iZBOT Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Also on Platforms: PC - Digital
Genre: Action
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Release Date: September 1 2015
Description: iZBOT is fast paced, double jumping, wall sliding, edge of your seat platformer that delivers delicious bite sized challenging platforming levels while always keeping you in the action.
Box Text: Set in the not too distant future, robots have finally overcome the tyranny of human enslavement. A peaceful robot existence is now at threat from a mysterious organic invasion that has been spotted within the city. It's up to our hero, iZBOT to rid the lands of the dirty, unpredictable organic infestation.

Our plucky little robot manages to blend the rage induced controller throwing with the perfect amount of level beating satisfaction. You’ll need to employ advanced death avoidance techniques to master the game and defeat the organic's evil (and somewhat annoying) leader Bedlor.

iZBOT features:

No ice or underwater levels.
Fast paced precision platforming.
Wall slides and double jumps.
Small bite sized levels to keep that carrot nice and close.
Fusing old school looks with new school controls.
Chiptune tracks featuring the awesome RoccoW.
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01-02-2017 reckoning Created

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