Storm Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Also on Platforms: Amstrad CPC Atari XL C16 C64 [NA] Dragon 32 MSX [EU] PC [EU] Xbox 360 Digital [NA] ZX Spectrum
Genre: Simulation
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Release Date: June 27 2013
Description: NA
Box Text: Take a deep breath and prepare for a tranquil journey through the seasons with Storm, an atmospheric, ethereal experience where you use natural phenomena to guide a simple seed to fertile soil so it can take root and spring to life.

Embrace the subtleties and strengths of nature to move a broken branch, fill a small pond or make snow fall to solve puzzles and create natural paths. Take your time and explore nature's nooks or simply enjoy the ambiance as you float, blow and bounce a seed to the perfect place to take root. Relax and enjoy Adventure, Challenge or Spirit modes, each set in gorgeous environments and enhanced by soothing, nature-inspired soundscapes.
Date User Field Value
04-27-2017 saddack Created

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