Starscape Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Moonpod
Developer(s): Moonpod
Platform: Steam
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up
Rating: None
Item Number: 20700
Release Date: November 3 2008
Description: NA
Box Text: Moonpod's Starscape mixes old school arcade game play values with characterization and an involving plot to deepen the whole experience. With most of its crew missing and its weapons systems ruined, the space research station Aegis is all but lost.
Date User Field Value
12-05-2022 nathan776 Box Text Moonpod's Starscape mixes old school arcade game play values with characterization and an involving plot to deepen the whole experience. With most of its crew missing and its weapons systems ruined, the space research station Aegis is all but lost.
12-05-2022 nathan776 Item Number 20700
11-22-2011 foxhack Created

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