Spheroids Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Eclipse Games
Developer(s): Eclipse Games
Platform: Steam
Also on Platforms: PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (Vita) [EU] Wii U eShop [EU] Wii U eShop [NA]
Genre: Platformer
Rating: None
Item Number: NA
Release Date: February 10 2017
Description: NA
Box Text: In Spheroids you take control of Lucas, a jumpy Canadian boy who sets out on an adventure with his crazy scientist companion Otto after it's discovered that the government has been hiding alternative universes from the cubic world they live in. Unfortunately, these alternative universes contain spheres that wish to turn everything round, so it's up to Lucas to save the world from these dangerous aliens: the Spheroids.

Throughout Spheroids 32 levels, you'll encounter many different environments, with multiple hazards to avoid and enemies to destroy. Items such as the Modified-Drilling-Hook Otto lends Lucas will help you traverse the environment with ease, with many more to find throughout.
Date User Field Value
04-25-2020 vollkornschaf Created

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