In my opinion the correct way is Method 2.
"All accessory packs that include a retail game go into the game category (Description notes all contents)." - Such bundles are kind of edition of the game, like special edition etc., so it should go yo the game category. For example here we have three different versions od the "Bass Pro Shops The Strike - Championship Edition (Includes Fishing Rod Peripheral)" [as it is written on the box] for Nintendo Switch. - UK edition - UK / DE edition - US edition
There are three different game bundles, but with the same accessory, so it is logic that it should be in game category in correct region.
Same with bundles with Aim Controller: - Sony PlayStation VR Aim Controller + Farpoint [PL] - Polish edition - Sony PlayStation VR Aim Controller - Farpoint - US edition - Sony PlayStation VR Aim Controller + Firewall: Zero Hour - UK edition - Sony PlayStation VR Aim Controller + Bravo Team - UK edition
Different games and releases, but the same accessory, so they should be in game category, because putting those bundles into accessory category is nonesens since they are the same items.
Also on the market (on-line shops, ebay, amazon etc.) such bundles are in "game" category and "accessory" is for stand alone accessories.
Such bundles (complete with the game and the accessory) should be in "game" category.
"All pack-in games from accesssory packs go into the game/demo category (Description notes which pack(s) the game came in)" - It is the game alone, like somebody can have only the game without the main bundle box etc., so he can add such entry to his collection.
Same situation with " All individual items (the accessories themselves) from within the accessory pack go into the accessory category as loose items (Description notes which pack(s) the item came in)" - Somebody can add it if he has only the peripheral form the bundle, like many people have only the Zapper for NES. If somebody has only the accessory and not the game, then he will add the accessory to his collection, not the whole bundle
Our goal is to be the biggest database about electronic entertainment, so it should be also the most detailed database for real hardcore collectors. What makes our database different from the others is that if there in no such entry existed, then you can add it. So there can be at least three entries for one bundle: one for the whole bundle; one for the game only and one for the accessory only.
In such case everybody can add that entry to their collection which exactly corresponds with the stuff they have.
So, that is why I think that Method 2 is the good choice

Quote from: tripredacus on January 08, 2019, 10:46:08 am
Anytime this discussion comes up, there always seems to be some quick decision on which way it should be. For example, it would be irresponsible for us to adopt Method 2 and then not create all of the item entries in the Accessory category. This method cannot be chosen just to put accessory packs into the game category and be done with it.
I will try to fix it. No problem for me.