Skyblazer Box Art
Skyblazer Box Art
Skyblazer Box Art



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Estimated Value: $73.69 [via]
Alt-Name Karuraou (JP)
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Sony Imagesoft
Developer(s): Ukiyotei
Platform: Super Nintendo [NA]
Also on Platforms: SNES [EU]
Genre: Platformer
Rating: None
Item Number: SNS-LZ
Barcode: 090451306073
Release Date: January 1994
Description: NA
Box Text: Ashura, Lord of War, has conquered the Realm and only SkyBlazer has the power to save the world from eternal evil. As SkyBlazer, son of the great sorcerer Sky Lord, you have the incredible ability to transform yourself into many different super beings and summon the powers of nature at will. Experience revolutionary action with perilous journeys over many strange and other-worldly lands, where water spouts stand like towers, sands shift like oceans, and enemies leap down from trees and rise from molten lava. The awesome collection of diabolical bosses can only be defeated by tapping SkyBlazer's amazing strength and resources, like the Comet Flash and Fiery Phoenix. You'll battle on land, soar high up into the clouds, swim through underwater caverns, explore bizarre ruins, and climb sheer cliffs, as you travel from the Gateway of Eternal Storms to the Tower of the Tarolisk. Then face the ultimate challenge of defeating Ashura. The world's fate is in your hands.
Date User Field Value
08-15-2017 shepard11 Box Text Ashura, Lord of War, has conquered the Realm and only SkyBlazer has the power to save the world from eternal evil. As SkyBlazer, son of the great sorcerer Sky Lord, you have the incredible ability to transform yourself into many different super beings and summon the powers of nature at will. Experience revolutionary action with perilous journeys over many strange and other-worldly lands, where water spouts stand like towers, sands shift like oceans, and enemies leap down from trees and rise from molten lava. The awesome collection of diabolical bosses can only be defeated by tapping SkyBlazer's amazing strength and resources, like the Comet Flash and Fiery Phoenix. You'll battle on land, soar high up into the clouds, swim through underwater caverns, explore bizarre ruins, and climb sheer cliffs, as you travel from the Gateway of Eternal Storms to the Tower of the Tarolisk. Then face the ultimate challenge of defeating Ashura. The world's fate is in your hands.
05-15-2017 shepard11 Back Box Art new
02-08-2016 silverbow Barcode 090451306073
10-28-2013 mark1982 Front Box Art new
11-12-2012 darko Release Date - Day 0
11-12-2012 darko Alt-Name Karuraou (JP)
11-08-2012 darko Cart/Disc/Media Art new
08-11-2011 darko Front Box Art new
08-11-2011 darko Item Number SNS-LZ
08-11-2011 darko Rating 9
08-11-2011 darko Genre 17
NA NA Created

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