Spirit of the North Box Art


Spirit of the North

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]
Also on Platforms: Epic PC - Digital PS4 [EU] PS4 [NA] Steam Switch eShop [NA] Switch [EU] Switch [NA]
Genre: Adventure
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: CUSA-13411
Release Date: November 1 2019
Description: NA
Box Text: Spirit of the North is a single-player 3rd-person adventure game inspired by the breathtaking and mysterious landscapes of Iceland. The story takes root from various pieces of Nordic folklore. The game is unique in that it purposefully has no dialog or narrative. Players must breathe in their surroundings to solve various puzzles and speculate the meaning of a lost ancient civilization. Play as an ordinary red fox who’s story becomes entwined with the guardian of the Northern Lights, a female spirit fox. As you journey over the mountains and under red-stained skies, you’ll discover more about your companion and land left in ruin.
Date User Field Value
05-09-2020 empovyle Created

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