Persistence, The Box Art


Persistence, The

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [EU] PSN (PS4) [EU] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch [EU] Switch [NA] Xbox One [NA]
Genre: NA
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: CUSA-07643
Release Date: July 24 2018
Description: NA
Box Text: Can you survive The Persistence?

Caught in the inexorable pull of a black hole, and with the crew mutated into horrific & murderous aberrations, it’s down to you, a clone of security office Zimri Eder, to save the ship and make the jump back to earth.

A brutal VR sci-fi-stealth, horror, roguelike featuring dozens of upgradable gear & weapons that may just be enough to keep you alive long enough to survive The Persistence.
Date User Field Value
01-01-2022 dhaabi Description
01-01-2022 dhaabi Box Text Can you survive The Persistence? Caught in the inexorable pull of a black hole, and with the crew mutated into horrific & murderous aberrations, it’s down to you, a clone of security office Zimri Eder, to save the ship and make the jump back to earth. A brutal VR sci-fi-stealth, horror, roguelike featuring dozens of upgradable gear & weapons that may just be enough to keep you alive long enough to survive The Persistence.
01-01-2022 bigbossman Item Number CUSA-07643
09-09-2018 jjfly Name Persistence, The
08-01-2018 mhmsodoi Created

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