Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late:clr Box Art


Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late:clr

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Aksys Games
Developer(s): Ecole Software
Platform: PlayStation 4 [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [JP] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch [EU] Switch [JP] Switch [NA]
Genre: Fighting
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: 2105372
Barcode: 853736006835
Release Date: February 20 2020
Description: NA

Control a Deeper, Darker Fighting Experience from the Makers of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue.
21 characters, including the all-new Londrekia!
Online, arcade, story, and training modes!
12,000 stunning frames of animation!
Date User Field Value
11-07-2024 dhaabi Name Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late:clr
01-30-2024 dhaabi Name Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]
01-02-2024 dhaabi Name Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late:cl-r
06-17-2021 Flashback2012 Barcode 853736006835
06-17-2021 Flashback2012 Item Number 2105372
12-02-2020 masamune Box Text RULE THE NIGHT! Control a Deeper, Darker Fighting Experience from the Makers of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. 21 characters, including the all-new Londrekia! Online, arcade, story, and training modes! 12,000 stunning frames of animation!
11-07-2019 afroyoshi Created

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