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2018, 06:31:08 pm »
No, it's not easier to describe a subgenre than it is to simply have a name for it.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2018, 09:27:39 pm »
I personally think describing a subgenre with same mechanics such as "action rpg" or tactical makes it easier to identify compared to "this is a jrpg".   :D


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2018, 12:15:47 am »
Yeah, it'd be SO weird and inconvienient to name it after its content rather than its origin..yknow, like how we name every other game genre.

For the comparison brought up, would we call a slasher movie "a japanse horror movie" and a zombie movie "an american horror movie" ? Obviously not, because that'd be stupid, make no sense, and would confuse loads of people

« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 12:18:55 am by cirno »


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2018, 06:45:12 am »
This is exactly the kind of discussion I hoped to see when I made this topic. :) Just shows how vastly different people's opinions are ragarding just one aspect of of video games (out of many).


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2018, 09:56:47 am »
This is exactly the kind of discussion I hoped to see when I made this topic. :) Just shows how vastly different people's opinions are ragarding just one aspect of of video games (out of many).

You're welcome.

There are other ones on here that would lead to discussion; I'm surprised the way I label my favorite genre is the one that caused the most.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2018, 03:25:16 pm »
How about instead of arguing, we bridge our differences with something we can all agree on.

PlayStation is the best gaming platform, discuss.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2018, 04:15:09 pm »
Eh, once you've played one playstation you've played em all

I know why people dislike Nintendo's tendency to use gimmicks of varying quality but I like how one of their consoles is distinguishable from the other in features


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Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2018, 07:29:58 pm »
Legacy of Kain series, is full of plotholes. and i doubt anyone can explain what the plot in IRL

Conker's Bad Fur Day, was not a funny game.

the 2D cinematic platformer Oddworld games are beyond frustrating.

Journey, and other thatgamecompany games are boring as hell. they're just trying to ride off Fumito Ueda's early success from ICO

i played Super Mario Odyssey at a kiosk, was bored playing it. and i wouldn't bother collecting all those moons.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 04:05:52 pm by thefr0zenanus »


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2018, 09:16:21 pm »
Eh, once you've played one playstation you've played em all

I know why people dislike Nintendo's tendency to use gimmicks of varying quality but I like how one of their consoles is distinguishable from the other in features

Uh oh, no-one was supposed to take the bait
Whatever happens from here I take full responsibility for
Although I don't think an argument can come from your reply but this is the internet so y'know run and hide the forum is lost

the 2D cinematic platformer Oddworld games are beyond frustrating.

I never used to be able to understand why people say this because I grew up with Abe's Exoddus and can pretty much walk right through the game because of it, but then I went back and played Oddysee again more recently which I'm much less familiar with and got my ass handed to me. Quiksave must have felt like a godsend to people moving in to Exoddus from the first game.
I think Exoddus is definitely less frustrating than Oddysee either way though.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2018, 09:33:51 pm »
EDIT: Removed brainfart typed at 2am.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 05:01:54 am by shfan »


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2018, 09:57:13 pm »

the 2D cinematic platformer Oddworld games are beyond frustrating.

Does anyone who ever play Abe's Oddysee for the PC know exactly what the fart button is for?
It was part of the game along with the chanting and taking control of the enemies.

Yea I played Abe's Oddysee It was fun, but You get killed a lot since you have no weapons in that game other then chant and fart.

Farting would wake up the enemies and stop others from following you but that is about all I think it did
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 09:59:00 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2018, 10:46:34 pm »
Does anyone who ever play Abe's Oddysee for the PC know exactly what the fart button is for?

Passwords with the mudokons. In Exoddus you get to use them as a weapon.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2018, 06:00:50 am »
the 2D cinematic platformer Oddworld games are beyond frustrating.
I have to agree a lot. I owned the original game at some point, and absolutely adored the music, sound effects and art direction, but man, playing it was a true excercise in frustration.

I remrember finally fumbling my way out of the factory and then all bets were suddenly off.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #59 on: April 08, 2018, 02:57:28 pm »
Some more:

With the release of Breath of the wild, I've seen a lot of people hailing The Legend Of Zelda NES as the "right" way to make games for the absolutely is not! I'd much rather a game hold my hand than throw me in the dark with no sense of direction

Adding onto that...I like the 3D zelda games? I think it's kind of a shame how much of a bad wrap they get these days.

VR? It's an expensive gimmick full of nothing but tech demos about how cool VR is. Who cares.

Luigi's mansion: Dark Moon was a decent sequel at best. Axing the open world mansion setting in favor of the awful mission system killed what was unique about the game.

I really can't get into Final Fantasy. I've tried multiple times but the somewhat dated and standard rpg setting and the ridicilous amount of games it has prevent from enjoying it