Welcome to April! March was a fairly good month, we saw a new forum upgrade, met some new folks in the community and saw some pretty good growth in the database too.
UsersMarch saw us add 361 new users to the site, this is a little low compared to the average, but the good news is most of them are real people and not dirtball spambots! With the new forum in place, we've upped our watch on Spam and seem to have it under control, for the most part. Quality over quantity, for sure.
- Total Registered Users: 3,764
- New Users: 361
- Daily Average: 12
ItemsThe database still got plenty of loving this month, with 1,000 new items added and 2,524 edits accepted! We broke the 22,000 items mark and were only 8 items away from hitting 23,000. Good work! We also saw a bunch of [EU] titles added this month, thanks to our new friends from across the pond!
- Total Items in Database: 22,992
- New Items: 1,000
- Daily Average: 32
- Edits: 2,524
- Daily Average Edits: 81
CollectionsI thought we had a huge surge in the collection numbers in February, but March trampled on it handily. Users in March added 21,611 items to their collections, bringing our total of collected items up to 134,776. That's pretty amazing.
- Total Items in Collections: 134,776
- Daily Average: 924
- Total Items in Wishlists: 5,883
- Items For Sale/ Trade: 438
That's it for March! Thanks again to everyone for their hard work and obsessive-compulsive disorders.