Voxel Tycoon Box Art


Voxel Tycoon

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Genre: Simulation
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Release Date: April 15 2021
Description: Steam Early Access release on 15 April 2021.
Box Text: Voxel Tycoon — a management sim set in the infinite voxel world. Mine resources and process them into goods on your custom factories. Set up supply chains and passenger routes with a huge fleet of trains, trucks, and buses, and turn small cities into prosperous megapolises with a thriving economy!
Date User Field Value
04-21-2021 sharanden Front Box Art new
04-21-2021 sharanden Description Steam Early Access release on 15 April 2021.
04-21-2021 sharanden Box Text Voxel Tycoon — a management sim set in the infinite voxel world. Mine resources and process them into goods on your custom factories. Set up supply chains and passenger routes with a huge fleet of trains, trucks, and buses, and turn small cities into prosperous megapolises with a thriving economy!
04-21-2021 sharanden Release Date - Year 2021
04-21-2021 sharanden Release Date - Day 15
04-21-2021 sharanden Release Date - Month 4
04-21-2021 sharanden Release Type 0
02-26-2019 sharanden Release Date - Year 2019
06-30-2018 sharanden Created

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