Author Topic: Are You Ever Considerate Of Other Collectors OR Do You Only Think Of Yourself?  (Read 3573 times)

I have been considerate of others before and it back fired. I've sold games for a very generous price on eBay only to find the next week they're selling it for more  - Since then i've just not bothered.

Well yeah, don't do that! Ebay is not the place to try and offer deals to collectors, the net's too wide- you're going to end up with resellers.

My deal offerings have always been on forums or in-person. I would never have sold my spare NES for half of market value at random, but for a co-worker trying to help her husband set up a game room? The story about catching him looking in the box & giggling the day before they went out to buy games was worth the lost 'profit'. Plus, there's something great about the confusion/gratitude from messaging someone on a forum & offering them a free game(s).

Donating to secondhand stores can be a little hit-or-miss. I've known people who worked in such places, and it's not uncommon to get resellers who literally sit in the building, open to close, to get to every restock cart first & check for good stuff- to the point that the restockers push the cart out the back door & walk away, knowing it's going to get mobbed. At the same time- no guarantee those resellers know what to look for game wise. I once got a tip that a bunch of boxed & loose Atari games had been donated, they'd let me know the day they went out. But that day- I had food poisoning. I couldn't get to the store until the afternoon the day after. Only a handful of loose carts were left... but amongst those was H.E.R.O. for the 2600. Flipping that paid for the rest of the games I bought that day, I'm really amazed no one picked it up!


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Let see I have two copies of Panzer Dragoon Saga for saturn and this is why.A store had a lot of games that thay wouldn't break up believe me I tried to get them to. It was 600.00 and money was tight about 20 games 4 Tomb Raider, 2 Resident Evil, Dark Savior,Doom,Guardian Heroes,2 Mr.Bones,Myst,the above mentioned Panzer Dragon Saga and about 7 other titles I needed and 1 system. I only wanted Guardian Heroes,Dark Savior,Mr. Bones,RE2 to replace my disc only copy and Doom to replace my disc only copy.and the 7 random games plus I figured a back up system would be a good idea. After I did it I was kicking myself because the 12 games I needed and system weren't even worth 600.00 but shortly after that. All those games rose in value I ended up getting one of the best deals ever. Now with that said I dont buy games online I dont sell games online (im very old school)  I dont hord games but sometimes shit happens and I get stuck with extra copies. If a fellow collector I new wanted it I would be happy to hook them up I have done this in the past. I guess im very lazy but I dont feel like shipping games across the country. I would never intentionally buy somthing just to stop someone else from getting it.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 03:50:34 pm by wartoy »

I'm not saying I don't care about other collectors but there are specific instructions in my will to bury me with my game collection.

People who buy things just so others can't have it are a bit nutty  ;D.  They should evaluate their psychological behaviors and probably suffer from clinical sociopathic tendencies.  I think their is clear deviant intent.  Even beyond something a reseller would have.  Because scalpers do have a motive of making money.  Someeone buying something so others can't have it is even beyond that.  I don't think i've seen someone like that. 

If I became filthy rich i'd probably buy like almost every game.  But only because I truly love them and want to read every box and hold every game and see them all come together in stacks.  Not because I wanted to hold them from someone.  :)

I hate people who do that.  I know a lady who is competitive and buys games to flaunt to people as well.  Which is a bit annoying but still not as bad as it being the sole intent because she does enjoy them too. 

Most of the dupes I have are from back in the day when I was heavy into collecting. I knew a lot of people who played games and we would trade our finds.
A lot of other dupes I have were bought off the clearance racks or bins. I wouldn’t call that depriving collectors. I would buy stuff I knew I collected and the hope was to trade it for something down the road that I missed.


The only time I would buy a game or any other collectible for that matter that I already own would be either because it was part of a lot or because the price was so good I couldn’t pass it. With some obvious exceptions, the idea of owning more than one of the same thing just doesn’t fit in my brain. I sell whatever I have multiples of. And this is coming from someone who obsessed in buying as many variant covers of a comicbook as possible.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Ill put it this way...I won''t judge others for their actions too much, but I would never, ever be caught dead being that guy who buys everything on a shelf and prevents anyone from getting it