Firstly, one of those Fallout Season Pass listings need to be deleted... specifically the one listed as an Original Xbox game.
Personally, I throw away those cards after I use them, so I would add the digital title to my collection. So for Portal, I would add Portal to my Steam category. For Child of Light, I would add Child of Light to my PSN (PS4) and PSN (PS3) collections. The box itself with the swag I would add to the Swag category as we have done for other games like this. The Season Pass for Fallout isn't a game any way you look at it, it is DLC, I've seen DLC listings on the site, so I'd list it the same as a digital X1 game XbOne Store blah blah blah.
If you are actually interested in collecting the little PoS cards, then I guess go ahead, but it definitely goes under Swag, it isn't a game and doesn't represent a game. It isn't reasonable for it to be under the physical game category and it isn't reasonable for it to be under the digital category.