Persistence, The Box Art


Persistence, The

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Also on Platforms: PS4 [EU] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Switch eShop [EU] Switch [EU] Switch [NA] Xbox One [NA]
Genre: Survival Horror
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Release Date: May 21 2020
Description: NA
Box Text: Survive aboard a doomed deep space colony starship, overrun with horrific and murderous aberrations. Explore, evade and fight your way through the depths to bring the ship back to Earth. Gather resources, upgrade abilities and fabricate an arsenal of weapons in this sci-fi horror roguelite.
Date User Field Value
02-15-2022 spiffyduck Created

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