
Spirit of the North

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Merge Games
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo Switch [NA]
Also on Platforms: Epic PC - Digital PS4 [EU] PS4 [NA] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam Switch eShop [NA] Switch [EU]
Genre: Adventure
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: HAC P AXF7A
Barcode: 819335020771
Release Date: May 7 2020
Description: packaging text in English, French

• interior cover artwork
• game cartridge item number: LA-H-AXF7A-USA
Box Text: Awaken... Begin a quiet journey of discovery and companionship after rousing the slumbering Spirit of the North.

Spirit of the North is a single-player 3rd-person adventure game inspired by the breathtaking and mysterious landscapes of Iceland.

Not compatible with Nintendo Switch Lite.

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller compatible
Date User Field Value
11-16-2023 silverbow Back Box Art new
11-16-2023 silverbow Description packaging text in English, French includes: • interior cover artwork • game cartridge item number: LA-H-AXF7A-USA
11-16-2023 silverbow Box Text Awaken... Begin a quiet journey of discovery and companionship after rousing the slumbering Spirit of the North. Spirit of the North is a single-player 3rd-person adventure game inspired by the breathtaking and mysterious landscapes of Iceland. Not compatible with Nintendo Switch Lite. Nintendo Switch Pro Controller compatible MADE IN JAPAN
11-16-2023 silverbow Item Number HAC P AXF7A
08-10-2020 dagazconcept Barcode 819335020771
07-26-2020 juanblue85 Created

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blastdude Message
castlevaniaguy86 Message
dagazconcept Message
gumity Message
jmil8502 Message
juanblue85 Message
nickawesome Message
pocketkuri Message
silverbow Message
wartoy Message

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aviananalyst Message
azreth Message
ganondoom Message
judas4ia Message
markcuskris Message
pracmakesperf Message
ringwraith10 Message
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